You have a puppy. A life created to be petted by humans.
You will have to keep pedaling. No matter what happens [...] because when the pedal stops, your new family puppy will die.
Well, that was a fucking lie. Trying to guilt people into playing your shitty
game scene viewer? Shameless. This is normally where I'd say "this was fun for X minutes", but the most fun I had was deleting this trash heap in anticipation of making space for something better.
Four of the five stat bars on the left side of the screen mean absolutely nothing—just punch the girl fifty times in the skull (
to which she shows zero substantive reaction), play ending A, repeat and open ending B. The ryona isn't even good; I'm wholeheartedly convinced the...
thing that developed this program just has a fetish for girls pedaling bikes, and wanted to mask it behind some sort of bargain-bin Saw ripoff trap.
Programs like this need to be screened and removed. It's barely interactive garbage that just wastes hard drive space.