VN - Ren'Py - Between Humanity [v0.2.1] [DebatingPanda]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    BH is currently only at version 0.2 and thus a short experience, my review will be short as well.

    As for a summary. We have a “mild” in-medias-res start to the story with our MC having been involved in some type of traffic accident (intentional?), waking up in the hospital where he starts to experience or observe certain oddities right from the start. These include changed personal physiology, vivid dreams/flashbacks, blocked/painful memories, blackouts and strings of suspiciously favorable outcomes, depending on your choices. With barely any worthy family member of his own to rely on, he instead gets unofficially adopted into the household of 2 female classmates and their mom. MC rushes back to school despite the health concerns and ends up suffering for it, not gravely, but learns his lesson. We thus get introduced to most of the characters in this update, with most of them being classmates. Minor events happen at home, there’s a mall shopping trip and birthday celebration with your male friend at a strip club.
    0.2 ends ominously with the reappearance of a character that were with you during the “accident” seen in the flashbacks.

    - Interesting glitch interaction mechanic.
    - I did not notice any grammar mistakes or awkward phrasing of any kind.
    - Very hot gallery reward mechanic that pans up/down and around the girls so you really get to enjoy the character models.
    - Mostly linear progression, the decisions you are given allows you to follow 2 or 3 general pathways, horny, noble and I guess a more mixed one, lets call it cautious.
    - It may feel a little rushed with how fast you are able to get lewd scenes, but they are certainly well crafted. At least it isn’t the relationships that are rushed, you simply get lucky by having the god of porn logic on your side. If you make certain choices things early on, then you aren’t able to make specific ones later on. During my second run there were also a lot of extra details that were revealed due to making different decisions. The game has only been out for 2 versions yet, so I am not certain how it will pan out in terms of a branching narrative.
    - High quality animations for the H scenes. Occasionally also for general events. There’s even dripping lady bits.
    - Well balanced H scenes in terms of the length, amount of dialogue and sound effects. Enticing chemistry between characters as well.
    - You know it is probably a good story and good worldbuilding when you start formulating elaborate story theories based on observations of inconspicuous small details. I have several theories about what happened to MC and why he sees and experiences certain things.

    Mehs and hit/miss:
    - The classic trope of “MC’s big PP” is present once more. Magic PP also applies. Somehow it didn’t annoy me as much as usual. But still enough to be MEH. It’s possible that this will tie in with the plot and thus make sense, beyond this being another AVN with high wish fulfilment levels like most of them.


    - Maybe how extremely advanced technology seems to be for a game that is only 5 years into the future? Unless this is merely a matrix style world illusion, then it kinda breaks suspension of disbelief.
    - During the mall café scene there were 2 soundtracks playing on top of each other. A bit distracting.

    My rating ends at just barely 5, because i am wary of giving a title 5 stars this early in its developement. But the flaws seen are at worst "big nitpicks". Panda seems to have all the key areas of making an AVN under control and at a "good" quality level as the minimum. If there was a 10 point system, BH would be a uncertain 9 rating.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent :love:

    This AVN appears like cute slice of life, but it also contains a bit of mystery and I am all for that :D.

    The atmosphere in mysterious and creepy situations is immaculate, it really kept me engaged and longing for more :D.
    I also liked the fact that it is set in 2029, (but you have few things wrong, the hyperfast train was made in July 2028 and the casualties were horrible... Anyway...)

    ... Wait what ?...

    He he he.

    Seriously though, it wasn´t made until November 2028.


    I really like Lucy and Anya (Lucy more, but don´t tell Anya hi hi hi)
    This AVN is like a diabetic comatose attack waiting. Because my blood sugar skyrocketed through the ceiling throughout the sweetnes and adorablesness I have witnessed xD.

    It is so heartwarming and beautiful to just immerse yourself in this (plus the cameos - CoD = Amy and Clara and Eternum - Annie).

    Music fits the scenes, even more in those mysterious/creepy passages.

    (Just my rant here... But I really hope that you have in store, for this one, some mysterious and perhaps conspiracy like setting/plot or something dangerous in mind, as I believe it adds the depth and extent of the story and would be quite interesting to see unfold).

    ((I already have few headcannons of how this will unveil xD)) :cool: ;)

    But even if you don´t aim in this direction with this AVN, it is still so much enjoyable and endearing to play.

    :love: Thank you DebatingPanda for your work and good luck in future. (y)

    Oh, almost forgot... This also has some of the most realistic and cute animations - Anya eating donuts, spinning Lucy in clothing shop and us MC falling in train on Lucy and such... It´s just so damn cute :love:
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I played through v0.2.0 in an evening. It is a fun, well-crafted harem game, and the dev looks to be laying the foundation for an intriguing story.

    Pros include slick animations, sexy color-coded HS girls, some appropriate sound-effects, and a straight-forward progression path.

    It has a CC elevator-music track, which does not add a lot of value, but is pretty innocuous.

    I didn’t note any cons.

    It is a little early to award it five stars yet, but I am comfortable giving it a four-star (good) rating now. I will revisit this after further updates, and am hopeful this ends up being a great game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    review for v0.2.0.

    wasn't expecting peak, but that's what i got.
    loved all the girls, loved the glitchy shit, mc a fun boi, even the bro is a nice bro.
    scenes pretty good, good writing and kinda funny.
    stat page at the end of chapie is pretty cool.
    gonna need more soon, plz.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    ngl, this might be the best VN i've ever played, I think routes would be nice as being just with lucy would be cool, or just anya but how cute the characters are and how each person has their own little thing about them that makes them unique but just amazing so far
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Very interesting story, and really well developped characters
    Graphics are nice, sexual scenes are good
    I really love that each character have their own strong persona and also all the funny references here and there
    I really enjoy my time so far 0.2
    Hope for more like this !
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This review is for version 2.0.

    The game is excellent so far and has already become one of my favourite avns.

    The story has a creepy mystery/suspense feel to it with solid pacing. The sex scenes are pure gold and the Lis are sexy and interesting with touching character moments.

    I look forward to seeing more.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    characters : 10/10 goth girls? nurse with "normal outfit" im sold
    story : 9/10 build up story looks great, school setting also make it like "i am the real mc" vibes but with additional harem stuff

    no mini games is also a plus for me, keep up the good work!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm going to evaluate it because this one deserves it, I looked for flaws to point out here, but honestly I didn't find any, the other reviews here have already commented well on the game.

    It's still too early to comment on the story or the mystery, so I'm just going to comment on what everyone wants to know:
    • Good renders. (The renders from the beginning are already good, but I feel they are even better in v.0.2.0)
    • Beautiful models, all of them, and those introduced in v.0.2.0 are even better.
    • Great animations, there is little sex so far, but there are several animations in addition to the sex scenes, and the animations are not exaggerated or forced, they stay in the background and make the game more interesting. The animations are definitely the strongest point of this game.

    I recommend the game, I feel like everything is just right.
  10. 5.00 star(s)



    Story: 10/10
    The story is very interesting with excellent writing and plenty of mystery. Waking up in the hospital after an accident only to discover there's more to it, and realizing you weren't alone at the time of the accident. also, the MC experiences some changes too after the accident. I'm excited to see where it leads.

    Character personalities: 10/10
    Each character has a unique personality, which I find refreshing. Unlike many games where characters may look different but act similarly, here, each one feels unique and well-developed. My favorite character so far is Lucy. as for the MC he seems a bit ordinary for now, but something definitely happened to him after the accident. We'll see how the MC develops.

    Character Designs: 8.5/10
    The character designs are top-notch. The high-quality rendering in Honey Select 2 showcases the effort put into making each character stand out. It's clear that the developer, DebatingPanda, went beyond basic models to create something truly special. However, the reason why it's 8.5/10 is that some characters, like Chloe, could use some improvements, this is only my opinion, but overall, it has great characters designs

    Animations and Scenes: 10/10
    Probably, most of you skipped to that part wondering about the amount of content and scenes in the game. The animations are pretty solid. It's clear that DebatingPanda started creating the game after gaining some experience with Honey Select 2, making a good impression with the initial release. There are 4 or 5 sex scenes, depending on how you see it. Players who don't enjoy lesbian scenes, for example, can turn them off and replace them with alternative scenes. Each scene offers a variety of positions and animations.

    TL;DR: The game has a decent amount of content, and it shows great potential, I highly recommend "Between Humanity".
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    For what's there does feel above average however the story does need more time in the oven to cook. However what is there so far in terms of the story is interesting and makes me look forward to what's to come. I see this one having potential in the story department which is saying something since it has the harem tag and usually the story is the worst part of those.

    So far don't really dislike any characters but the ones I do like I love them so far they are just great and cute whenever they appear. Animations seem great as well.

    The only negative I have so far is there is a dream sex scene and im not a fan of those personally.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Normally it would feel premature to rate a game this early on in development. But it's pretty easy to tell this game is gonna be a hit.
    Already got fantastic production quality, sound design, animations, environments, characters, renders and animation all look great.
    So far the plot is truly fascinating, I'm already drawn in and waiting to see where it goes next.
    The characters also seem varied and unique and i hope this quality holds in future updates.
    Great work so far Dev, can't wait to see what happens next.

    P.S. (Spoilers) I will say that all the Naomi scenes so far give me very uncomfortable PTSD flashbacks to a certain other game where a nurse comes on to you (IYKYK), REALLY hope this plot doesn't go like that one haha
  13. 5.00 star(s)



    Ok, so I have been delaying this review for a long time now. I love this game so I wanted to write a properly love letter but never found the time for it and now I feel like just a 5* will already be helpful in those early stages.
    BH is a really great game. It already looks fantastic in it early stages and the number of possible LIs already look promising (especially the milf and the teacher, im dying to see their content lol)
    The story looks promising so far and even tho its only chapter 1 so far, I have already replayed this game 3 times. Just because its whole atmosphere is so chilling and I like the cast of ppl so far.
    The dev is also really chill. Normally im not so active anymore on discord servers, but his is an exception. Its usually fun.

    I like this game so much, I tried to help the Dev with translation, but had to unfortunately abandon that project due to time issues...

    So yea. This game has great potential and im looking forward to the future of this hidden gem.


    Btw Did I already mention the milf and the teacher are hot af? Damn...

    Edit f. v0.2.0
    It was 3am when I decided to play the new update. I was really tired and didnt had any brain capacity anymore to read anything. So I decided to skip through it, with occasional pauses for Jane and Claire huehue.
    So anyways.. that was a MASSIVE update. So many things happened. A lot of wholesome and naughty stuff. The ending of ch2 was also "whoa, for real?"
    Im a bit confused about Naomi the nurse because I keep losing affection points with her (1/6 haha) but whatever.
    Im a bit surprised about new female characters who are getting some fun and its also the first time that I also enjoyed some action with robots/androids Normally Im not fond of those, but Panda managed to make her look hot and cute, it was interesting.

    It definitely was a great experience this update and Im really REALLY excited to see what our dear Dev will have in the future for us. (Claire and Jane content highly demanded *cough cough*)

    Also as I said before I kinda ctrled through most of the things, but it still took me freaking 30+mins to get through this update, haha.
    I cant wait to play through this chapter properly in the next few days.
    Thank you very much for this bless!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I have now Idea how this game has not blown up yet to me its pretty good so far i like the story the characters the interactions the world and well overall i had a blast playing this hopefully you working on this DP its Really good
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't usually rate a game in early stage, but I think this is deserved here. And if it can help to help this game get the attention it deserves I do it with pleasure. Impresssive first version, with quite a lot of content and more than anything a story that seems solid. Can't wait to see the next update (but i'll have too T_T)

    Keep the good work!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Hidden gem which I accidently stumbled. MC looks good, act bit perv for my taste but still goo. LIs are interesting and look great.

    Content wise there is only 1 chapter unfortunately. So its gonna take while before there will be enough content. Lot of mystery is going on in story, Would be interesting to see where it will go. Sad that this game cannot be sold on steam..
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is something special.
    If this game continues the way it's going it's an easy hall of famer.

    A certain scene in the classroom gave me actual goosebumps it was just
    executed so well.

    Very high production quality. Very good writing this far. Every character feels unique and insanely loveable. The character designs are as if i've comissioned them myself. Really adore all the character choices.

    Dom/submission focus is great. Transparent stats at end of chapter is a great touch. Only negative is that it's so amazing the wait for content is going to hurt.

    Also personally I'd love some moaning during sex scenes, only thing keeping the game from hitting all my personal spots.

    Thank you so much developer, so excited for the future of your games. Good luck!
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    (Disclaimer: Review is for Version 0.1.5 and is subject to change upon game's final release)

    This...THIS is how you actually make a game that feels inspired by a certain popular game. You take some of the elements, you give it your absolute time and effort, and you make it stand on its own as a story that feels familiar but a whole lot different and unique at the same time.

    Not to mention there's a lot of good stuff here. The renders are gorgeous, the story is intriguing enough, the cast is decent and has some potential, and there's at least some meat to beat your "meat" with...if you know what I mean.

    One criticism I have however is that story's currently on the short side so anyone expecting longer (or have a faster reading speed like mine) might want to wait for further updates before diving in. Another is that the main character is a bit too "normal" when you compare him to the design of the rest of the cast. Overall though, this one certainly has potential and I want to see where it's headed.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    TL;DR = nice romance game with some mystery drama involved.

    Story: 5/5
    + MC wakes up in a hospital and he has partial amnesia. He doesnt remember what he was doing in last few days. His female childhood friend is worried about him and she asks him to move into her house. There he will live with her and her twin sister and mother.
    + Romance plot line is full of typical tropes. It is nothing extraordinary, but it has good vibes. Childhood friend is sweet girl who has crush on MC. Her twin sister is a mischievous daredevil. Their mom is sexually frustrated MILF. Etc.
    + But things will start to complicate when MC start remembering his memories. (I wont spoil the mystery and drama). It twists story in an interesting way. This isnt some typical romance game.

    Art and Sex stuff: 4/5
    + Girls are hot.
    + Renders are good.
    + Sex scenes are good.
    - Sadly the game is still in early development and there isnt much sex content.

    Gameplay: 4/5
    + This is typical VN with choices.
    + Choices has some impact on the game. But they mostly influence whether the girls will like you. You can also choose whom you are gonna pursue.
    + Game has decent soundtrack.
    + English is good.
    - Only downside of the game is the fact, that this game is still in early development and doesnt have much content.

    To sum it up:
    I really enjoyed this game. Although the game is short, I have liked what have I seen.
    I will recommend this. Maybe you can check this game after there is new update and more content.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.1.5

    Easily one of the better starts of the newer games I've checked out lately. One of those times you can tell there's just a lot of effort going into the game. Great environments and renders, the character models look good, its got music and sound, and the animations are nice enough thus far. It's got that quality feel to it.

    The current version serves as a good introduction to some of the characters so far. We don't really get a lot of any girl in particular, but instead are kinda introduced to a blend of girls with just enough to get a good feel for each of their characters. They're all pretty cute so far, and more or less feel varied enough in personality to stand out from each other. The twins dynamic is fun, drunk single mother is hot, and the rest of them have my interest in one way or another.

    I'm not one for amnesia plots, but I'm not really sure this would even be called that? We suffer from an accident that clearly has a bit more to it than just being an "accident," and a girl we were with seems to be missing both in reality and in our memory. Seems like we gotta find her. I'm intrigued enough, but I'd like to know more about her connection with the MC before I become invested in finding her if that makes sense.

    One thing the overview talks about is how humanity is bordering on this dystopia, and you get little snippets in game about how advanced technology has become. I'll say I don't think that aspect gets very good representation thus far. Truthfully probably wouldn't have guessed if I didn't read it in the overview. The world feels strangely modern when you think about all the advanced tech it has. I guess it's small in the grand scheme of things, but feedback is feedback.

    There's one thing actually bothering me a bit however: the MC's dialogue. I'm not completely clicking with him. I think if I didn't have to read about half of his current inner monologue my life would be better for it. Not sure how many more cheesy lines followed by "he he" I can take before I cave my own skull in. It's like he's trying to be quirky? Humorous? Every once in awhile I read a line that makes me cringe and then I started to wish he just talked less. I also don't need a game telling me these characters I'm looking at are hot. I have eyes man. Though the pervy comments aren't nearly as egregious as other games to be fair.

    Besides that the game is good so far. I'm a fan of lesbian stuff so that bathroom scene hit, the plot has me intrigued enough, and the girls are cute. I wouldn't necessarily say I'm hooked yet, but I'm definitely going to play this again when it gets some updates. Hopefully this establishes itself into something solid.