RPGM - BlackBook80 [v6] [Medio Ting]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    A nice game. The story is ok, the CG's are great, loved the models style. The animation is not that great, it would be better with static images. The sex scenes are cool, and the gameplay is easy to follow. There's some things that bothered me, but it's personal likes so I'll not point it here.
    4 stars, a fun game.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    looks interesting and unique, but is unplayable at the moment. You get locked out of content by the insane amount of bugs and problems, like move buttons can simply stop working at a random point.

    Fun example of unfinished/unpolished/not thought through stuff:
    - Entered a cafe a minute before it's closed? Sucks to be you, you can't leave now, because while you were entering a minute passed and now it's closed and you are stuck inside with no way out.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The art by itself would honestly be worth 5* if the game itself didn't act as an active detriment to enjoying it (good music ambiance for the scenes though).

    It's good, it's uncensored, and it's diverse. More importantly, there's plenty on the devs site, which leaves me hopefully optimistic that the hardest part is already done with.

    Patreon explanations for 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 are helpful guides.

    The dev's made it clear they wish to do this game through this engine for nostalgia, that's fine by me, my only hope is that the actual sex scenes stop going from blacked/unloaded to showing in the span of seconds. Because as nice as the art is, it's a seizure procedure to actually watch them in game instead of just fapping to the posted products on Ci-en.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Unplayable due to terrible MTL.

    Art is consistent and AI backgrounds are nice.
    Translation however is way too bad. Half of the time text isn't even translated, meaning you can't even try to guess what the game wants from you. What is worse like half of the menu options are untranslated either.

    No reason to touch unless someone at least edits current game.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Pretty good visuals and setting but translation is horrible (some crucial stuff isn't even translated). Gameplay lags(?) and is clunky in general. Dev just had to wait bit more to patch up the game and it would be a VERY promising title. Shame to see design, art this good go to waste
  6. 3.00 star(s)



    Rating is based purely off how it is currently, that of which it is in very early stages of development. It's machine translated, with some text not even being translated at all, so it's impossible to really comprehend what's going on as an english speaker. You don't even get an explanation of mechanics.

    Nonetheless, I can see the vision that the creator has and with continued development and some proper translation I think this could be a really nice game. The art is good and unique, and the H scenes seem like they will be great.

    also NTR WOOOOO
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    "Played" v 0.4

    Translation for english is not really there (if jp is complete I can't tell). There are some parts translated, like story and such, but when it comes to decisionmaking it's still chinese so it's more like a guessing game. I got stuck at a location because I picked an option and couldn't move anymore. I just didn't know if I hat to do something or if it's bugged.

    The interface is at first like "WTF" but you can get used to it. Maps need locations drawn in so you don't have to guess where everything is.

    Overall ren'py would've been the better choice, but it is what it is. And it's sad because the characters and setting looks nice and seems interesting. But as for now, with incomplete translation and possible bugs I would not recomment it.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is indeed very buggy, the screen gets stuck same people gets stuck too, also why is it on rpgmaker? Should have made it using Renpy, tho it is indeed interesting and the artstyle is good despite being ai generated
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Review as of v0.4

    Wow. Just wow. I haven't played such a bad mess of a game in... forever! I don't understand why it'd be 2 GB's already? If the beta is this much, I don't want to think what it'd be if it had a full release.

    Now don't get me wrong. I think the characters looks pretty hot and since I'm a fan of NTR, I'd love to see how the story is built up to the points of it happening.

    But for now, you can barely play this. It's so janky. Why are they even using a form of RPGM when they could be using Ren'Py and I bet the game would be a lot smoother if they did. The constant flickering of characters during sex scenes (mind you, I used the menu to view them) is really annoying. The map is confusing as hell with its relations to the buttons you need to press to go to certain places. At one point, I was unable to read the messages that were coming to my pager(?) and got stuck in the story. The text would break half of the time so I wasn't able to understand what I was supposed to do and even if the English did work, it was horrid.

    This has a lot of potential. My advice for the dev would be to either learn to code better in RPGM or move to Ren'Py, or at least hire someone to clean up his mess of a code. Also get a better translator. If he used something like DeepL to translate his stuff and not let it auto-translate from the garbage in-built translator, it'd be 10 times more readable.

    I do wish the dev good luck but for the time being, I can't recommend you to play this game. Maybe go into it and check the sex scenes but that's just 1 - 2 minutes of enjoyment when it could be a lot more.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    uses the RPGMaker game engine but has zero RPGMaker elements and the way they've set it up would've been better to use Ren'Py or some other game engine, not to mention the translation is barely there and what is translated is all but an unreadable mess, from just the couple of minutes i tried to play this the navigation is confusing as F***ing hell, and if F95 had it i would've rated this a 0/5 instead of the lowest of 1/5 because right now this game is such a mess, i wouldn't have put it out even as a public alpha build let alone a 0.4 release, overall as of this review this game is not even worth the minute or 2 it took for me to download it nor the couple of minutes wasted trying to make sense of what i was trying to play