VN - Others - Completed - Black Office - Entertainment Department [Final] [Tryset Break]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Game is like half finished. Lot of scenes don't have pictures, just text of what is happening while the main character stands there. You get two choices in the story but it's pretty much a kinetic novel (not that anything is wrong with those just annoying that the choices don't seem to have a huge impact from what I can tell). I often skip through dialogue in these kinds of games cause as a general rule they seem to pad out the run time of a game, but when scenes are skipped over it's easy to skip over important dialogue to the story. The corruption is okay, more rape than anything else and the scenes are they do have are fine, just feels half finished.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The art is aa 3. It's good but but not great or anything and there are far worse.

    Not sure I would classify this as a game or visual novel.
    You really only have 1 choice in the story that is to attempt to file a complaint against the company or not. Neither leads to a ending worth a shit.
    Calling it a visual novel is probably over stepping. The story is such utter shit and full of plot holes there is no aspect to draw you into it unless you are the type of trash that hates women.