Unity - Completed - Bloody Boobs [v1.0] [GK]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    In my opinion its ok. But the Dev should improve it way longer. Just played it one time and finished it in 20min.


    -The Character looks hot
    -its very hard but not impossible (need some trys)
    -the horroratmosphere is good (the darkness and the map well done)
    -enemies are fast and kill you easy but not to op.
    -animations are ok

    -to short (I finished it in 20min)
    -a guy talk some weird stuff sometimes (killed the horror and repetetiv)
    -no story just find smth.
    -no intro no outro (Just a nonnude comic tittie picture)
    -very dark (the option to brighten up a little is missing) that shoud be possible in my opinion

    It was a bit lazy programmed from the dev. He should improve it with videos or other friendly npcs/notes that tell some sort of story...and makes it longer. Or you got to find the clothes you want to wear as extra searching quest. Healing would be also a great feature. Using the mines was very complicated at the beginning.

    It was ok (bc of titties) but not something I would play again and again. He should improve his games and give them more depth. It looks good but unfinished and loveless kicked out.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    First off, 1/10 for not working for most people.

    Then comes the gameplay and (lack of) porn.

    As a porn game, this falls flat on its face. There's nothing here in terms of actual sex. At most you'll find, as the game's title indicates, boobs.

    As an actual game Bloody Boobs falls flat as well;
    The horror/cult aspect is a total joke.
    The exploration/mystery aspect is pretty much as generic as one can get.
    Story is pretty much a total joke.
    Gameplay itself is clunky and unengaging.

    To sum it all up:
    It's no porn game and at best you get to see poorly rendered boobs. If you're desperate for that just reinstall TES:IV, as long as you put grapics above "low" it'll be an improvement.
    It's not an actual fun, well made or engaging -game- either, nor is it so bad that it becomes ironically good.

    Just stay well away from this mess, even if you manage to scrounge up a version that actually works.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    As of 20.Jan.2019
    This game is literally unplayable.
    The only working functions it features are Settings, New Character and by far the best one in my opinion. The EXIT button.
    Singleplayer doesn't work.
    Multiplayer doesn't work. (you need servers duh)

    Who allowed this to be uploaded on this website?
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is unplayable!

    As stated before, after downloading this game you can not play it at all.
    Singleplayer is not working.
    Multiplayer (Online) is not available.
    So the only great feature is the Exit button.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Bloody Boobs is a terrible cash-grab game that was on Steam. Don't even bother. Terrible graphics, horrible lighting, horrible controls, and even worse gameplay. Literally served no purpose but to steal your money.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I played the Steam version of this game and payed only 3 Euros for it. Still I regretted buying it even for that price. Character customization is extremely limited and so are available outfits. Hardly any difference in facial expression, no lingerie or high heels, just some variety in boob size, that's it. Gameplay is basically limited to running away form whatever tries to follow you, there is no plot or story and nothing scary to it, except for maybe the controls, which are terrible and make even running in a straight line challenging. There is no sexual content either, so no matter whether you are looking for a porn game or a horror game, you will be disappointed.