VN - Ren'Py - Between Worlds [v0.1.7 PII] [RolePlayer]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Holy shit did this game exceed my expectations. I gotta say I was kinda excited to play it. But after reaching half way in I was surprised by how hot the scenes were. Definitely gotta keep playing it and I'm sure it will be one of the best NTR games out there. The only bad thing is that sometimes there is errors in some renders in the clothes but that's easily fixable in the future.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty average delivery.

    Scenes/narrative jumps all over the place, transitions are just too abrupt. Story and writing feels the same. It feels rushed, not connecting what happens in a moment to what comes after.

    Renders are ok, but the scenario use a few assets that doesn't really fit. But this is just nitpicking now.

    The few animations are pretty basic. Sometimes you can see it resetting to the starting position of some bone.

    MC is not a good character for the harem/vanilla path, you don't really have choices that make sense in that way. He is too passive and looks weak. For the share/NTR route he fits way better.

    But what bothered me the most is how things progress. They do not feel natural, specially in the harem/vanilla route (the one which I read the most).
    NTR/share, which I just skipped most, at least fits a bit better since I wasn't looking for immersion. And that's where the writing misses the mark the worst, in my opinion. It feels really hard to care for anything, since it feels kinda bland.

    It kinda does have an interesting core of a story, but the world building, character development and the sense of progression just lack depth. And since this doesn't really get points with animations, it is at most in the average area right now.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    v0.1.7 P1
    - Amazing girls (mainly the main LI)
    - Amazing scenes (Netorase and NTR)
    - Way above average story line

    - Too many girls
    - Forced sex scenes

    The new bandit chick feels totally unnecessary. We already have a lot of girls, so adding another one only slows things down.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The tl;dr is that this games an illusion of choice. You don't get to decide the MC's personality, so he is an aloof goofball. Also, some scenes and how they play out are unavoidable. There's light BDSM scenes, oral scenes, light-ntr scenes (your girlfriend dancing on a tavern table for a dunch of drunk men) and light exhibitionism scenes (girlfriend naked in public spots). All are unavoidable. You have "choices" in pushing the girls to be more exhibistionist or to cuck you, and even if you keep saying no you don't want that shit, it keeps pushing it on you. This game is clearly heavily NTR/Exhibitionism focused and you have the illusion of choice in that regard. Not interested? Too bad, the scenes will keep popping up and showing you shit that you don't want to see. It feels like a kid constantly reaching for candy and you have to keep slapping their hand away. Really annoying and bullshitty. Aside from that, the writing also is not very good and there are scenes that jump around such as "The next day..." and they just transition randomly. The girls also look good, but they all look the same. Same body type, same boob size, same skin colors etc. Oh also, you have to fuck a girl who has light femdom vibes and you don't get a say in that either of course. Overall, just a massive lie and an illusion of choice. There's really nothing here that constitutes you playing it over many other games in the genre that do it much better, pass it unless you are running out of options.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This update was absolutely perfect. It became one of my best games with this update. The choices direct the story very well and it is one of my favorite events in this game. The characters are very hot and beautiful. Please continue to improve the game, boss!
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Again a Novel that gives the illusion of choice, then forces everything anyway.
    It starts good with a fun banter, lots of teasing and choices leading either to NTR- or exclusive situations.
    As usual in these split- path games the scenes where Antagonists come close to the LIs are to close to comfort for non-NTR players, but still tame enough to enjoy the game overall.
    With introduction of more "family" the story starts to force several sex scenes on you, ruining the overall setting and losing all meaning to play further.
    Graphics are fine, some LIs are quite beautiful, the MC is rather ugly, which seems fitting for the NTR- branch.
    The story itself gets unhinged rather quickly, although it presents some exciting moments and a hint of character development of the MC.
    With a proper rework and reinstalling player choices this could become a good experience.
    But as is this should be avoided.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for V0.1.6 P3
    "Between Worlds" attempts to draw players into its universe with a mix of events and interactions. However, it struggles to present a coherent and engaging narrative. The story in "Between Worlds" starts off kinda interesting but quickly becomes confusing. Events occur without clear explanations, making it difficult to follow any central plot. It feels more like a series of random occurrences loosely stitched together rather than a well-crafted storyline.

    The characters in "Between Worlds" are okay but not particularly complex. Their interactions lack depth, which is likely exacerbated by the fragmented storyline. The dialogue fails to captivate, contributing to a general sense of detachment from the characters.

    For those seeking intricate and well-developed romantic subplots, "Between Worlds" will disappoint. The romance here is straightforward and lacks complexity. It’s easy to initiate and progress relationships, but this simplicity leaves much to be desired in terms of emotional investment and realism.

    Visually, "Between Worlds" offers slightly above average graphics. While not outright bad, they fail to stand out. Many of the backgrounds though are underwhelming and lack detail, which detracts from the overall visual experience.

    One of the more irritating aspects of "Between Worlds" is the presence of single choice options. These moments where there is apparantly a decision to be made, yet only one selectable option, disrupt the flow and feel pointless. They add unnecessary clicks without contributing to player agency or narrative depth.

    In summary, "Between Worlds" struggles to present a cohesive and engaging experience. With a disjointed story, unremarkable characters, simplistic romance, average graphics, it fails to leave a lasting impression. The presence of single choice options adds to the frustration, making it a game that may not satisfy those looking for a well-rounded and immersive narrative adventure.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Played: 0.1.6 (Part III)
    Time Played: Around 3 hours, reached end of content
    Gallery mode: Yes (via mod)

    As much as I love adult games, one thing I often find lacking in them is eroticism. While there is a seemingly endless amount of content and kinks via several graphical and gameplay outlets, finding a game that goes any degree beyond mere sex actually strikes me as rare. Most men (myself included) generally receive stimulation from the visual, so this isn't a huge issue especially when coupled with bare a minimum story and decent characterizations, but to get to the next level, the situations and writing need to be erotic as well. As this lead-in may suggest, Between Worlds has just that eroticism and it has it in spades.

    + Really beautiful LIs with great renders
    + Great characterizations of both LIs and incidental characters
    + Multiple paths to take including classic, holy harem to deviant, diabolical sharing
    + Bush!

    - Story, while present is kind of ho-hum at this stage and I honestly feel like it will be hard to maintain this level of choice and quality to completion
    - Not currently a ton of content and barely any penetrative sex

    It should come as no surprise that this game gets my highest recommendations. I like so much of what's currently on display here that my only real concern is that the dev can keep this up and keep updates relatively frequently.

    If you dig fantasy settings and any of the above sounds like it would be up your alley, I can't see you not really enjoying your time with the game. As a final endorsement, and hopefully a show of good faith, I have purchased the game on at its set price

    Note to devs: Fantastic work! I really hope you can maintain the interest and stamina to see this game through to its end.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the best games I have played on this site based on the characters models. Have played a lot of games and can definitely say that this one has a lot of potential. Story and dialogues are okay and can be improved but overall this game works pretty well.
    STORY: 8/10

    Do try this once.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The main character calls the shots, leading to an interactive storyline with stunning love interests. Choices truly matter, shaping the story's direction. It's a game that even non-fantasy fans can't resist.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    First off, the only good thing i can say is characters look good but besides that only choice you really have is to having sharing or not but to many conversations make it feel like it's just a sharing game especially Vica just randomly mentioning she has seen bigger cocks when the mc never even inquired about it and the other choices is skip a scene or watch it.

    Also, mc acts so passive in parts like he honestly just lets vica tell him what to do and you also can't choose who you have sex with first mc just comes off as awkward and passive.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Brilliant. Renders are stunning. by far one of my favourite games that i have played. if you are into ntr/swinging this is a MUST play. Cant wait for more. Ill be supporting this dev as i think it warrants it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Seriously good ntr contents! Allowing player to have the freedom to choose between vanila, openr and cuckoldry is what make a great netorase harem games. Mc is quite likeable, gf is gorgeous, but sis could use better hairstyle tbh.
    Judging from current story progression, I think dev will let MC have the option to choose giving up the rights of taking the virginity of his two love interests, which would very perverted, I love it. It's a pity mc is forced to lose his virginity to another woman, a lost opportunity to cuck the mc even deeper, haha.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    +Text is good and doesn't feel low quality like some of the other games,
    +Renders are amazing, highly detailed, and unique.
    +NTR is done very well, probably the best i've seen.
    +Choices are meaningful and lead to different scenes.
    -The development of relationship between the protagonist and Freya, the girl he lives with, into a sexual/romantic one, progresses very suddenly and seems rushed, especially since they've been like siblings for a long time. You'd expect a lot more resistance to this change.
    -The fact that the protagonist is a rogue type of character doesn't seem to have much or any, impact on the story or the choices yet, but may be explored later.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    What's Up Doc?

    Beautiful renders, an excellent looking main female character and good storytelling. And the most important thing is, all this comes with good paced NTR content! It's hard to find a game that has it all nowadays.

    So this game has everything I'm looking for. I hope the developer will add even more content on the NTR side. Keep up the good work DEV! Can't wait for more!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Didn't know people were expecting Tolkien levels of prose in their porn games. Are there a few examples of purple prose in Between Worlds? Sure. Are they front-loaded into the prologue of the game, where a hook might be better suited? Inexplicably, yes. Does this at all impact my appreciation and rating for this incredibly high-quality VN?

    I'd have to be an utterly insufferable pedant to say yes to that.

    All that said, I'll be upfront in revealing that I enjoy quality NTR/NTS, and that this VN is probably better suited for those who share my predilections.

    Between Worlds combines beautiful renders and clever sex scenes with compelling (and creative!) worldbuilding where society acts differently than the one you might be shunned from. If it's disturbing that fantasy worlds follow unfamiliar traditions and practice social etiquette that a sheltered tub of grease living in their mother's basement isn't used to, it might be wise to turn back now. Otherwise, it's my recommendation that you give this story a shot.

    5*. To the author: give the hook another pass and you got yourself a 5.1*
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    The girls are very attractive. That's the good part.
    As the game's description implies, the writing is bad. It is an inexplicable mixture of poor purple prose, difficult to understand lines, and unidiomatic English. It's hard to understand much of the time, and never satisfying to read. It's not just a translation thing, and it's not just a style thing. It's just bad. The overall authorship isn't much better...
    The girls aren't all just sex-craved sluts, but many aren't far off at all. Then, the two main girls work as tavern wenches, basically getting paid to be ogled and harassed. That's not fun to watch, or think about. And the tavern has a semi-brothel in the back. It's not the kind of place most people would want their girl to work. If you're into that, that's fine, but I'm not, and it's unpleasant to watch.
    This game seems to be NTR-ish, but the role and quantity of NTR isn't explicitly explained. I think there are both NTR and non-NTR options - I'm not into NTR at all - but I'm not 100% sure.
    You don't have a choice about whom to have sex with. It just happens. Likewise, you don't have a choice but to get a girlfriend, then go behind her back and do sex stuff with other people. Including your best friend. Who demanded you ask out your new girlfriend. Who then asks if it's ok to be doing sexual stuff behind your girlfriend's back, to which the protagonist says, something along the lines of "yeah, because you and I have always belonged together," as if that makes it ok to cheat. The world seems to be more polygamous than ours, but then why would she be asking if it's ok to do stuff behind your girlfriend's back?
    The story is, so far, nonexistent. There's some otherworldly stuff going on, involving a weird myriapodian monster. That's all that's happened.

    There are good aspects here, but the author needs, at minimum, a whole lot of work, practice, learning, and experience before they're ready to make a good visual novel.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Never think about review the game, but the latest version (0.1.6 II) renders make me have to make a review for it. The render quality is an AAA grade (Especially, Evelyn shows around the end of 0.1.6 II for me. Her body is so perfect and detailed).
    The story is very good and hit the spot for NTR fans, so naturally this game gets a 5 star from NTR fans, but low score from another fetish that may not appreciate NTR. If the game is set-up from NTR in mind, may be dev should consider focus on it and make some statement to prevent NTR-hater to accidentally play it hope that they can enjoy other route, but not.

    IN SUMARY, if you're NTR fans, this is an AAA grade for you, can't miss it. If you're not, you may be disappointed (I don't know about other route, but judge from many `not ntr fan` 's review).
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Renders are top notch and the story is just keep getting better and better. It really makes you wait for the next update and will be one of the best ntr games in the platform, probably. Well done devs!
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    The story is fine, the renders are fine, but it does what almost every other 50/50 game does - it sets up the scene for NTR/Sharing and if you are on the vanilla route the MC doesn't stop it until the last second.

    You're still watching the set up go far enough that you're not sure if you're even going to have a choice to stop it. So the vanilla path doesn't truly feel vanilla because the the non-vanilla leads the scene to begin with.

    If you can deal with skirting that line, then give it a shot. The story was interesting enough that I stuck with it this long. But if you don't want to constantly deal with other characters' advances towards your LI's, maybe skip this one.