The Bad:
Too Easy to Get Locked Into a Path, Very Early In The Game.
There Needs to be a Longer Build up Time of Stats to Allow for Situational Adaptations.
Anyone Who is not an Absolute Extreme of one kind or another will not be able to play this. Which means, no humans because no one is that extreme with anything unless they past the point of no returning to their human natures.
The Good: The Dev is not afraid to deal with topics most flee in terror from, and presents those situations in ways most fail to understand without having gone through something. ( though a few situations in the beginning scenario, made me ask. Why is the guy choosing the actions the girls are choosing? He literally should not have been able to speak, is Daniel a mind-controlling Telepath? Cause that would make a much better game ^_^ )
The Ugly:
It becomes clear very early on that this game is being rushed, don't even bother filling in your name when prompted. It is summarily forgotten a few sentence later and the game stops using it, transforming you into "Daniel" for the game.
The Sound Effects become painful, it might have actually been better to not use any. Seriously. Though if these are just placeholders, then your forgiven.
Too Easy to Get Locked Into a Path, Very Early In The Game.
There Needs to be a Longer Build up Time of Stats to Allow for Situational Adaptations.
Anyone Who is not an Absolute Extreme of one kind or another will not be able to play this. Which means, no humans because no one is that extreme with anything unless they past the point of no returning to their human natures.
The Good: The Dev is not afraid to deal with topics most flee in terror from, and presents those situations in ways most fail to understand without having gone through something. ( though a few situations in the beginning scenario, made me ask. Why is the guy choosing the actions the girls are choosing? He literally should not have been able to speak, is Daniel a mind-controlling Telepath? Cause that would make a much better game ^_^ )
The Ugly:
It becomes clear very early on that this game is being rushed, don't even bother filling in your name when prompted. It is summarily forgotten a few sentence later and the game stops using it, transforming you into "Daniel" for the game.
The Sound Effects become painful, it might have actually been better to not use any. Seriously. Though if these are just placeholders, then your forgiven.