i hope we'll get to try something this week-end. I'm kinda hyped by this now and i'm ready haha.
i also hope the house gets somehow "explandable" like a playroom or sex dungeon in the basement, hidden, and unlockable only later in the game
I have been awake for nearly two days... Pushing a third... Trying to wrap-up something for the end of Sunday, or early Monday.
I still have a lot of support-assets to create. Now, I am making them as needed. I have enough to sustain the story, though a little lac-luster, due to minimal support-assets. It is functional, which is all that I care about, at this early stage.
However, it is not exactly a "Game", at the moment, for this release. It is 100% just a hand-held introduction. (There are no critical choices and few "pick your own option" moments. Due to the fact that this is going to be the skippable character introduction and back-story, for the game.)
It will still be worthy of reading/playing. There are sexual scenes, but they are NOT intractable... Because they are in dreams, or just observations by the main character.
Here are the support-assets I have created so far, and rendered... (There are more, for each character, but they will not be rendered until I actually need them, in the story. Thus, these are already being used in the story.) {Emote assets}
Just a NOTE... The use of sislil, sisbig, aunt, mom, dad... is only for code. It is partly due to the original character setup from big-brother, but also because it is difficult to track, girl 1, girl 2, girl 3, girl 4... or damn everyone to the confusing use of my names within the file names. Things like girl1, girl2, girl3 would be support characters, where these are the main characters, and the names reflect approximate age relations, between characters.
That is someone's little sister, someone's big sister, someone's mom, someone's aunt, and someone's dad...

(Because I know some idiot is going to cry "incest", without any justification for it here.)
Plus, I already know incest modders are itching to play with this, once it gets released.
As for the "expandable rooms"... There is something like that, in the story. The story does not ONLY take place in the house. However, there are a few things planned, which will not be obtainable, until later in the game. No basements in mine...
To give you an idea of the depth of the planned "world"... This is the "Map hierarchy"... There are four depth levels, five if you include the choices.
WORLD Map (Game world, top-most level) contains the MAIN locations.
- Your town
- The city
- The beaches
- The harbor
- Recreation
The next level is the MAIN Map, which contains the SUB locations.
- Your town...
--> Home
--> Drug store
--> Movies
--> Neighbor "Sue"
--> Neighbor "Jessica"
--> Bus station
The next level is the SUB Map, which contains the AREAS which you actually interact within.
- Your town
--> Home
----> Living room
----> Dining room
----> Kitchen
----> Spare bedroom #2 (Your room)
This leaves you in one of the rooms, with the interactables... (Things you click on the screen)
- Your town
--> Home
----> Living room
------> Watch T.V.
------> Search couch
------> Talk to Mira
------> Take a nap {on the couch}
------> Go to hallway
------> Go to kitchen
... ... ... etc
There would also be choices too... If there were specific things that interactables on the screen could not convey...
[Lana talking to you, asking you a question]
- "Have you seen my book bag?"
[Your choices] (Comments will not be in the choices)
- "No, I have no idea..." (Helps to make her flunk)
- "Sorry, I put it in the office..." (Where you left a porn-site up, on the computer)
- "Come swimming with me, and I'll tell you..." (Optional "dominance" choice)
- "Ignore her" (One of the greedy/selfish and stealth options)
Selecting an interaction on the screen would count as "Ignore her"... Since you have just ignored her, to go do something-else. (In that instance... In other instances, dialogue will lock-out interactions, forcing you into making a choice.)
So... There are plenty of places to "expand" the game. By me, and by modders. Late game, early game, end game... wherever they want. Most things won't hurt the main story, unless they start adding things in the house, which directly conflict with the story. That is when shit gets buggy...