That is in my AssemblyC-Sharp, but the text is not in this mod. So it will be there, and only way to change is download my mod, which includes most BB mods.need help
how to fix that
Did you download the Images from The OP? If you did you need download the Images from the link below. They were changed in v0.13, so the images from the OP are the old img files, the new are jpg.My screen is white, how do I fix it? It happens when I replace assembly-csharp.dll. I cant look at the extra scenes either because it white screens if I put the original assembly back in.
Try the Diamond Mod in post above, it has the jpg needed to run the mod.There are many .img files and I cannot convert themл Please help. I downloaded the last mod
I think it was some coding in the Mod.txt. Here is another Mod.txt to try.Yeah I downloaded it and it works properly, but I saw that in additional menu in convo with mom there are two options with diamonds. First diamond is related with Max goes jogging and the second is as far as I remember something related to shorts. This second option doesn't work. There is a text but the screen is white
You need to get these jpg files for the game to work. It no longer uses the img files.I don't know if im installing it wrong or whats going on. I extract the save folder into saves, images into images, and Data into data. Config goes into the root folder (0.13.007) but when I open the game I get a bunch of white screens. Also when I try to open the images in the folders themselves some say corrupt. Any help?
That part of this mod is not available to me. Greatname created it, and left it. I only try to answer questions about it, to keep it alive.Greetings.
Thanks for your work.
Could you update your fix to the latest version 2017.12.14.A ?
You must be registered to see the links
This mod was made by Greatname, so no further updates are being made. You can get the jpg for the game here:@Chancer
Is there going to be a 0.13 version soon? From the 10-23-17 I get nothing... most images are not .jpg and the game is unplayable. I triedYou must be registered to see the links, but I find it too invasive. Thank you in advance.
Well, that's sad to read... that the mod is abandoned. I don't know if "too invasive" is the right term, but all the scenes available with Ann and Alice (especially) from the beginning of the game is a bit too much for meThis mod was made by Greatname, so no further updates are being made. You can get the jpg for the game here:You must be registered to see the links
What parts of my mod do you find too invasive?
What wrong with availability?That part of this mod is not available to me. Greatname created it, and left it. I only try to answer questions about it, to keep it alive.
This mod has been abandoned so the Git Lab and so on on the OP, are mot update by Greatname, the creator of the mod.What wrong with availability ?
Or I misunderstood and your .jpg files aren't fix for Diamond Mod to BB 0.13 ?
I know it but this isn't answer on my question.This mod has been abandoned so the Git Lab and so on on the OP, are mot update by Greatname, the creator of the mod.
You need to punish Alice for mom at breakfast after dinner, the 0:00 at the bathroom, knock, use ♦ Let's open the door, and the options go on from there.How to activate the scene in the bathroom where Max and Alice do anal