Others - Completed - BlazingAngel Mistletear [mille-feuille]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    story, animations, scenes are all exceptional, but all my life (all thanks to snes TMNT) I have despised the old school fighter games like this and back then Ugh TMNT, because let's be honest Dark souls ain't got sh*t on these gameplay type games in terms of difficulty. no block and later on so many BS moves ruin my ahem mood and just piss me off
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my first experiences of the H-Game genre and to-date, one of the few I've thoroughly enjoyed. The gameplay may not be everyone's cup of tea but the artwork was stunning and I enjoyed the character art as well.

    It plays like the beat 'em ups of the old days where you have highly pixelated art, a 2.5D landscape and several levels. In each level, you have to manage health and what I assume is mana as several waves of enemies accost you as you traverse the level. You encounter the final boss at the end of which. Our protagonist has a varied move skillset and a couple of super moves to be unleashed in dire situations. The grunts have your regular kick and slide attacks and some can even grab you which is dangerous for obvious reasons. I have to say, this is one of the very few H-Games where gameplay in isolation was worth it for me. I was playing on a proper gaming rig so didn't suffer from any performance issues so YMMV.

    Didn't pay much attention to either the music or the story, neither of which had an impact on my enjoyment.

    What really sells this game for me is the character art and the scenes. On regular defeat, you get a quick sprite sex scene which is all right as far as sprite scenes go. But the real treat is the CGs themselves. Despite being censored, I thought they looked downright incredible. Some of the GOR ones go on for an interminable time but I was too busy enjoying the artwork.

    In short, solid game with good CG. I would definitely play it again. I think the developer tried to make a carbon copy of this with a slightly different protagonist but it didn't tickle my fancy at the time.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly good, or not really considering it's among the more expensive titles at DLSITE. Would hope there is alot of competant work in this product and the pricetag doesn't fail.

    Some also odd visual novel esque story telling. Schoolgirls/transformations.
    Old Professors who want to take over the world then place a Queen that little cuck. Games got it all for side scroller action hentai games.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    + presented history, seemingly banal but still addictive, has its own style that performs well;
    + climate, during the fight we are accompanied by a sense of danger (we can choose the level of difficulty) individual fates of other characters as well as our own are perfectly compatible with the game;
    + the main character is presented in the non-commune way, thanks to the fact that we have here many monologues or thoughts, it is easy to get into her role thanks to good voice acting, thanks to which it is easy to notice what emotions lead her;
    + a beautiful line and well made erotic scenes both in terms of visual and sound based on the combination of Pixel Animation and CG events, the flavor is added by numerous, extensive scenes depending on the circumstances in which we are;
    + as if that was not enough, the real-time fight itself and the combos associated with it are well made and adequate supplementation in jumping from stage to stage;
    + the opportunity to improve our character for collected points;
    + game options are made with care, which is sometimes lacking in most games, so it's worth pointing out.

    - from weaker points, it's a pity that there are no objects from the environment to be used, as well as improvements in our form in terms of clothing, it would add an interesting flavor;
    - I never thought I would write something like that, but some erotic scenes are a little too long, especially those ending the game after losing their last life, because they can go on for a long time, if there was a bigger change in the scenography etc, but from somewhere quite maniacally repeated groans of characters, from which nothing new really arises.

    It's hard for me to exchange any minuses in this game, it's just a piece of well done work. Everything works and interacts with each other as it should, the scenes are sexy and the gameplay itself is satisfying, what more could you want?

    Game time: > 6 hours
    The game saves only the date the record was made. So it is difficult for me to assess the individual save that I made. However, from what I was able to study, depending on the level of difficulty chosen, our skills and whether we would like to experience most of the scenes or go through the game in a clean way - certainly enough for about 6-9 hours.

    Rating: 5/5
    The game is not excellent, but it has its own style and it performs too well for me to give a lower rating. Even if the arcade style of the game does not match us, we might as well focus on the erotic aspect, because the scenes, although mostly based on rapes, are really well made and sexy.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    -Gameplay most part is fun
    -decent story
    -H-Scene is nice, greats and quite many
    -Animations is good
    -Voice is greats

    -some few Bugs/glitch which can make the game annoying
    -there is 1 areas that is confusing like a maze which also can be annoying

    this game can be challenging but i like it. for some noob player can be really hard
    if your like it consider buying the game to support the Dev
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Detective Cancer

    The framerate isn't the only thing struggling to get past 10 in this game.
    I was too, past 10 minutes of the horrible garbage that this turned out to be.
    Sure it's a full game and it's a beat 'em up with some potential given the combos and stuff you can pull off but it cheats harder than Arcade TMNT did back in the day. 1-frame wakeup throws that do a ton of damage, impossible trades(and i use that term loosely, you don't trade, you take damage and no enemy does) even though you have a hitbox out, no amount of timing or learning could any of this okay, and if that wasn't bad enough the game over screens take 300 years to finish yelling at you about how much you're getting raped. One of the first games on this site I've gone out of my way to use a save file for. Jesus fucking christ, the rules say "constructive" but if this game ever had a physical release I'd set it on fire.