i think soThx a lot, and it works independently on the pathes Alice GF or Olivia, right ?
if you do the kate mom rute you can fuck AliceHi,
As the focus of answering in this porum is focussed on the latest questions, I repost mine again: what is the difference in getting rid of Eric as a sex slave [Kate's mom] or his old 'friends' [Hacker]. I read something of having mom in handcuffs is available via the Hacker route. Are there more differences?
Thanks for answering
I played on for a fair bit and I think this is correct. Thanks.I believe its the end for now
Turn out there are a couple of "related scenes" to this, for example you can join mom when showering or taking a bath, but this is also pretty much the end I think. Except the scenes with Kira (see below).I am at the same stage, can't find any further progress (unless you go with, eric hacker/puppet route, which grants you couple of scenes in control opportunity - not related to cunning plan)
Yeah, you were right on this also, thanks. Another indefinately repeatable scene where this makes no sense, but that's how it works for now.I think this is it, it is repeatable - you have to buy weed, give it to kate which triggers repeatable event
I just needed to pass the time for this to happen. My game is basically broken at this point, having only repeatable deadend stuff left, so it's a bit of a chore. Be that as it may, the scenes with Kira also quickly lead to another "more is not yet implemented" dead end, unfortunately.I think there may some scene with kira and mother once eric is gone but i don't know how to get it
Thx a lot, and it works independently on the pathes Alice GF or Olivia, right ?
I'm at the moment on olivia route, and yes via hacker Eric did what I want, and as a side effect Lisa teaching (kiss, etc) has started. Very interesting. Will proof how far it goes.i think so
I believe the issue with extra cameras and reduced income was discussed earlier in the thread but in a nutshell more cameras do NOT mean more income. The income you get is dependant on the number of viewers at your location and whether or not anything is happening there. Eg. if you have a camera at the pool and there is a girl there unless your character is there that camera will not generate income. The same is true if you are at the pool and there are no girls there.Are extra camera's useless?
With only the living room I was getting $120 per day with 1 advert each morning.
Added a pool cam and got the same, added second advert and it went up to $135..
Added bathroom cam and the income dropped to $85 with 1 advert and $120 with 2, $140 with 3.
Seems illogical to add more content and people pay less. Its like "hey I got a pic here for $10, but buy two and you only pay $5"
for kate's mom when you get the wallet don't go to hacker route, blackmail him with his id and get your aunt and sisters back from him (if he didn't make a move on your aunt i think you should wait) after that you will have option to ask your aunt about help with eric and she will tell you ask kate about it. (and to trigger that you might have to go further with kate/alice route before asking aunt)I did the path where I got rid of Eric and the one where I befriended him.
I don't know how to trigger Kate's mom. Can someone tell me how to do it ? It's related to the wallet but I don't want to make mistake since I start over a new game.
I know that I will be able to fuck Alice but just once with this path.
With the last version, which path is the most rewarding ?
Can anyone share a save where you say to Kira "I want Erik out" and she points you to Kate's mom?