VN - Unity - Bloodcrave [v0.0.98] [Blue Fiend Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game with solid writing and art. The content that is present in this public build is impressive. Its the little things like the UI quality that allow you to see how much care and professionalism is on display. I hate voice acting typically but this game has excellent voice work rare for these kinds of games imo. Looking forward to more and hope people give the game a shot, One minor thing is that i wish there was a name change feature even if it meant a few awkward voice overs where the default alex is used i just really like doing my own name.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Half the time is spent on looking at transition screens, there is also forced homosexual content here despite checking the option to not see it (also, the game lacks that tag). There is almost no sexual content here (the dev prefers to add pointless conversations or homosexual content instead of spicy scenes with hot chicks) and the scenes that are in are underwhelming. Everything is super slow here too (e.g. text messages where we have no choice at all). There are also placeholder events here (v.0.0.98) and all in all it's a game not worth playing IMO since it's too much of a kinetic novel. The only redeeming quality it has is art style but that's just not enough to keep playing.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I gave this game a 5 because the quality is just so good! As a QA Analyst, I tend to view games on this site with a low bar. This game is really polished, amazingly so for a demo! I normally cringe at the voice acting we get in games here, but the voice acting in this game is very good! I will be watching this with great interest and will definitely buy it when it is available on STEAM :)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better new games I have seen in a bit.

    The art is nice. Haven't seen too many scenes yet because I have only played the demo version, but the scenes that I have seen have been well done.

    The dialogue and writing is decent. I like the banter between the characters. The characters themselves are a little one-note so far, however it is early in the game so it is hard to judge. The protagonist having special blood when hes horny makes me roll my eyes a bit, but it is a porn game, so whatever.

    Overall, the game has a really good foundation to build off of. I am excited to see where things go. I hope to see more Amy (ik shes not a dedicated LI but one can hope), and I also hope the corruption path isn't joining/serving Virgil (maybe replacing him or smth?).
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Very promising game. It's obvious a lot of effort was put into all aspects of this, It's got a nice UI, animations, engaging writing, animations, and voice acting. Definitely looking forward to seeing where this one goes, and worth playing in its current state.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    great game so far would love to support but I would love to see this game get a full release here for free then I could really get behind this and join the patreon.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game, probably my favourite vampire visual novel on this site. I think the characters are great, especially the love interests, the writing's good and it's just nice to read overall. Love the art style as well and the story so far. My only complaint would be the UI, I'd like to have some more save slots and an option to rollback but other than that I think it looks very promising.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    The story is a bit bland and with an MC that feels like an idiot and having 0 controle over him just dosent make for a good game, it also gets annoying when other characters ask questions like if MC will allow the vamp to drink hes blood again and also telling him she would never do it without consent but it never gives the player a choice MC just say yes and then MC and the vamp starts to makeout to lower the pain or some weird shit, this type of stuff is happening alot, even when you tell a girl you never had a crush on her then next time at a party MC makes out with her? i mean why.....

    Eveything about the game screems kineitc/linear, even though it has a relationship system im not sure how good that work or if it can stop anything from happening with someone you dont like, but i guess time will tell since theres no real content yet atleast not for the MC you play.

    Its also one of those stupid plots where MCs blood is special to the vamp and ofc it works even better when doing sexual things with her so that smells alot like forced shit will happen with her.

    You cant rename the MC either, i guess their excuse is that its voiced over but they really shouldent have made it using a name for MC and it isent fully voiced either making it even more pointless.

    As for sex scenes there are none with MC involved but if you enjoy watching another dude have sex or seeing some bitch forcing them selfs onto a cat girl and finger fuck her against her will, well then theres a little something for ya but its really not much.

    The "sandbox" is also 100% pointless, you just click a calender to put in whatever quest you want to do on the next day, something that could just as easy be a normal VN.

    The art is great though and clearly the best thing about the game, but it alone cant hold up a game.

    Animations looked alright but like i said not much in there yet.

    Music is pretty standard background stuff nothing special.

    The interface is shit, you cant scroll back and theres no dialog history, no auto save, no text speed setting and its damn slow so you end up dobbelt clicking constantly to speed up text showing and when you click one time to many and it skip text you just fucked since no log......

    It does have a chance to be a good game, but it all comes down to how it will progress and if you ever get to controle what MC says and does, if not then it will just be as boring and bland as it currently is.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty damn good. I gave it a shot without expecting much (AVNs trying to be be anything but comedic sex-romps typically fail) but ended up pleasantly surprised.

    The art is great. The story so far, while nothing particularly unique (at least what is covered by the public demo), is competently written and interesting enough to serve as an introduction. The characters are attractive, distinct, and bounce off each other well. The VA actually works as a value addition and is not an automatic mute here. The fact that everyone is voiced makes the game more immersive. Characters sound like you'd expect them to do and the dialogue being generally fun and well-written also helps.

    It's not perfect by any means. Firstly, there are issues on the technical side. The game lacks QOL features, the UI is not always intuitive and responsive, the menus are laggy (thankfully the game itself runs smoothly including the animations), and there were also more crashes than what i would consider reasonable. The 18+ content is also lacking for the MC with the promo advertising content not accessible in the current demo build here.

    However, the underlying product has a lot of potential and the structure itself of the game is solid. Choice and consequences are always a plus. The MC getting corrupted/seduced or choosing to be a good guy with the reverse NTR aspect is also a big draw since that genre is pretty barren in terms of options. Overall, it looks quite promising.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Very promising game. High quality content.

    This is finally a game that actually has interesting characters AND an interesting story.

    The 2D art is very well done, some scenes have smooth 2D animations, and all characters have a recognizable and unique design that feels like it captures the character instead of the many interchangeable characters that plague a lot of games today.

    The writing is pretty good. It's to the point and doesn't overstay it's welcome. The writer is confident they've captured what they went after, and they're not wrong about it either. This is also true for sex scenes. They move through the scene beats without rotating back to a prior element and gradually move the scene forward through the emotional tones the scene is meant to carry.

    The writing is accompanied with voice acting that, at times, may have benefitted a bit if the volume was more equalized instead of the shifts in volume, but that's only rarely noticeable.
    The voice actors give a good impression as well. They so far fit the characters and deliver the lines well - no monotonous reading here.
    The only downside - sometimes the dialogue text does not quite match what's being said as words are added, dropped, or changed. Sometimes a part of a sentence is also not voiced, as if added by the writer yet never recorded by the VA. This is rare, though. Almost all dialogue lines are fully voiced.

    The game is still pretty short - and there aren't a lot of sex scenes yet - arguably none involving the MC. But what is there is an engaging story I'm interesting to play - not just for the smooth sex scenes, but the story, the world and the characters that inhabit it.

    Looking forward to the release!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    P good. Super high production value. Voice acting that while mixed in quality does have some p good performances and is never unbearable, which is usually the norm for any game like this with voice acting.

    Animations and art is cool, it's stylized of course if you don't like anime it won't help, but I think its nice.

    Writing is to the point but the world is pretty interesting and it's paced great. Scenes are good, needs gay tag on this site I think but idc personally.

    Pretty awesome looking game, great for fun vampire stuff if you're into that. It's got a cool vibe/ambience to it.