VN - Ren'Py - Blood Job [v2023-01-20] [Kinetic Novels]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    English is really really bad. And often does not match what you see on screen.
    Plot is pretty basic and didn't really hold my interest in any special way.

    I also just don't find the sex parts sexy. The art is meh and I find it unappealing, especially the 3d vaginas but also rest of body.
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Crimson Fire

    This is really bad.

    The English is terrible so it is hard to know what is meant in some of the dialogue. A visual novel like this requires excellent language skills because the whole story is being told in words. And this game fails, and so much of this game is dialogue without sex, so you need good writing which this game lacks.

    The sex is meh at best. At the start of the game you are literally told you are take upstairs stripped and are fucking while the picture is still you in the front hall of the house. Hey you think MAYBE when you are talking about the sex that maybe that would be a good time to show the sex and not the MC in the front hall?

    Some of the choices in the result in really dark rapey scenes with ZERO context. A woman at the bar wants to hook up with you your prompt is accept her proposition or politely decline. You accept and you get aggressive she tells you to stop and you don't. Well that escalated out of no where. Another instance you hear something in the basement where you have an enemy captured. you can ignore it or Investigate. But investigate means you go down force face fuck her. It was fucking stupid how these choice go.

    You get an event with are werewolf and she tells you her story and the dialogue tells you she isn't being totally honest with you, or you get the feeling she isn't totally honest. If you believe her you have sex and you live. If you don't believe her you have sex with her and you die. If I don't trust her why the fuck would i fuck her? Stupid choice.

    The game is poorly written, the choices in the game can make no sense. The sex scenes are not great and they are few and far between so you read a lot of bad english for a not so great story to get poor sex scenes. This isn't worth your time. I gave it two stars because it least there is no time wasting grind to the game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for Prologue:

    Overall its a very good game but a little bit inconsistent during the transitions and some missing images but putting those aside the story is really intriguing, characters sexy & Interesting and the renders are awesome, eagerly looking forward to the next update!
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    This VN is solid 2/5 for me.

    Visually looks pretty good, the rest is about average.
    Seems to be a fad at the minute with Vampire VNs, but i don't mind.

    The writing seems okay, abit weak at times. hurried or out of order,
    but not a bad start, i can see the potential of this and will keep an eye on it.

    Its biggest flaw, and stopping it from getting a 3/5 from me, is the almost complete disconnect of the dialog to scene.

    as stated in the previous review. what the dialog says or is describing an action, is often enough a completely different scene. and sadly this starts from very early on to. there are so many that i can't remember them all... (the whole ritual at the beginning is completely out of sequence to the dialog/scenes. the throwing of the sword?/dagger, dialog says sword is thrown, but its stuck in a wall, talking about why the sword was thrown, scene shows the sword being thrown. little stuff like chars talking and moving. one instance... MC and char talking about going down some stairs. the scenes shows them downstairs. when they are talking downstairs, the scene shows at the top of stirs. like i said, little things that add up.)

    I think the Dev needs to sit down and go back over the script, slow it down.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: Early Access

    I cannot give this a very high rating as there are too many discrepancies between the text that has been written and the image that is being displayed.
    An example of this is when you are having sex with Victoria it states "I came inside her" however the image clearly shows that she has pulled away with the MC's load being shot into the air.
    Another example is at the coffee shop it states "I followed the waitress to the back of the shop where they had a little room to probably change and stay when it was a break. She threw her clothes quickly in one of the corners...", yet the images are of the two outside in a back ally next to some trash cans/bags.
    Not only are there discrepancies in between the text and the images there are discrepancies between what has been said and what the characters know. As an example, at no point has the MC's BFF Monica been told that he is a vampire, he has only thought about telling her but not actually spoken it out loud, yet she states "Even if you are no longer human, even if you are a vampire... You have preserved your humanity." Then of course after the sex scene, Monica is told by Victoria that the MC has been turned into a vampire and she doesn't believe her, so what was all that she was just talking about a few minutes ago???
    There was no communication between the team members while working on this project, as these are huge discrepancies that if anyone had bothered to tested/checked the VN for bugs/issues would have caught and are easily/quickly fixed.
    While some of the images are of high quality most of them are at best average but the quality is even worse due to simple things like in one image Monica's glasses are place correctly on her face but in most images the bridge on the glasses isn't visible because they are inside her nose. Some of the images where not finished to the same level of rendering as one image is crystal clear but the next is fuzzy from not being finished or some images are just out of focus.
    And another issues I have with this VN is that they use the term gym in the context of it being something more like a school. Who cares if you don't go to a gym for one or two-days? Gyms usually don't have bullies that pick on you because you dress like a nerd as most people wear work out clothing, no if you are being bullied at a gym it's because you are weak. Last time, I checked most people don't graduate from a gym ether, I gym is a place that you go to, to work out and get in shape and as such isn't broken down into a set number of years of training.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 609064

    A promising early access release.

    The writing is a bit too verbose (many amateur writers do this) but the story idea and graphics compensate for how long winded the dialogue can be.

    Looking forward to playing this again when it updates to see how much it evolves.