Wolf RPG - Completed - Blazing Aries [Final] [Kurotozakka]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly one of the best games I've played so far and an abundance of things you can do so here's my rating

    CG's 5/5
    There's a decent library of CGs you can enjoy as you play through the game as well as some fun bits here and there too.

    Story 5/5
    Interesting concept in story with the MC being a rounded and tough tomboyish character with just perfect notes here and there (least in my personal opinion)

    Gameplay 5/5
    An interesting way how combat works with the Combo system just giving me a boost of dopamine as I play, making sure you have the most fun out there whilst you play it!

    All in all I'd say this is a rather perfect game to a degree, course not everyone will agree but these are my opinion. make your own opinions by playing this game whenever you can!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a really cool game with very fun and captivating gameplay. I've yet to play anything of this style, but its very rewarding coming up with new combos, parrying and learning the opponent's moves. The mc is also cute and fiery.

    Regular areas are quite long and feel lonely and boring, but there is enemy variety and they are quite good for trying combos and training you to go fast. The bosses are the main focus. Difficult but rewarding, with tricky movesets that punish early parrys and late ones. You'll need to read movements carefully and do extended combos to end the fight quicker.

    Story is interesting, though the overarching powers and characters are fairly stupid and cartoonishly evil, it really makes you feel like a hero, no doubt, no greyness. And leaving characters behind always sting and is emotional, which means they were good characters. The ending is also uplifting but really emotional. She doesnt go back home, she'll continue having lot of adventures in new places, adventures which we wont share with her anymore.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This probably the best game I've found in this site. It's genuinely fun to play. Sure, as a sex game, the beggining is a very slow burn, but I was having fun just playing, so I didn't mind at all. For an indie game, it is pretty good. Sure, it's no Hollow Knight or Tunic, but not everyone can make games that actually rival in quality to AAA games.

    Blazing Aries does a lot of things right:
    - The combat is pretty fun and responsive (and it let's you configure the buttons in the controller, so you won't keep wasting food by trying to enter in the menu with the start button).
    - The story is the usual "girl with misterious powers goes to an adventure to save the world", but I found Aries to be a fun character, willing to do the right thing, sure, but she is in for the adventure, not to be the HeroTM, and has a sassy side that I enjoy a lot.
    - The side characters, even the rapey ones, usualy aren't as one dimensional as they usually are in these games. Many of them either aren't exactly rapey but spoilers make them do things, or they have some nuance (like the one that doesn't want to attack girls, no matter how much he wants, but is fine with tricking them). I just finished, after 6 hours, the first chapter of the game, and I found exactly one scumbag with zero redeaming qualities (well, technically four, but three of them were basically a joke, so I don't count them)
    - There is a lot of effort in the game. Kuroto didn't need to put camera changes to show a full village, or make a new room so a character can stand against a door or wall that we usually wouldn't see, but they did. The game has a lot of little details that aren't needed but make the player smile because of the effort
    - The FINAL fight of the chapter 1. Oh my god, that fight. The only complain I have about that fight is that it wasn't LONGER, because I was having a lot of fun. I'm not going to give more details because, frankly, it's better to find for yourselves, but it was a really fun battle, unlike any I've had at this point in the game.
    - And well, the sex. I already said that Aries can be, sassy as fuck. Well, that includes when she is not being raped. Even as a (at that point) virgin with almost zero experience with sex, she is going to sass and fuck (pun not intended) with the one that asked for a fellatio to pay for some info, to give just one example. Is it the best sex I've seen in a game? No, at least not yet. But it was fun to read, and I usually skip the oral sex scenes because they tend to bore me.

    For what I've read, Battle Princess Lacia is an even better version of Blazing Aries. If true, I really want for OTAKU to finish the translation already, because that's ONE game I want to play, seeing how good Blazing Aries already is.

    Technically, this game wouldn't have 5 stars for me, it would be closer to 4.5, but because you can't give half stars, and other people already gave it a lesser score that I think it deserves, it gets the 5 from me.

    Just one word of advice, this is a game WITH porn, not porn WITH gameplay, as many other h-games really are. And Blazing Aries can perfectly stand as a game, with no porn at all (it has a SFW option, after all).
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best H eroge game i have ever played.

    The gameplay is great. It's addictive and fun.

    The story is amazing. There a lot of plot twist moment, and there are some inspirational moment.

    The H content is good too, although is not amazing.

    First i play this game in pirate version for 30 minutes, then i decided to buy this game. One of the best decision i have ever made
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Very slow burn that doesn't deliver imo


    -Art is great.
    -Story altough is a ''choosen one'' cliche it is captivating.


    -First 2 hours (on my playtrough) had basically 2 combat cut ins that were meh and 1 handjob scene and 1 groping,game is VERY,VERY,VERY slow burn.If you can't grind for 2 hours for a scene perhaps skip this one.
    -Combat is fun and feels good at first until you realize you've been doing the same combo for 2 hours.
    -Kinks are limited (ımo)

    The game isn't bad,some one with patience definetly will enjoy this game more than I did.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The story and h-content are pretty good, but why the hell is this game so goddamn long?

    Not even in the length of each story. Why is every dungeon 4x the lenght that it should be? Why is the overworld between zones filled with trash-mobs and like 5 screens to the next town? Why the fuck does this kraken fight take like ten fucking minutes because I only get a ten second window to attack it every attack-cycle and it has a bazillion health?

    Aside from the ferocious padding, it's a 4/5 star game, but with it it's quickly dropping to 2 stars at best.
    The developer must have been on crack. No I don't want this much fucking non-porn content in a porn-game.

    Also, the combat sucks. If you're going to implement a system where you do special attacks by holding directions while attacking, don't bind those directions to movement.
    How the fuck am I supposed to hit anything when 90% of my directional inputs pull me AWAY from the enemy?

    Also, if you're going to give me multiple moves that hurl me ten feet into the air, give me a helmsplitter to get back to the ground with, otherwise every combo ends with me floating above the enemy unable to hit them because RNG says that they didn't 'flinch' this time, so the launcher didn't launch.

    TLDR: Combat is mediocre. It's a good idea executed very poorly.
    Every single combat-zone is 4x the length that it should be, and there's about 10x as much dialogue as their needs to be.
    Some of it is good, but so much of it is just chaff.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably my favorite H-Game I have ever played, first playthrough I did a Virgin clear, because I find it make a re-play of the game far more interesting, and it is also usually just harder. The combat takes some getting used to, but once you manage to properly get the parry down, most fights are simply a matter of learning when to parry to avoid taking damage and when to swing to inflict damage. It is a great system that is incredibly punishing at higher difficulties, and therefore immensely satisfying when you succeed. Honestly the H-frames usually are kinda lacking, and the H aspect of this game is not great, I like to combat and story far more. If you enjoy it, I highly recommend buying it on Steam.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    For context, I pretty much gave up after Chapter 2. There are some really good parts but the following cons pretty much made me give up on the game. I give it a 3 star mostly because of the lack of hentai content and some rough around the edge balancing.

    +really like the characters an art
    +story is well written
    +core gameplay is pretty fun

    - a bit buggy considering this is a wolfrpg action style game.
    -not much hentai content. for 2 chapters, which took me 2 hours and I was speed running (excluding the dialogue, it was interesting enough for me to read). Losing to a boss is just a game over instead of a game over rape scenario.
    -Does not respect your time in that it is both very grindy and walking everywhere takes a long while.
    - at Ch 2 they introduce a stun mechanic that becomes incredibly frustrating, especially with a specific boss fight in Ch 2 that can easily stun lock you to death.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    A well-written game with great combat that controls well, though next to no sexual content for those who play to "win". If you're looking to get off, this will probably frustrate you. If you're looking for smooth controls, tough bosses, and good writing, this is worth your time.

    The combat flows very well once you get the hang of it, and the main character controls much better than I expected from an h game. In the early game the player has to manage a very limited supply of AP to do special moves. This is challenging and interesting, and almost completely eliminated a bit later when extra AP is awarded for leveling. At a certain point I realized I could win all non-boss combats with the same combo, and the fights became trivial. From then on the only real challenge came from the game's bosses, even on higher difficulties.

    The challenge that comes from the bosses isn't the great kind of challenge that makes you feel like the fight is dynamic and interesting. It's the kind that makes you feel like you have to memorize attack patterns, dodge, and then eventually whittle down the enemy's HP. Countering bosses doesn't even reliably work since some attacks can't be countered, and the attacks are telegraphed the same way. That said the bosses are unique, interesting, and give a feeling of accomplishment when defeated.

    The sex scenes almost exclusively come from taking hits in fights. Certain enemies will trigger scenes only after inflicting a status effect on the character, which unfortunately really breaks up the excellent combat flow. If the player is playing to "win", they'll equip accessories that nullify the status effects and inadvertently remove almost all the h content from the game. Aside from what you get from performing poorly during combat, there's maybe one unskippable scene per chapter, and none that reward exploration or good gameplay. I was 6 hours in and realized there had only been 3 short, vanilla scenes, which can really be frustrating for players that were promised a sex game.

    The game has quality-of-life touches that show the creator respects players' time: There's a mini-map that shows enemies & collectibles, allowing players to quickly move through areas; successful quests will transport the player back to town rather than make the player back-track through several screens; the game-over screen allows the player to immediately retry, and gives them the chance to lower difficulty or change equipment. These touches remove a lot of frustration and grindiness that other games suffer from.

    There are (unfortunately) a couple of extremely frustrating parts. Early on the player is forced into a "dark" dungeon where they lose the mini-map, have extremely limited visibility, and are forced to navigate a maze. This grinds the established game flow to a near stand-still, and is made worse when the player eventually realizes that in order to progress they have to search every nook and cranny of the maze for switches. I thought I'd combed every corner of the map before eventually giving up and checking the forum to find the last one I missed. What's fun about crippling your gameplay and aggravating players?

    Another frustration comes from a boss so grindy and difficult as to be unplayable at any but the easiest difficulty. This boss robs players of their usual movement and attacks during the fight. It has an attack that is so so quick and unpredictable as to offer the player no meaningful chance to avoid it. It's basically RNG that determines if it hits enough times to defeat the player. Worse, it takes several cycles to resolve, meaning the player has to replay minutes of the fight just to see if they got lucky enough to survive. Eventually the only way to move forward is to lower the game's difficulty, robbing the player of the aforementioned feelings of accomplishment.

    The writing is actually very good. The main character is focused and well-spoken. She has her own personality, thoughts, and desires that go well beyond her calling. She knows what she wants, knows what she believes, and why. The NPCs have voices and complex struggles. We see them experience growth, loss, and friendship. It's clear the author was looking to create a well-rounded story. I just wish it was a sexy story.

    I prefer erotic games where the sex is either integrated with the gameplay, or at least a frequent reward for good gameplay. This game does neither and suffers for it. If you play to win, you'll find the content is so infrequent as to be frustrating. Those looking for a good game will find a lot to like here. Those looking for erotic content should probably keep looking.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This game honestly feels wasted as a porn game. It could just be it's own normal rpg. The gameplay is solid and the story could use some work, but honestly the porn feels both tacked on and lacking which degrades the game. However, it is nice to see a game where the girl enjoys getting railed.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the best wolf rpg game I've ever played.

    Full action combat - Probably it's best feature
    Combos and different skills
    Fast walking speed and gameplay
    Wide areas
    Various enemies
    Cute characters

    It focused on action gameplay and lacked H content
    It really needs animated scenes specially on battles

    (y) (y) (y) (y) (y) :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    The game fighting mechanics are phenomenal. The only bad thing is that the adult content isn't much.

    It's a 5/5 stars game without taking account the adult content. If you are expecting that, it isn't much. Which is sad, because even the adult mechanics are nice. Also, without playing as easy mode, it takes quite a lot of effort to be able to take on tougher enemies.

    My only disapointment is that I was expecting adult content, specially taking into account the tags and that it was on there forums. If it was on other forums it would probably be one of the best RPG games I've ever played.

    It's pretty sad, because all the content the game already has is extremely solid, and it gives a taste that the adult taste was rushed just to give fanservice. It has everything to have more adult content and even enforce the corruption theme.

    If you are simply asking for a fun game, with minor adult elements, then play it. It is completly outstanding and fighting mechanics are fresh and so much fun. As I said I was only sad due the expectations I had due to downloading on these forums. If you ignore that, it's probably one of the best RPGs I've ever played.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I think it's the first time I remember playing a Wolf rpg game and it was so fluid and fun to play, Aries is a game that surprised me by presenting a proposal to focus on the story (which is rare for an eroge) and have a charismatic protagonist for me, the place that caught me the most in this game was the combat without a doubt!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely masterpiece.
    In short, this game has innovative gameplay, sound, and story, but very mediocre H-scene.
    + well, have you seen any hack & slash hentai game created with RPGM/Wolf RPG? Well, there are several examples such as Chevalier Historie, which is top-down hack&slash game. However, this game has more dynamic to it. First reason is the skill system, which required you to push the direction button together with the attack button to perform. Second is the fact that enemy is not likely to be knock back, which make the game significant harder. Boss fight need to be carefully deal with if you don't want your health to be tripped gradually. For this aspect, this game is very much fun and fresh, remind me of Devil May Cry
    + Boss fight is hard, you have to die to them a few time to come up with a strategy to reliably dodge attack, trip their shield and stun them by break their shield a few time. Think of it like metroidvania game like Blasphemous or Lilies Ender, fight smarter, not harder. This applied to normal enemy too.
    - There are boss fight that are unreasonable hard.
    - Most keys for fighting and parrying are X and Z, while the jump key is E. Therefore, I mostly don't use this move at all. It is a pity since it is equivalent to roll in normal sides-roller. I normally run around the arena to avoid boss.

    + Fresh, diverse and extensive. Feel like a good anime with deep lore and setting.
    + The author is very good at manipulate your emotion. Feel your blood boiled whenever you see a cute, likable female characters is in imminent danger of being stolen or harmed under the hand of some bastard in anime?
    + Likable character.
    + Enjoyable dialogue which I gladly read.
    - Sometimes the story is all over the place. A lot of loose ends that dev forget to tie up. Well, for small circle, I think it is commendable for them to stray from the generic setting and story and this is the side effect, thus, it could be overlooked.

    + CG is okay. I am being generous here.
    + However, H scene is enjoyable due to backstory of heroines. Or you just want to see your cute heroine is lewded

    Conclusion, this is a very good game gameplay-wise. I repeat, this is a very good game gameplay-wise. Do yourself a favor, play this game to enjoy a good game with story sprinkled with H content here and there.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I thought the sex scenes were average, from 6-7/10.
    Some are "defeat only", both from game overing and some from being caught while under a status effect. HOWEVER, there are items available to prevent the status effect, and one item actually will save the MC's virginity from all enemies bar game overs.

    I played a virgin run with save scumming, on easy mode. Why easy mode? Because I wanted to fap. However, even on easy mode the enemies were no joke, I could still die with a bit of laziness.

    I really enjoyed the story, though some of the cutscenes are just brutally long; on the flip side, there are cutscenes.

    The gameplay is also fun, though I played with a CONTROLLER so comboing was easier. It's a nice hack and slash.

    There's even a SFW mode.

    There are some lewd (optionally anyway) minigames as well, like massage, DDR style key input, and a brothel. The DDR was fun, the brothel was a sad excuse of a dating sim, and the massage is a button pressing game. Minigames weren't that great.

    100% seems a tad difficult. But then again, when is it not... New game plus system seems quite customizeable though.

    To highlight the good points, I liked the story, some of the smut, and the gameplay and combat was stellar.

    My complaints are the lewd aspects (average) and some small gripes with pacing, story and cutscene wise, as well as meh minigames.

    I recommend playing this if you like fighting games and JRPGs. It does average to good on those fronts. If you want onehanded gaming, it will do, but not as good as other games.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    It's an overall good game but it has very outweighing flaws.

    + Combat is completely fresh and well made. I doubt you can find another game with similar combat.
    + Story is well written, I found myself actually invested in it a lot.
    + Characters are charming and likeable. The protagonist is especially cute.

    - Grindy. Unless you play on easy mode, bosses start to overwhelm you fast unless you stop and grind. Getting certain H scenes can also be grindy, you have to repeat the same task many times before fulfilling the conditions.
    - H contents are spread too thin. This is the game's BIGGEST flaw. For how long the game is, the H contents should be at least doubled.
    - Linear. There's not many side events, so you're forced to progress through the main content.
    - Chapters. This game's story is divided into different chapters. Once you move onto the next chapter, you're unable to go back, locking you out out contents from previous chapters.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Mi China+

    The story and character art is really amazing, i love the funny and sad story in this game although the H scenes is not that good, its still worth.
    The gameplay also amazing, have many combos, vast map, and they put a lot effort on character sprite.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The body proportion is kind of weird, but that's about it, the art style is still cute.
    Gameplay is really fun, it's a single character Tales Game.
    The drop-rate of monster's loot is pretty low, so it's a bit grindy when it come to inherit ability, but you don't need it to clear the game.

    But I have to say, even though I give it a 5/5 , it actually close to 4/5, main reason being the porn part is kind of lacking.
    Not only the CG is not that much compare to the whole gameplay length (playtimes pretty much made out with around 80% game 20% porn) , the art itself is also lacking when compare to others game on the platform.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Masterpiece ! Nothing more to say. A must have for female protagonist rpg enjoyers ! From the story to the art, and even the gameplay !! Truly a wonderful game <3

    I will remember this game for sure.
    Thank you very much for sharing it, the translation is perfect btw.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Finallly very epic action RPG !! Love it, in general i love with fast pacing game and able to execute cool combos.

    + Good story
    + Good CG art
    + Good gameplay mechanics
    + Good BMG
    + Good MC
    + Good scene
    + Good OST

    I would give 5/5