RPGM - Completed - Blanca - The Poor Girl from the Slums [v1.0] [Duskcraft]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    It's an OK game with wasted potential. I like the plot of the girl having to pay a debt and because of that, she becomes corrupt. But the problem with this game is that it's slow, repeating the same actions for 30 days is boring and not knowing when certain events will start... and of course the lack of H scenes.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Joe Steel

    I've played about 2.5 hours of this and don't understand any of the previous reviews. There's been no grind so far, every repeated action has had a different outcome. The FMC is cute (except in the rather clunky sprite version that appears on the maps) and relatable. The story naturally flows from the premise and decisions.

    The only two flies in the ointment are
    1. The player doesn't know ahead of time what effect the actions they pick will have on the variables (which, frankly, don't make sense if you think about them so don't do that) so you can lose "lives" easily even if you thought beforehand that you were in good shape, and
    2. RPGM and it's ugly map and sprites is the wrong engine for this. The game uses none of the strengths of RPGM and suffers from all of its flaws. Ren'py or even HTML would work better.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This is an OK game, the trick is that 1) It isn't as 'sandbox' as it pretends to be and 2) lots of content and events open up after a bunch of time has passed. If you don't think you're getting anywhere, rather than do anything drastic or give up you probably just have to waste some days.

    In the end I didn't like it because there was a lot of forced or nearly forced content. I didn't have the patience to see if there was anyway around some stuff (like ending up being stuck without clothes, for ex.).
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Glacial paced scene collector lacking in scenes.

    after a lengthy prologue to set up the stereotypical "girl needs to pay back debt or bad things will happen" the game opens up into free mode where you can work several different jobs to repay the debt. You have to manage 3 different resources while doing so. Running out enough times will result in a game over.

    and the reward for juggling all this is a lackluster half a dozen scenes. which you will see over and over again with little to no variation.

    The girl is cute and all, but there are probably better uses of your time