RPGM - Completed - Black Souls II [v1.13 Official translation] [Eeny, meeny, miny, moe?]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a perfect sequel to an already magnificent game. Everything we loved about the first Black souls is here but even bigger and more polished. The only small downside I could find is that you can no longer get more than one ending per lap, which would be pretty useful for collecting CGs.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The first BLACKSOULS game was quite fantastic and felt like nothing else really - broke many tropes of your usual ecchi japanese RPG and left a very good and lasting impression. I rated it 9 out of 10.

    The second game? Big step up in all directions. Crayon style art matches the theme of the game PERFECTLY, the atmosphere is immaculate on every location or dialogue. This is probably the biggest RPGM game to date in terms of how well polished and enormous it is. Kinda unbelievable to me still.

    Blind first playthrough highly recommended, following with a guided playthrough on NG+ (or if you give up beating the game because of how hard it is; and it really IS pretty fucking hard).

    If I could rate above 10 on a scale of 10, this game would have been given an infinity by me.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't usually do reviews since I'm not that good at writing them, but I found this game too good not to give it the credit it's due.

    Even though I downloaded this game just to have an adult game to waste some time on while waiting for other games to release updates, after about an hour I found myself completely immersed in the gameplay and plot, with getting adult scene just being a secondary objective.

    The combat can be an actual challenge that requires strategy and planning, which I don't usually see in adult RPG maker games. However it is possible it easily make your character OP enough to practically one-shot everything in the main story, through farming and buying stat raising items in the Chaos Dungeon if you don't like the combat.

    The plot seems simple enough for a fantasy RPG at first, end up in a mad and magical world and need to save the girl while meeting a colourful cast of characters along the way. However it actually has a deep lore that becomes apparent when interacting with some characters or some conditions are met. I found myself searching for secrets, replaying to see other options and searching through forum to piece together what is really going on.

    As far as adult scenes go I liked them, there are a lot of characters you can have sex with and you have an option of being loving or just raping them. The art may seem rather crude but I thought it just added to the dark and mad themes of the game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is one of these things you can consider art, that's right, art. The artwork style blends really well whit the events that transpire in the story, and the music makes the player inmerse in the mad world wonderland has become, i find myself whit lack of words to describe this better

    every decision you take has heavy consequences that can haunt you or save you in the nick of the moment. And to progress the player must adapt to new ordeals one after another figuring the best strategy to go, this is why from the beggining you already have the basic skill set to dodge, stun and guard the one hit kills the enemies can use on you

    even if you shut down all the ero events the plot alone is worth the 5 star rating. Few games can storm and blend a torrent of emotions you will have playing the black soul games, playing as a hero or villain alike
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I've rarely seen an H-game with such a vivid, disturbing, yet accurate depiction of the struggles with mental illness and daily life. Nor have I seen a game give the player the best and the worst choices to make as a human being. Like the source material this game is based on, this makes you think about what is right, what is real, what is wrong, and what is fake.

    The characters and the environment are also accurate to their source material and it is shocking how the story is retold through the lens of madness. Though the game is built around a single protagonist with their own story, there's no escaping that their choices are your choices.

    Hope mixed with hopelessness.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 544897

    Played it today 12 hours straight and can just recommend this to everyone. The graphics give the game a wrong first impression, it focuses more on a very deep experience in a dark world full of fairy tales.

    I am speechless how the game was developed in the smallest detail possible, the amount of work and love into this game is incomprehensible. The developer deserve a thousand times more attention for his huge efforts.

    Personally, i think the first Blacksouls was slightly better as it felt more intense at the end, but both game put butterflies in my belly.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I have been waiting 2 years for this
    This is a really good game ( unless your art expectation is too high ) with the art that fit its theme and has a lot of contents together with solid gameplay

    Pros :
    The combat is still your basic turn base, but with speed meter system and break system make a game a bit more fun, combine with a large number of challenging bosses have mechanics that you should care about ( If you don't use rpg save editor )

    No random encounter ( and you can avoid small fries with a certain item and skill, so you won't walk 3cm and have to fight something ) and the grind is not too hellish ( in my opinion )

    Some maps are actually scary now

    The new characters of this part actually have personality ( and more events with them ) than the part 1, with some improvement for the part 1 characters that remained in part 2

    Every time I do a new run i can/may discover a lot of new things ( I missed a whole heart queen map in my 1st run lol ), making doing new game+ more worth it

    Huge amount of lore and story, give more information about the world in part 1

    More events and encounter with NPCs and characters than part 1, almost all of them have their own event, giving the characters more depth and traits than being "Fuckable girl number #6"

    Despite the MTL, it's still really enjoyable and the dialogues still make sense

    2 whole different kind of "Map" and "Events" depends on your SEN ( new value )

    More dialogues and interactions with characters

    Surprise deaths aren't really unfair if you actually read the blood words on the ground, the words also give you more hints and help you not wasting 10 years trying to figure something out

    More detail on dialogues with hidden meaning behind each line ( They don't make much sense if you don't get the story tho ) if you talk to important characters



    The osts of this game are really good


    Cons :
    Turn base combat ( I'm not really a fan of turn base combat, it get hella boring and repetitive if you fight random mobs on the map for souls to lvl up )

    No companion, so no funny comments on bosses or objects on the map ( but considering that part 2 is about loneliness and story reason, also mc almost murder a "companion" when he is near her, and it's really hard to balance the game when you have a large number of companions, I cheesed part 1 with just victoria broken buffs ), but this got compensated with a whole lot of character events/dialogues

    Comments :
    I do feel like the game has less content than part 1, but after I replay part 1 and compare it to part 2, those 2 are a bit same same, part 2 has less map tho, since the dev has to make 2 kind of map and different event/enemies for 1 place in p2, and most p1 maps are just filler map, so I guess it's alright
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    As a person who has played the first Black Soul and Red Riding hood, this was an amazing game.
    But I'm only going to talk about the gameplay and not the story or the sex.

    1. Magic cooldown
    Magic is no longer op anymore because now there a cooldown in the last game attacking with your sword had an limit and it was as good as it should be but magic was the most powerful attack you had and the attack depended on your magic stat which was very easy to increase which the demon cane which was time by 2.

    2. Pledge
    In the last game, you have comrades and you could summon in any battle to help, this was the way to make the game easier and have a way for you to have sex to them. In 2 they removed it due to story reason but they replaced with a pledge and these pledges give you buff like a title from an MMORPG. The girl that you pledge doesn't fight with you but they do have bonuses like items or skill that you can only get via them. The comrades aren't really gone you can still have allies by summoning fairy tail bosses from the last game to only fight bosses.

    3.Items and turns
    Since the comrade's feature can only be used boss battles to help balance that they made that almost every item you use within battle doesn't cost a turn. For example, your fighting and your low on health and you need to buff yourself and guard all at the same time or as you will die to bullshit, but that doesn't matter you can use health and buffing items all without a cost of a turn. Then you can end that turn by guarding.

    4. SEN
    SEN is this version of SIN. You have 100 at the start and it will increase or decrease your actions or by using items. Increasing doesn't do much but decreasing your SEN changes your game and no it doesn't have something like Black Trial to kill you but rather it is a descent to madness. To see what wonderland is really is and everyone seems to like monsters. The item to make you increase SEN that is a drug but the item to decrease it is a black soul.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    El necrofilo

    Right of the bat let's leave something clear. If you liked the first game, then this is a must play. This is yet another awesome entry. However even though it brought many good concepts, scenarios and new characters to the table. I wouldn't say it surpassed the first one. First off you can't bring companions to the battle anymore, this takes away one of most gratifying things in the first game: the relationship developments. In the first game you actually felt like a hero by taking on several quest to save a lot of characters. Even if the world was ending, you had an eden with all the friends you made along the way, in other words you never felt alone, and they even helped you bringing funny dialogues and pointing out weak spots in bosses. There are many problems i have with this game. But i can't say it a bad game on it's own. But when many of the best scenes are callbacks to the last game... Then it's hard to notice something isn't right
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    As a guy that played the first game i can say,that this games are completle different by gameplay,in first one there was more story of heroines,and more scenes with characters(though in first one there was less characters than in second one),gameplay almost the same but with break mechanics(but a little simplified,since you can meet with almost everyone and just pledge instantly to get the scenes while in first one there was a whole quest branches with heroines),the music in this one i godsend,but i felt like there was less content that in first one.
    But,for anyone that played the first part,this will be the real threat(poseidon hotel really made me really sad...) and even if you didn't played the first one i'd still recommended this game.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    loli senpai

    oh my this is one of the unique games i have been waiting for..
    its just way much better than the 1st season of it as a story and a playstyle becouse you can play as a good or bad guy its just too good game and for me i like everything about it