Ren'Py - Blossom of Pleasure [v0.40] [Bildur]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This a pretty great game, the world building is great, the characters are interesting, the art is very well made, has tons of fetishes and customization and offers 3 different paths to play.

    Hope to see even more fetishes in the future!
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Interesting game that has a ton of options.

    Graphics - Top notch. Many renders to depict various different scenes.
    Dialog - Fine. The fastest option is best. The other acts like an AI that i wordy.
    Story - solid premise. Not much moving during Chapter 3.

    Progression - Weird. Everyhing make sense, until all of a sudden the game becomes a management sim.

    Options - Good. Sub, switcher or Dominanat. All 3 routes have separate renders.

    All in all, I would come back for the story, and skip the management side of things
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The story goes you are a man who is in a world where women have power over men and have discovered a way to subdue men to become their beta. However, you discovered you are blessed and are the chosen one, where now you can seduce & charm any woman. Honestly, the story was so boring and didn’t even bother playing the whole game. It just has no cohesion and no interesting story plot. The dialogue is poor and has many grammatical errors.

    The main character is such a boring character. No personality or substance to him. He feels like an inanimate sex toy throughout the game. The other characters feel bland, not memorable.

    There is an okay amount of content in this game. Like I mentioned before, I didn’t finish the game just because of how bored I was of the game. I do have to commend the many fetishes and kinks in this game. Many fetishes will appease lots of people, but also might gross them out as well. There’s scat content apparently, but luckily this game lets to turn off fetishes/kink you don’t like.

    The gameplay is a sandbox-free roam with a 4 event cycle a day with action point gameplay. The overall gameplay, I think is fine and works as it’s supposed to. It’s clean and easy to navigate throughout the game. Just one of the biggest bothers to me in the game is the fucking loading bus when you switch from the house to the city map. It just destroys the flow and continuity of the game. I don’t think it's necessary to add that loading map as it’s a renpy game that does require that much power to load a map. It's also feels like a bit too grindy for what the content offers.

    The only redeeming factor about this game is the visuals. The renders are great and are eye-pleasing. All the female models are hot and the proportions are perfect. Some textures of some of the public hair are very detailed during the close-up shops.

    The UI is great. It’s clean and has a certain level of polish to it. It adds personality to the game, where it’s sorely lacking in it.

    The sound design is average. There’s background music that adds ambience. The sex sounds are kind meh, but still much appreciated in the sex scenes.

    Honestly, I was just looking for a fun game to play and this wasn’t really it. It’s boring and lacks any kind of personality. The only thing that keep me through it was the visuals and how hot the female characters. If you’re looking for a below average game with lots of fetishes that you can explore and experience this game, then this might be for you. But if you're looking for a game that’s worth your time, then this isn’t it.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Kind of disappointed in the pregnancy content. Half the sex scenes don't have a visual difference as you're looking at their back. And even worse the only character with a dialog change is Karen who you can't have pregnant sex with. Half the reason I kept going was because I wanted Lara to comment about being pregnant, and yet it's just another day for her.

    Also what's the point of the cookie clicker-esque game? I thought it was how you'd build prestige seeing how we're not allowed to use the money it makes, but you get WAY more just by having kids. I guess maybe if I spent days working on it, a reset might be worth more, but this goes on to a larger point that this game is not giving me the impression of respecting my time.

    This is probably all due to me choosing the dom path, maybe the game has a lot more content for a sub, as the amount of fetishes you can disable seem to be exclusively for the sub path. I should have expected as much given that it seems to be the dev's fetish, but if that's the case why even bother with a Dom path? Just commit to the sub and focus on that. So with all this said, I don't think it's a game for me, or anyone else with other things to do given the time eater this is.

    P.S. Switches don't exist, they're just subs who are so submissive that they'll dom if asked to,
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I keep forgetting about this game and downloading it while going "Why am I not playing this?"....and then I remember.....the grind...the needless, needless grind. it's like the illuminati of grind, in that you have to grind one system to grind another. Grind within grind.
    Likes: jaswm
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + There is the path that exists in the game, and like always it's a good point for writers to give another choice to players and not force just one path. And paths feel quite different I should say, for example in DOM path you can't even go back home because of how much you changed, and has to stay away from authorities.
    + This game has the most detailed settings and menu I have ever seen in any adult game, honestly, I'm impressed with the level of effort put into settings, it's very detailed and almost everything is customizable.
    + Sex scenes have animations and they are somehow decent.

    Bad Points
    - The story is quite bad, especially how a lot of bizarre and funny stuff is getting told with the most serious tone by the Narrator or people who live in this universe makes things quite weird, the game tries so hard to be serious about things should be gag content that makes things quite poorly-written. Heck even Lara was spitting facts with saying ''And which airhead got the idea that all men should have tiny dicks?'' lol
    - Some dialogues especially nearly every dialogue of Riccarda are quite nonsense, and she thinks she is making any sense makes most of her scenes quite cringy...
    - Sex scenes have animations, but the positions/angles don't look good at all, better angle/position choices are needed.
    - Despite Three Paths' existence, some scenes in Chapter 1 are unavoidable even tho you don't wanna go that path, and again despite Three Paths' existence Dom's path feels neglected, it has very little content compared to others, which is weird considering it should be main path since the story goes on that direction, MC being chosen one to overthrow mistress empire, etc. And aside from that it feels too villain-like, considering things we learned in other paths and actually some people who thought wasn't bad, but they got bad treatment from MC in Dom Path, it feels like Dom Path is done poorly.
    - On the switcher path MC is still using his real name, which is a very dumb move considering the whole path is about doing things from shadows, there should be a scene where we have to choose another name, like a codename for the MC. And he saying things like ''Our identities camouflaged'' makes no sense either. Does this dude seriously think his identity is camouflaged despite using his real name?
    - The game is a sandbox, and everything takes too much time and effort, it's fair to say that the game is too grindy and does not respect your time at all and that makes gameplay quite boring. Heck even with cheating, thanks to can only get 10k money or prestige, it takes ages to get some stuff, imagine even cheating you add your own game is being grindy! WTF?!
    - Limited actions thing seem annoying and kind of nonsense to have.
    - The placement of the next button on the save page should be right next to numbers, with the current way it's kind of annoying to use.
    - The design of MC is a well-known asset used countless of times in adult games.
    - Aside from MC other models are not good either, MC's mother's tits, especially her nipples are kind of ugly and her skin doesn't look good. Or like what's wrong with Sophia and her saggy tits even after she kind of changed herself because of needing a new identity? The only good-looking woman in the game is Lara and even her tits look very low quality.
    - The game has some problems with quality, textures/renders are not detailed enough, especially for most women's tits, exclusively nipples look very low quality seriously what kind of low quality texture is this?!
    - Secret room makes no sense at all, it says secret room, yet it has windows! Are you telling me no one released there was a room there despite seeing there is a window from outside?!

    For The End
    Honestly, aside from how detailed the settings are and the sex scenes having decent animations I don't see anything good about this game, especially since it is grindy makes the game quite boring, you can cheat, but if you are forced to cheat what's the point of the game in the first place? DEV seriously needs to up his game and fix the problems I told, otherwise this game isn't worth the time you gonna spent on it.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Normally I try to spend some time discussing each aspect of a VN by breaking it down into categories and then aggregating a score at the very end. However, "Blossom of Pleasure" is a VN that has little respect for a player's time, and as such doesn't warrant a full on review (it also wouldn't be fair to keep bashing the dev).

    The game itself is built upon the premise that you will have the option of exploring two main paths: Domination or Submission. Each path is either explored exclusively, or you can opt for a "switch" role, which seems to be there for players who want to see both sides of the main story. This split, however, means that the total content of the game is split in half in terms of actual content for each path which progresses the story. That, in my opinion, is a huge "no-no" when writing a script for a plethora of reasons, but the prominent one is the lack of any sort of quality control.

    ...That is strike 1...

    The gameplay loop has absolutely no respect for the player's time as you WILL spend dozens of hours just grinding various point values to progress each characters story. The reward you obtain after spending hours of grinding said points is either a minor story progression scene, or a half-assed lewd scene with rigid animations. The actual "reward" for engaging with the core mechanics just isn't enough to justify the amount of time sunk into performing senseless tasks.

    Thankfully, there is the option to cheat these values to their max despite the warning from the dev stating your "enjoyment of the story will be diminished".

    ... Strike 2...

    Perhaps not as egregious as the first two issues, the actual writing for story favors long monologues that overuse metaphors. For example - when describing the "mother" - the dev used 3 metaphors to get the same point across about her personality being cold and calculating, or the fact that she is playing a game in which she has an advantage in. The whole point of the "Visual" part of "Visual Novel" is the ability to convey several lines of descriptive text into a single image that conveys the exact same point.

    This issue persisted throughout the ENTIRETY of chapter 1, only for Chapter 2 to implement a different writing style and actually taking advantage of imagery rather than descriptions. There wasn't even a gradual transition of writing style, so enjoy that whiplash.

    ... Strike 3 ...

    I never enjoy writing harsh reviews of VNs due to the fact that solo devs are having to wear many hats when pushing out updates. However, when a dev actively chooses to implement gameplay mechanics and writing styles that show little consideration for a player's time they end up making a rough situation worse.

    My advice to the dev (please don't take this negatively as I'm being genuine):
    • Pick a theme and stick with it. Either focus on a Submission story, or a Domination Story.
    • Cut the overall grind requirements by 80%. Very few people enjoy timewasters in erotica
    • Streamline your writing style to focus more on dialog rather than descriptors. You have the massive advantage of using visuals to convey key points without needing to write several extra lines of narrative.

    There is massive potential for this VN that I sincerely want to see succeed. You have a great foundation plot wise, home in on that and the players will appreciate it!
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Really eh game
    +Great renders
    +Nice premise
    +A lot of scenes
    +Straightforward grind that isn't too hard to understand
    +Good guidance to triggering scenes
    +Fetish filter

    -Time management, "Do X at Y time for Z to happen"
    -Real life time management, the grind takes so long this feels like an actual job
    -The game doesn't have the advertised tags it claims to have, in my several hours of playing I only stumbled upon very few of the tags, I have not unlocked every single thing but apart from basic femdom, watching women do erotic things, getting spanked and kicked occasionally, there really isn't much and I have doubts most the fetish filters do anything at all.
    -Grindy, I came here to jack off man not play knockoff cookie clicker.
    -Scenes while many with excellent and varied renders, are very short in terms of what happens, its 90% dirty talk/teasing or in case of Riccarda random nonsensical philosophy.
    -Text wall, I am again here to jack off not read a Shakespearean erotica.
    -The grind is not worth it, I would be content if there was like 5 minutes of erotic content after every 15 minutes of grinding but no, grind grind grind and occasionally get a sneak peak at someone nude while grinding.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    The game can really become good if the developers change the approach to the game. It seems to me that you need to focus on one thing (in my case, I would like to see female domination). Because trying to sit on several chairs irritates both camps and you scare away the audience. There is a good story, hot renders and characters, but there are too many grinds and useless scenes. I hope the developers will decide to rethink the project, rebuild it taking into account the existing renderings and give out a game in the genre of female domination. In the meantime, unfortunately, I can't put a higher rating.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Was okay as a concept, but too much grind and doesn't know what it wants to do.

    Dev is going to have to make a choice at this point and then rework everything with that choice. Do you want a femdom setting and world or do you want maledom turn the tables? Trying to do both just annoys everyone and slows down dev time, forcing insane grind and repetitive content.

    At this point even if that was done, you'd have to get the word out. But with how it is now, it's hit a real dead end.
  11. 1.00 star(s)

    Itachi RHB

    This game is a very confusing one, I am not an super organized person and sandbox games are just not for me. Still I tried and regretted it. Some contents are easily missable, You have to grind same dialogues everyday with different characters in different rooms at different times until you hit the minimum required RP to see a slight dialogue change with a character. There are too many icon layouts with different info to follow which stress the sh*t out of me. I have played many aaa games, but I don't think this game worth the time considering how little you progress compared to the time spent. Sandbox games are a cheap trick to stretch a minute long content into an hour, and this game is the proof. 99% of the stuff here is nonsense and re-reading a newspaper is more interesting than playing this game. So don't waste your time playing this unless your life is boring af and you have nothing else to do other than playing it, but also be prepared to be overwhelmed by icons n stuffs.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I liked the models and the scenes. Dialogue was fine and the setting was ok. I only played through the submissive path as it had the scenes that interested me the most.

    The clicker sandbox part of the game seemed quite pointless but perhaps if the game grows in the future and lasts longer after you gain access to it, there'll be more time to passively grind it.

    My biggest complain would be the way too long descriptions that happened during some scenes where it would use 30 different adjectives to describe how warm and cosy a lady's private parts are. If it were an HTML game for example I could just roll my eyes and skip through those paragraphs, but here you need to click through a dozen text boxes to get the scene moving.

    I'd still recommend anyone into femdom to check it out, it doesn't take too long to unlock all the scenes as you don't really need to interact with the grindy parts of the game unless you really want to 100% the game and gain nothing.

    Score is 3/5 for a game that's in development, and I can see myself coming back to it in a few months to check if there's been more content added.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Was really enjoying this one and then Act 2 happened and it's like a completely different game altogether. In the second act of the game you are introduced to a ridiculous clicker/stonks 'game.' Get used to it, because this is your life now. Money is useless and you need the new blue money to pay for everything and to progress the story.

    So after grinding for a few hours to acquire the 10k blue bucks you are rewarded with an empty house. I should mention Act 2 you will be pressing the skip button a lot. A few days go by and the older 'roommate' stops in to deliver some dialogue about la resistance and you get a boring facefuck scene and a FADE TO BLACK sex scene that only Ray Charles could appreciate, but don't worry you can revisit that scene every night.

    What happened? The game had great writing, the music was good and matched the tone and atmosphere and then it's like Act 2 comes along and it's just not it. How does the shopkeeper girl get a more meaningful romance than the older roommate who is supposed to be 'the one that was always nice to the mc?'

    If I was to rate just Act 1, it's an easy 5/5. It had a good story, nice world building, good dialogue and characters that felt authentic and part of that world. It's just such a stark contrast to Act 2 that feels empty and the progression loop becomes press skip button lots of times. I am wondering if it's just a matter of there are 3 paths now instead of 1 so there is less of that attention to detail that Act 1 had.

    tl;dr solid start that went off a cliff, hopefully it gets back on track somewhere down the line
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    I'm taking a rather categorical view of a game from which my experience has been, let's say, lackluster, if not downright disastrous.

    First of all, the game's general setting plunges us into a gynarchic dystopia, where, as you'll have gathered, women dominate instead of men, to sum things up very roughly. What's more, the game doesn't go for subtlety when it comes to setting its scene, its narrative implications, the motivations of its characters and their personalities; everything is summed up in broad terms.

    It's a classic story of a world dominated by women (a premise very similar to Karlsson's Gambit, though not as good), in which our male character seeks to either emancipate himself or resist, discreetly blend in to survive, or totally submit to this new established order. At the very least, that's the backstory; it's more of a basic pretext for introducing scenes of a certain kind.

    However, the developer seems to want to give us a sort of compromise between a male character more submissive to women, or conversely more rebellious and macho seeking to free society from the grip of women; to this is added a switcher choice which is only there to unlock scenes of average flavor where we are sometimes submissive, sometimes dominant.

    Initially, we evolve in a "family" (or roommates/friends, if we respect the Patreon rules) of rather ordinary women by porn standards (very generous bodies, a very rich house, a superficial lifestyle, shallow personalities), also occasionally encountering other women of lesser importance, who on the whole are not very beautiful (generic models of poor graphic quality, apart from one acceptable model).

    The game never seems to want to clearly define its line between more or less hardcore and humiliating femdom content and lighter, super chad male domination content that's a little silly around the edges; on either side, we have poor storytelling and very unsatisfying, caricatured sex scenes.

    As far as the game design is concerned, this is certainly where the problem lies: lots and lots of grinds to unlock very short, mediocre scenes, very poorly animated, generic moaning sound effects already seen elsewhere and pathetic at best, with little or no music, improbable and tedious sandbox content that doesn't justify the investment-reward ratio in terms of player time, a world map that we're going to say is funny so as not to be mean (xD), dialogue boxes too small for rapidly scrolling text, long and mostly meaningless dialogues.
    In short, I'd say that at this stage, the game doesn't have much to please or retain a potential audience, so let's see what the future holds. Personally, I'd be quick to move on to something else. The technical weakness of this title and the grinding present ad nauseam very quickly made me drop the case.

    I have the impression that a sort of fatality or curse strikes all games that contain a potentially interesting femdom theme, which is rather sad for me as someone who appreciates this type of content.

    Here's my opinion, which reflects my vision, but which seems rather coherent to me, because in my opinion this game certainly doesn't deserve 5 stars, and a single star seems appropriate in view of the low standard presented to us.

    Have a nice day, folks ;)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked it.
    Beautiful renders and a lot of kinky s*it.
    It is a sandbox game, with some management elements, I loved it.
    Plus it explore some fetishes leaving the player a lot of choices regarding them.
    If you are curios about it I recommend to give it a try, you'll not be disappointed
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    + Great femdom scenes, wide selection of optional fetishes, nice renders and gameplay features. Didn't play maledom part.
    ~Plot is strange (IMHO), but it's fine.
    - Some scenes are grindy, you need to raise or lower girls' happiness or anger to get scenes. And it takes a lot of time. There's also built-in clicker game that is EXTREMELY grindy, and is required to unlock few renders.

    In conclusion – great game for femdom enjoyers. Edit saves if you are getting tired of clicking.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyable game, plenty scenes and no insane grinds, the choice between sub, switch and dom is a really good part of the game as well. Everything from the dev has been thought through. Look forward to playing future updates.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game with some nuance.
    + Great render. Even with default setting you can see difference in skin between Riccarda and other girls. Her skin good but not so smooth, because she 46 years old. Have a little mark.
    + Mostly this game like date simulator with element soft femdom.
    + All girls have pubic hair. Yes. Full bush but trimmed. You clearly can see they pussy. And I like it because girls without pubic hair mostly look like child. I don't want see sex scene with child.
    + Interesting story. Yes story not much but interesting.
    - Humilation. Some scene really to much for me because I don't like humilation. But mostly other scene don't bother me.
    - "Optional magic lube". That I mean. Game don't show lube. Okay. Most game like this. In scene with prostate stimulation protagonist recieve pleasure (okay "magic lube"), but from sounding he recieve pain. What? There now you "magic lube"? Why he recieve pain? Urethral plag look like for begginer. Why protagonist cry like baby? No "magic lube" for sounding?
    - Grind. Not really annoying if you have time. And no need grind so much like in other game. Grind it's a little problem.

    Total: Excelent game mostly with soft femdom element. Some scene with hardcore femdom and maledom scene (different rout). In beging 2 chapter and almost in the end realise v0.30 you can play in minigame(managment). Good game and good minigame.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    The writing in this game is as if a robot tried to write what human interactions are like. The way people are, the way they talk, is just so weird. It borders on creepy just how unnatural they seem. I don't know if it's because the game dev isn't an English speaker but for a game that is about human interaction, you gotta have those interactions at least be somewhat good.

    Others are right too about the grind. I normally don't mind sandbox games, but this one really pushes it. What is the point of a conversation wheel where you have to click COMPLIMENT and then click TALK and then click TEASE and do that over and over and over again to increase the score? Makes no sense, it's just anti-user-friendly.

    I love femdom games and humiliation games, but this one just gives those a bad name. Not enjoyable.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    4 TO 5 STARS for this one.

    *3-DECENT RENDERS 7/10.