Hello everyones, i recently downloaded Biko 3 on this website, alongside the game a rar files for an uncensored patch and english patch was given and is installed it ( they are both installed once you run the exe given with the patch) the problem is that the uncensored patch is completely broken and that no one on the Biko 3 thread found a way around it (other then not installing the english patch which is quite useful) so once installed you end up with a protagonist with no penis and a weird fleshy shell over the genital of the girls, look like someone wasnt quite sure of the meaning of the word uncensored and thought that it was to add extra censor.... the problem is that i have no idea if the censor patch just added files (in that case i can find and get rid of them, sadly there is no files with an obvious name like "uncensored patch") or if it overwrote pre existing files (if that the case i don’t know how i could keep the English translation without the uncensored patch) do anyone have an idea of what i could do? Or a link toward another English translation without that pesky patch?