Big Brother: Walkthrough & FAQ Thread

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Active Member
Aug 18, 2016
how do you go to war with eric after you've befriended him? is that the trigger to do the wallet event?


Quote my posts if you want an answer
Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
So many questions so little answers... Tomorrow I'll have the afternoon off and I'll do what I did last version and try to find out as much as I can.


Apr 3, 2017
How Do i unlock the sensual massage its always teperarely locked
You need to make progress with Kate. When she ask about 'agreement of the mother' the event gonna start. After that talk with Aunt several times. After that sensual massage course will open.

Any idea how to spank Alice naked?
I think its about high dominance and lower Erics influence. And i dont able to trigger until the threesome scene. I dont now its have a connection with it but it might be. I dont sure about it because i didnt try earlier.


Active Member
Dec 31, 2016
Somebody know how get scene eric and kira fuck ? You must be friend or war with eric?


Apr 19, 2017
**Don't activate Sacrifice opportunity until wallet opportunity is triggered. Max can avoid starting Sacrifice(Eric+Kira) opportunity if he just goes to sleep @00:00 on Wednesday before Eric and Kira appear in the Hall.

Eric and Kira appears in the hall @ 2 a.m on Wed, if Max is awake at this moment and ignores them - Eric's influence on Kira starts increasing by 25 each Wednesday. If Max goes to check , Sacrifice opportunity is started.

best way to play is Wallet and Sacrifice,
1.Wallet opportunity: Eric accuses you of being thief if Max is in war with Eric. Wallet opp. activated. Talk to Kira abt accusation. Get caught while stealing Eric's wallet at night. Talk to Kira and get pills and alcohol.
2. Visit Eric- offer alcohol and steal his Wallet @ night.
Do not tell him about Wallet in his subsequent visits until you reach Decision Stage(see below). Offer $500 dollars to Eric to get extra week to return his money (one extra week is sufficient or just offer $500 as many times as Max wants , if Max has lot of money ) .

3. Sacrifice opportunity:(optional, you don't need to trigger this to complete Wallet opp. You still get the same result without it )
Visit hall on wed at 2 am. and see what is Eric doing with Kira--> Triggers sacrifice opportunity.
4. Talk to Eric about Eric+Kira incident during his next visit. then go and talk to Kira.

Decision: (go to step B, if Sacrifice opp not triggered)
Visit Eric (in mom's room) n talk about Kira. He offers Kira in return of Alice.
A. choose Is there any option?
-I will think about it [ If Max does not want to sacrifice Alice] . Continue to step B.
- Give Alice [if Max wants to sacrifice Alice] n take back Kira. Proceed to step B.
B. Now talk about money. now two Endings available.
1.Say you have his wallet ,
- Give him his Wallet and take back sisters and Aunt. [ if Max didn't give up Alice in step A].
2. keep wallet and return his money.

*Getting back Kira and sisters is the best option. Coz, Eric stops giving ling. to Alice and stop fcking Max's aunt. Max only have to worry about his influence on mom. Eric wont have any influence on sisters and aunt after this.The best part is, if Max decids, he wont let Eric fuck his mom again with the help of Kira and sisters.

Somebody know how get scene eric and kira fuck ? You must be friend or war with eric?
keep awake on Weds till 2 a.m .Eric+Kira will appear in Hall . check
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Apr 11, 2017
Caught Him jerking to Alice at 2 a.m on his visit during Mon or thur, make noise -->let everybody see-->i was getting fresh air-->I hate you.

War is ON.
Thanks, but i mean, using cheat/mod. I'm on day 146 and already finished Mentor opportunity. No more Eric jerking scene.
4.00 star(s) 1 Vote