RPGM - Completed - Blood Price [v1.08] [つきみたけ / WASABI Entertainment]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I just tried this game and saw that the reviews here are quite bad, so I would like to review my experience with this game.
    In my opinion, this game is good. Of course, the game is old because it was originally released in 2016, so it may be outdated. But looking back at that time and this is considered the first game of this developer, I think they did a good job.
    The story of this game is not very new, but the storytelling is interesting and smooth, making me want to continue playing until the end.
    I think the art and CG are good. But almost all of the sex scenes are obtained when you lose. There are no other activities or sub-events in the game except for playing the main story. So it may be a big disadvantage of this game.
    The combat system is somewhat challenging. You have to try wearing equipment and changing skills according to each level. There are some combat mechanics to play, but the bosses tend to have too much jumping skills, so you die with one hit and have to level up frequently in each period.
    But in the game, there is a casino where you can pump money and character buff items, which can ruin the game balance.
    This point is a measure of how good or bad each person thinks this game is. If you don't farm at the casino, it will be difficult to fight and waste time leveling up, which is boring. But if the farm is too much, the game will be ruined and look bad.
    For me, the casino system is fun. It allows you to pump items and money easily. It is a good option to clear the game quickly.

    Overall, from my experience, I think this game can be played for fun in one go. It may not be the best, but I don't agree that this game is a bad game.
    And it makes me interested in playing other games from this developer.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a bit different than usual, the rpg part is kinda good, the ammount of party members, special habilities and such, but the game have a tiny ammount of items so the equipment system that shoudn't be bad, becomes bad, the combat can be rather engaging with a big ammount of enemies to fight, but the balance is not, there's only the easy group of enemies and the group that will loop your entire party in stuns for 5 turns, making you stay looking at your party die with no way of doing anything, the story is kinda bad, it have no development of any characters, maybe making the protagonist more willing to do sexual favors and that's it, and before i forget, you need to apply a fix to make the game work in the end game, if you don't know how to patch RPGMaker files like me and don't find a patched version or patched files, you can't finish the game, which don't make you lose much, besides the lose sex scene, that you can get without the patch, and access to the gallery.

    And now, let's talk about the fun part, the sex, which is kinda different, the game have sex scenes in every defeat and a tiny ammount of scenes outside combat, and the final ammount is like 20 scenes which seems a lot but they are not your usual ahegao monster rape scenes i think that only the basic slimes are not that messed up , saing that let's talk about some points that can dissuade you
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    In the end i couldn't finish my "business" with this one, i reached the last boss and then the game kept crashing and the fix required me to mess with the rpgmaker files, which I never did, so I just dropped it.
    Likes: LDV
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: v1.08

    The game just feels empty, little story, little world building, little personality. The sex scenes are quite good but it just feels like this game is a demo rather then a full fledged game. Also this game party mechanics but the other girls feel like they are nothing but placeholder so the developers can add more personality later. Its just a simple demo.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    :D Turnbased combat RPG Game, with town exploring, H-events.
    The game has the corruption system. with a counter that i don't really understand. and it is kinda a gameover H-scenes. :whistle:
    Good detailed game and it's story is interesting. can't forget those funny dialogues. :ROFLMAO:
    Thumbs up for the character designs, it's pretty dang cute. ;)
    Game has good amount variety of standing pictures and CGs. You can view them at the gallery in the end. :p
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Interesting story but doesn't really give any attention to the other characters that much.
    Even though most of the characters don't get much development, I can't help but like a few of them. I particularly like the the mc but probably because I recently reread Tensei Kyuuketsuki-San Wa Ohirune Ga Shitai (really good manga by the way) so I guess I've got a thing for cute vampire girls.
    Regardless, I find most of the character (that actually have sprites) to be quite cute and likeable.
    For being a supposedly censored game, I've yet to see any actual censorship, I guess that's a plus?
    The combat system doesn't really feel that eye catching to me and could do with some improvement.
    Given the amount of effort that is put into some of the scenes, it kind of makes the rest the events that happen feel bland in comparison.
    It's a good translation but there are some mistakes here and there, tho nothing that makes it unreadable. Good job.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Normally i'll try to find a good point and rate the game for it, but in this game i find none... so yeah this is a really bad game.

    Story: The journey about a young vampire girl want to revenge for her city after being kiced out by a mastermind clown and blah blah. You get the idea. Not only the story is line near but also the way they tell us is bad. The actual gameplay must be 30' but you have to spend... idk about 1 hour just for farming and leveling. Moreover, the story isn't deep enough and it leaves nothing in my heart. For example, i can't even remember the second character's name (the elf maid) because half of the time, you don't even know she was there ?

    Gameplay: Typical RPG. However, the amount of time you have to spend on leveling is indescribable, more like 2/3 of the time is for it. And this is the reason why the story is bad, the grinding time makes everyone forget the actual game. There's also a bad example for too much grinding, which is the arena boss fight in the casino town. When you choose to fight that boss, you have to continuously fight 5 bosses which will leave you to restart the game if you don't have enough level and didn't save BEFORE entering the casino. You can't leave or do anything while fighting that 5 bosses, this leaves you only one option, and that's right MORE FARMING.

    CG: You might think after all those time the reward must be something right ? HAHA, you're wrong. The CGs are bad, like really really bad. The only good about it is the art, and that's it. The scenes are boring with those typical rape scenes. Most of them are LOSE TO SEE and you know what it means right, if you want to view the 5 continuous boss fight, you have to defeat one boss in order to watch the next one then repeat. Not only that, after watching all those scenes, i feel nothing. No don't get wrong because i'm not emotionless, what i'm saying is that all of them are boring and the same... compare to other MRPGs, which is way better and don't have to spend so much time on.

    Overall, i give this game 2 star ( 1 for the translator ) because it's a bad game. Despite how fabulous it is, the game is an actual farming nightmare. So for short, AVOID IT AT ALL COST. You can use the full save to watch the CGs because the game is bad.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, well, what we got here, a game that looks promising, that once you get at how it tries humor and drama, well, you get...nothingness. Like, literal nothingness that feels inconsistent, aimless, having no sense of what good story should look like, and so on.

    But wait, is this a title where porn parts are rewards for you effort or something like that? Well, it is more when you lose, and even that feels rather weak - but okay, porn not good here, how about the game itself then?

    Not so good, in fact, it is very close to bad considering the earlier statements and points - its boring, once you get your get set up about at casino part, you'll have no difficulty later on, and its also rather short - takes about 5 hours of gameplay to complete this, along with cringe-worthy writing, like where characters swear a lot of English to point it looks like your average US-made game, and a story part, where the resistance boss says "woke" in casino arena to our characters because apparently modern dialect in fantasy exists...It would be as nonsensical as making characters yell HOO-RAAH despite not being americans or even related to them. It just feels insulting if the source material was different compared what I'm reading here. The translators clearly did try, but at same time, without justice because of stuff like this. And untranslated stuff still exists, like minor chest locations and such.

    So, aside from translation and such, the story is well, nonsensical as I've told, but it also feels generic because you're in a quest of liberating your own place of living and so on...Not really interesting, there's other games that have such simple theme, but do that job MUCH better than this one. And I don't want you waste your time on this either - for 15$(W/O discounts), it feels a waste of money on something that should be spent on better stuff for that price tag.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty much nothing, i do like the art of the girls but that just it, the game has nothing in it's combat, the story is also nothing and the H-Scenes are like ''i was brutally tortured'' but as soon as the scene end she's 100% ok, wich actually makes me feel kinda sad because while i was playing this game there where some scenes and dialogues that made me feel like the creator really tried, unlike most super low effort RPGM that as soon as you start playing you see that they are not worth your time, or maybe it's just me that really liked the art and was disapointed that the game was bad...
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Single star for the translation, they did a decent job. Besides a couple of locked chests I didn't see any untranslated lines. But that's about the only good thing I can say for this one.

    The game is short but padded, beyond the first area the maps are small and linear, but capped with bosses that frequently require grinding xp to reasonably beat. The town with the casino is even worse in this regard, as it locks you into a boss rush. So if you get two fights in and save over your only save, only to find the next boss is oneshotting you, you've either got to cheat or restart.

    Next issue I had was the tone. The character banter is pretty lighthearted, normal stuff if a little cliche. Then one of the sex scenes for losing starts and it's two guys punching the mc in the face as she cries for mercy while they brutally rape her. Then 30 seconds later everything is back to normal. Tonal whiplash doesn't do it justice.

    Finally the plot, it's nonsense. So many points just don't make sense, I'd reccomend spamming past it but often the instructions for where to go next are very specific and not repeated, so you'd likely get stuck at multiple points.

    All in all I can't really reccomend this to anyone. If you've got a fairly large sadistic streak you might get some value out of the scenes, but if I were you I'd just download a save file.