Big Brother Translator [v1.0 beta] [tefanga]


New Member
Jan 13, 2018
désolé, je passe par "Google trad", ma question est si on pouvais traduire le texte d'un mod avec ton logiciel ? Et je suis français

sorry, I go through "Google trad", my question is if we could translate the text of a mod with your software ? And I am French


Apr 30, 2018
désolé, je passe par "Google trad", ma question est si on pouvais traduire le texte d'un mod avec ton logiciel ? Et je suis français

sorry, I go through "Google trad", my question is if we could translate the text of a mod with your software ? And I am French
Not really, cause they have different dialogs coding, my app has it own database from the used lines in Big Brother 13.
But don't worry, I would be glad to help you, give me no more than 1 hour, I will upload the files you need, not difficult to implement cause they are same modus of coding. 1 hour.

And we keep in contact. I'm studying french, so, talking to you, its a progressive learning =)
Je suis Stephan. Salut!


Ok, unzip( in Data folder of the game, overwrite everything. (Make a backup first, just in case)

And as always, I strongly recommend you edit by yourself "lines.txt" inside Data folder. After you have done the overwrite step obviously, correct the translation after the "|" inside lines.txt, with the first 176 lines would be perfect. It will look better inside game, and 176 isn't much, in 5 minutes you have it done.

This code you may find in lines.txt -> \n
Is OK in the text, so don't erase it, it means the jump of the current line....

So in the text you will find something like this:

Hello my name is \nJesus

in game you will see:
Hello my names is

So everything's good
Should work fine.



New Member
Aug 25, 2018
Hi tefanga! How are you today?
Thank you very much for the application, I register just for it haha
anyway...Can you help me? I did everything right (I guess) but still don't work, I have the error "FILE MISSING: translate.txt" but I can't find where is the problem in file. Can you take a look?
I'm trying translate to Portuguese Brazil.

Thank you Very much!


Apr 30, 2018
Hi tefanga! How are you today?
Thank you very much for the application, I register just for it haha
anyway...Can you help me? I did everything right (I guess) but still don't work, I have the error "FILE MISSING: translate.txt" but I can't find where is the problem in file. Can you take a look?
I'm trying translate to Portuguese Brazil.

Thank you Very much!
You will have to check every line by yourself.

Before every line there should be an -> [keep.text]

If the line dosn't have it, add it. Thats problably the error, remember to do that with the wrap text unchecked in format tab. (already explained this, check older posts)


New Member
Jan 13, 2018
merci beaucoup, je vais le tester de suite, encore merci

thank you very much, I will test it immediately, thank you again


New Member
Aug 25, 2018
You will have to check every line by yourself.

Before every line there should be an -> [keep.text]

If the line dosn't have it, add it. Thats problably the error, remember to do that with the wrap text unchecked in format tab. (already explained this, check older posts)
Hi, I already do that and still get the error.


Apr 30, 2018
Hi, I already do that and still get the error.
I'm really busy right now...
You will have to check if there is not a missing line...

For example, if the original text has 100 lines(including blank lines), and your translation has 99, google for some reason deleted one..

So thats one idea you should check with a line counter, search on google.

I think.. I will have some time later in the week, and I will try to check it by myself.



New Member
Aug 25, 2018
I'm really busy right now...
You will have to check if there is not a missing line...

For example, if the original text has 100 lines(including blank lines), and your translation has 99, google for some reason deleted one..

So thats one idea you should check with a line counter, search on google.

I think.. I will have some time later in the week, and I will try to check it by myself.

Oh I made it! It was a line that had [keep.text] but there was nothing else in front.
The counting was right but since there was nothing in front of him, he was giving an error.

Thank you very much for your help.


Apr 30, 2018
Oh I made it! It was a line that had [keep.text] but there was nothing else in front.
The counting was right but since there was nothing in front of him, he was giving an error.

Thank you very much for your help.
Great thing you made it work.
It would be great if you would upload the working files; to share it with anyone needing it for Portugués(Brasil).



New Member
Aug 25, 2018
Great thing you made it work.
It would be great if you would upload the working files; to share it with anyone needing it for Portugués(Brasil).

Sure ! I'm just improving a few words and expressions and I'l upload. Already exists a topic for Big Brother translations?


Apr 30, 2018
Sure ! I'm just improving a few words and expressions and I'l upload. Already exists a topic for Big Brother translations?
Yes, but has more thn 450 replies in which if they don't use search engine, they won't find anything, and they aren't most for v13..

I think here it's better; people will come, try the app or not and if they can't make it at least we will be getting like a mini database of translations made for v13, even improved.

diego go

Aug 31, 2018
I managed to do the translation, the problem I'm encountering and the following, then make an exchange and not play game, does not appear speak any word, the conversation was not nothing blank, as the words do not appear, then went through that I can Please guide me, I need a lot, thank you very much in advance.


New Member
Dec 22, 2018
Pretty sure it is because google translate is editing the firsts lines of the texts on some lines.

I suggest to -> open the translated file (translate.txt) and read line per line, one by one(it's easy, few errors for sure, only scroll down with mouse the faster you can trying to see the error), you must need to check the follow: on every line, at the beggining it should say: [keep.text] if it is missing.... add it on the beggining of the line.

Here it is an example of what you can find, and after the example how you should solve it.

[keep.text] romanian text line 1
[keep.text] romanian text line 2
[kp.text] romanian text line 3
Romanian text line 4
[] romanian text line 5
[ romanian text line 6
[Keep.text] romanian text line 7

As you can see on the example we have 5 errors (line 3/4/5/6/7) that must be fixed to work. Line 1/2 its OK, line 3/5/7 has errors of syntax, line 4 its totally missing the [keep.text] sign and line 6 its missing the rest of the keep.text]..

Corrected file example:
[keep.text] romanian text line 1
[keep.text] romanian text line 2
[keep.text] romanian text line 3
[keep.text] romanian text line 4
[keep.text] romanian text line 5
[keep.text] romanian text line 6
[keep.text] romanian text line 7

It may seem hard work but for sure the whole txt file dosn't have more than 20 errors. So its just to open the file and scroll down fast with the mouse till you see the difference, now try the app, if same error is poping up, try again, you missed a syntax error; re-open the file and check it again.

Inform if you could solve it, thanks.

P.d: some tips:
You should use the "replace" option of the notepad to fix the repetitive errors.
You may find that [kp.text] its more than once... (or others errors) So using replace option should save you some work...
Hello tefanga, i'm trying translate to Vietnamese, i did as you say but it's doesn't work, can you check my error... Thank you so much! (i used translate.txt from install app)


New Member
Jan 20, 2018
Hungarian translate (~70%) with spelling mistakes.

The program Why did you take 1 character from the beginning of each conversation?
I don't know why he cut out letter characters ... (even from BB codes) I've fixed it already, but I don't have the energy to make it everywhere. Attached is the translated translate.txt. And the finished .txtes.

Magyarul a komment:
"Magyar fordítás (kb 70%os) helyesírási hibákkal.
A program miért vett el 1 karaktert minden beszélgetés elejéről?
Nem tudom miért vágott ki betű karaktereket...(még a BB kódokból is) Javítottam már rajta, de nincs energiám mindenhol kipótolni. Csatolva a lefordított translate.txt. És a kész .txt-k."


Oct 5, 2019
Google Translate Toolkit corrupts the translation with Thai.

Try this file with the BB - Translator and then comment if it works.

After creating the files, remember to edit the first 60 lines of "lines.txt" if you want a better translation.

Does it support Arabic? Please help me. Can Big Brother [v0.13.0.007] be in Arabic?