Big Brother: Walkthrough & FAQ Thread

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Active Member
Jul 13, 2018
You're supposed to do yoga 3x a week a think. Failing to do that you'll have to give 1000 to Lisa as penalty. Try talking to Lisa when you have more than 1000 on hand.

a1fox3 is better at answering this questions though


Aug 29, 2018
It is possible to fuck Lisa in her small pussy?i know there are Images in the file , but i do not find any way to get her ..
Anyone knows how to do?


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
It is possible to fuck Lisa in her small pussy?i know there are Images in the file , but i do not find any way to get her ..
Anyone knows how to do?
There is anal all day long with Lisa but not vaginal.

No not in this game but there is a fan made very short game that will allow it called "Lisa's Special Day"
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Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
but i dont understand ,there are original vaginal porn pictures in the files, for what reason?
I have never seen those are you sure its not from a mod?

Please upload a pic of Max and Lisa having vaginal sex because the game does not have it.
There is a cowgirl scene but its still anal they are doing but it may look like vaginal.


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
Nothing happens in the side effect quest. What am I supposed to do for this quest?
Its a RNG (random number gen) and you need to just play and Max will have a problem at the breakfast table 3 times.
If your lucky it will happen in 2-3 weeks but I have seen it take several months to get all 3.

Make sure you keep Lisa and Alice's mood and Max authority over them as high as it can go and do all sex options everyday with all the girls in the game that you can have sex with.
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Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
i did all thing writen in post #3 to open v 10 for 3 weeks put nothing happend i am stuk there for 10 week or more
Need way more info than just that.
What is the mood of Lisa and Alice?
What quest do you have open and have you tried to work on all open quest?
Who is Max's girlfriend?

This is just to get started.
When you ask for help you need to give as much info each time not just once then think I can remember every ones problems.
It is a waist of my time trying to find all the info to every ones problems so please give as much info in every post you make for help.


Nov 24, 2017
Hi all:

I think I've done a lot already, but since there are several walkthrough and many of them are not SO clear as I'd like, let me share with you my progress in order to make a quick question:
  • Eric: gone long ago.
  • I can sleep with mom (not really, but I think that's it) & she BJ me but I can't cum. Right now I'm visiting the doctor to make "donations".
  • I can give a full nude massage to mom in her bedroom, and she HJ me afterwards; this has been like that for months.
  • I can shower with mom 6 am and she HJ me.
  • Evening in the shower, mom BJ me (although I can't cum)
  • Evening in the livingroom, I can watch porn with mom and she BJ me (although I can't cum)
  • Right now, I'm taking care of punishments AND I can't be punished. I'm stressing this because I've read Alice and Liza can spank me, but I've never seen that.
  • During punishment, I can fuck Liza and get a handcufffed BJ from Alice.
  • During blog with Alice, HJ, fuck and eat her, and once, a while ago, Liza catched us (100 days ago) Nothing changed after that.
  • Evening in the livingroom with Liza, I can massage her legs and she BJ me.
  • Once per week or so, she BJ me to thank me regarding Kate and her sleeping together.
  • Once per week or so, I can either get a BJ from Alice or fuck Kate while they are together.
  • With Liza, I think I've done the hole tutoring thing. She BJ me at nights in bed, anytime in the shower/bath, and I can do anal while she do the dishes. If I talk to Kira, then she visit us at night and I do anal to both of them; it's been like this for months, and no progression after that at all.
  • I've done the 4th movie (the one where I eat Liza & mom, and the they BJ me without cumming) like three weeks ago, and after being paid and Kira offering mom work in a different movie without main char, nothing changed, nothing new.
  • With Kira, I can get BJs in the livingroom late at night.
  • During shopping, I get BJs from the three of them.
  • I'm in the GF route with Liza, journal said I cannot go any further because it depends in another quest and that one says I've done all.
  • With her friend, the blonde one, I've reached the end of the quest or so said the journal (her mom saw my dick, and she told me to go away)
So far I think I'm not forgeting anything. The point is, I've read that Alice and mom are supposed to "catch" me while being BJd by Liza and mom in the sofa, but that never happened in weeks, and so my question is, should that happen ONLY after advancing more with the doctor, or is another thing the trigger and I've missed it? Am I losing any other chain? Should I tell mom to allow me to recieve punishment again? Is that the chain to unlock the sofa events?

I'm uploading my last savegame in case someone can tell me which trigger am I missing or if I screwed something and lost content :(

The main scenes I think I'm missing are:
  • Alice BJ in the couch and Ann catching us (I get the BJ, but she doesn't catch us; done this for more than 60 days)
  • Ann BJ in the couch and Alice catching us (I get the BJ, but she doesn't catch us; done this for more than 21 days)
  • Eve (the doctor) telling me to bring my girlfriend (I've "donated" sperm with her naked like 10 times already)
  • Having sex with Ann in the bedroom and/or couch; I've never slept with Ann, all I can do is going into her bedroom and lay with her. I've progressed to the point where she is nude and BJ the main char, but he can't cum. Done this period like 30 times, but I've never slept with her (once she finishs the BJ, she kick MC out of her bed), and never had the chance to make anything to her at nights (I can massage her nude, and then she HJ the main char, for more than 100 days now)
Most probably I'm missing a lot more, but again, I don't know how to trigger those scenes or even if I screwed something and that can't be unlocked anymore :(


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
Hi all:

I think I've done a lot already, but since there are several walkthrough and many of them are not SO clear as I'd like, let me share with you my progress in order to make a quick question:
  • Eric: gone long ago.
  • I can sleep with mom (not really, but I think that's it) & she BJ me but I can't cum. Right now I'm visiting the doctor to make "donations".
  • I can give a full nude massage to mom in her bedroom, and she HJ me afterwards; this has been like that for months.
  • I can shower with mom 6 am and she HJ me.
  • Evening in the shower, mom BJ me (although I can't cum)
  • Evening in the livingroom, I can watch porn with mom and she BJ me (although I can't cum)
  • Right now, I'm taking care of punishments AND I can't be punished. I'm stressing this because I've read Alice and Liza can spank me, but I've never seen that.
  • During punishment, I can fuck Liza and get a handcufffed BJ from Alice.
  • During blog with Alice, HJ, fuck and eat her, and once, a while ago, Liza catched us (100 days ago) Nothing changed after that.
  • Evening in the livingroom with Liza, I can massage her legs and she BJ me.
  • Once per week or so, she BJ me to thank me regarding Kate and her sleeping together.
  • Once per week or so, I can either get a BJ from Alice or fuck Kate while they are together.
  • With Liza, I think I've done the hole tutoring thing. She BJ me at nights in bed, anytime in the shower/bath, and I can do anal while she do the dishes. If I talk to Kira, then she visit us at night and I do anal to both of them; it's been like this for months, and no progression after that at all.
  • I've done the 4th movie (the one where I eat Liza & mom, and the they BJ me without cumming) like three weeks ago, and after being paid and Kira offering mom work in a different movie without main char, nothing changed, nothing new.
  • With Kira, I can get BJs in the livingroom late at night.
  • During shopping, I get BJs from the three of them.
  • I'm in the GF route with Liza, journal said I cannot go any further because it depends in another quest and that one says I've done all.
  • With her friend, the blonde one, I've reached the end of the quest or so said the journal (her mom saw my dick, and she told me to go away)
So far I think I'm not forgeting anything. The point is, I've read that Alice and mom are supposed to "catch" me while being BJd by Liza and mom in the sofa, but that never happened in weeks, and so my question is, should that happen ONLY after advancing more with the doctor, or is another thing the trigger and I've missed it? Am I losing any other chain? Should I tell mom to allow me to recieve punishment again? Is that the chain to unlock the sofa events?

I'm uploading my last savegame in case someone can tell me which trigger am I missing or if I screwed something and lost content :(

The main scenes I think I'm missing are:
  • Alice BJ in the couch and Ann catching us (I get the BJ, but she doesn't catch us; done this for more than 60 days)
  • Ann BJ in the couch and Alice catching us (I get the BJ, but she doesn't catch us; done this for more than 21 days)
  • Eve (the doctor) telling me to bring my girlfriend (I've "donated" sperm with her naked like 10 times already)
  • Having sex with Ann in the bedroom and/or couch; I've never slept with Ann, all I can do is going into her bedroom and lay with her. I've progressed to the point where she is nude and BJ the main char, but he can't cum. Done this period like 30 times, but I've never slept with her (once she finishs the BJ, she kick MC out of her bed), and never had the chance to make anything to her at nights (I can massage her nude, and then she HJ the main char, for more than 100 days now)
Most probably I'm missing a lot more, but again, I don't know how to trigger those scenes or even if I screwed something and that can't be unlocked anymore :(
ADD: I just took a look at your save game and you must get both spider and blog done then the below will come next.

"15. How to unlock v.12 new content."
"17. V.13 new content. (Looks like another long grind to get it unlocked.)"
"18. More info on Lisa's new sex-ed,"


Nov 24, 2017
ADD: I just took a look at your save game and you must get both spider and blog done then the below will come next.

"15. How to unlock v.12 new content."
"17. V.13 new content. (Looks like another long grind to get it unlocked.)"
"18. More info on Lisa's new sex-ed,"
Thanks a lot for your directions, but that's part of the problem; point 18 says "To start with Lisa sex-ed starts right after 4 movies is complete and Lisa has peeped on Max and Alice. Jsut after changing roles starts. This is before any of the sitdowns or going to the Doctor first time.", but I've already gone to the doctor 10 times, and I'm pretty sure I made the sex-ed quest months ago (in game)... It's like the "sleeping with Ann" thing, I remember I had the option in the "I know what I want!" line, I told her to sleep together and she said "NO"; after months, Kira left her room and I can go there at nights to get a BJ, but can't sleep with her, nor have any other kind of sex :( :( :(

So the most important thing I need to know is whether those triggers can be "launched" even if you made the prerreqs before, or if they are lost forever...

Going back to point 18, as said, I did sex-ed months ago, I've already gone to the doctor 10 times at least, I've already done the 4th movie and Liza busted Alice & me while we were doing the cam-show; I don't know what the "changing roles" thing is, but I don't recall seeing something like that, and I don't have new lines to ask Liza for the last several weeks :(


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
Thanks a lot for your directions, but that's part of the problem; point 18 says "To start with Lisa sex-ed starts right after 4 movies is complete and Lisa has peeped on Max and Alice. Jsut after changing roles starts. This is before any of the sitdowns or going to the Doctor first time.", but I've already gone to the doctor 10 times, and I'm pretty sure I made the sex-ed quest months ago (in game)... It's like the "sleeping with Ann" thing, I remember I had the option in the "I know what I want!" line, I told her to sleep together and she said "NO"; after months, Kira left her room and I can go there at nights to get a BJ, but can't sleep with her, nor have any other kind of sex :( :( :(

So the most important thing I need to know is whether those triggers can be "launched" even if you made the prerreqs before, or if they are lost forever...

Going back to point 18, as said, I did sex-ed months ago, I've already gone to the doctor 10 times at least, I've already done the 4th movie and Liza busted Alice & me while we were doing the cam-show; I don't know what the "changing roles" thing is, but I don't recall seeing something like that, and I don't have new lines to ask Liza for the last several weeks :(
Like I said you must get both spider and blog quest done for the next trigger to go off which is Lisa convo about peeping.
You never get to sleep with mom for the night but once you get to a point at the very end of the game you can have sex with her in her room at either 2200 or 2300 your choice but that is after she starts working on the 5th movie.

And when she comes home after work 2 nights a week.

You must stop paying for private spanking from mom or mom will not see Max as an adult. BigBrother 2018-09-20 09-05-05-85.jpg
You must pay 500 every Monday to support the family.
BigBrother 2018-09-20 09-07-15-70.jpg BigBrother 2018-09-20 09-07-21-38.jpg BigBrother 2018-09-20 09-07-29-01.jpg


Nov 24, 2017
Like I said you must get both spider and blog quest done for the next trigger to go off which is Lisa convo about peeping.
You never get to sleep with mom for the night but once you get to a point at the very end of the game you can have sex with her in her room at either 2200 or 2300 your choice but that is after she starts working on the 5th movie.

And when she comes home after work 2 nights a week.

You must stop paying for private spanking from mom or mom will not see Max as an adult. View attachment 152397
You must pay 500 every Monday to support the family.
View attachment 152398 View attachment 152399 View attachment 152400
Mmm... I am paying the bills already (for months), but I though private punishments were necesary, since they unlock BJ with Liza and sex with Alice... so no more private punishments then. But then, should I keep making Alice and Liza to be punished? Should I spank them or mom?

And once more, thank you very, very much for your help.


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
Mmm... I am paying the bills already (for months), but I though private punishments were necesary, since they unlock BJ with Liza and sex with Alice... so no more private punishments then. But then, should I keep making Alice and Liza to be punished? Should I spank them or mom?

And once more, thank you very, very much for your help.
Not Max private spanking of his sister but mom spanking Max in private, that is the one that you have 19 days left of and you need to stop paying for that so mom will see Max as an adult.

Mom told you to support the family and she would allow Max to spank sisters then Max can ask to spank them in private.

For mom to spank Max in private that was long before Max getting to spank his sisters.


Nov 24, 2017
Not Max private spanking of his sister but mom spanking Max in private, that is the one that you have 19 days left of and you need to stop paying for that so mom will see Max as an adult.

Mom told you to support the family and she would allow Max to spank sisters then Max can ask to spank them in private.

For mom to spank Max in private that was long before Max getting to spank his sisters.
It may seem silly, but just telling me your previous advices helped a lot; for example, I was completly sure I couldn't advance anymore in the arachnophobia line, since I was already fucking Alice after killing the spider, BUT then I realized I had a second option after the HJ (usually I only selected On Top, but there's another option, doggy) I'm pretty sure it's been that, because even when the quest is not finished, next morning I had a new dialog line with Lisa regarding Peeping...

Hopefully it will lead eventually to taking Alice with me to the doctor, and to have sex with Ann :) Thanks once more.
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