Категорически приветствую!
Firstly, yes, you urgently need to kill the relatives of the main character: mother, father, sisters ... categorically and cruelly (и с особым цинизмом!). And after that, as soon as possible, arrange for his adoption to the family of a friend of his father or mother. This "финт с ушами" will avoid 99% of problems on all possible platforms. The content is the same, but everything is legal.
Secondly, add animations. Players are now very spoiled and if there are only static pictures in the game, they will ignore the project no matter how interesting it is. It's sad, but a fact. Animations can be the simplest, literally from a couple of frames, but it is important that they are.
Third, try to integrate your character models into the background. They often seem to hang in the air, not being part of the world around them. It really hurts the eyes and looks very bad.