I'm a 10 year Python/C++ dev looking to make Visual novels and artwork as a hobby. I currently have a preplanned story and would like to hear your opinions/character suggestions.
You are 19 And In college With Your friend Jessica. one night she asked you over to her house As her parents are going on a business trip along with yours, The next day while you are hanging out there is a news alert that the plane both your parents where on never reached its destination and All of the passengers are presumed dead. While both of you are distraught Jessica is soon forced to Take over the CEO position in the company, She leaves And you are stuck to finish out the rest of your college years while Jessica has to pick up the bits and pieces of a deteriorating corporation. When you finally get out of College you Get a job working for her Company but Jessica has Changed from the once sweet girl you know, now it seems like she Doesn't even know you.
You are 19 And In college With Your friend Jessica. one night she asked you over to her house As her parents are going on a business trip along with yours, The next day while you are hanging out there is a news alert that the plane both your parents where on never reached its destination and All of the passengers are presumed dead. While both of you are distraught Jessica is soon forced to Take over the CEO position in the company, She leaves And you are stuck to finish out the rest of your college years while Jessica has to pick up the bits and pieces of a deteriorating corporation. When you finally get out of College you Get a job working for her Company but Jessica has Changed from the once sweet girl you know, now it seems like she Doesn't even know you.
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