Hi everyone! I just started playing this game today. I've the basic Mod active to make things easier and tried following the walkthrough, but even so i've encountered some problems i cant get passed through.
I started being friends with Eric and later in the game decided to change our relations. The following day to that one, mom threatens me with the military camp (1); days later, the wallet incident and while i'm fixing it the 2nd camp threat pops up (2); then i drug Eric, take his real ID and tell him to leave Alice and Aunt Kira ("͞Stop turning my family against me" doesnt shows up as the WT says), but before i can get Kate's mother special services i get the 3rd camp threat and i'm unable to avoid it (game resets to the same morning but there's really nothing i can do).
Any tips or updated walkthrough? Do you recommend me to start the game with different choices?
Thanks in advance!