RPGM - Completed - Blue Mage Luna [v1.6] [Doujin Circle Gyu]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    WTF was that ending!! Insane! Amazing! I did the virgin route so I'm guessing the ending changes but probably not the boss fight?

    Perpahs there are different endings depending if you win or lose? Or is the lost scripted? I'm very curious. however, I won't be doing the new game +
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a game first and hentai game second.

    It takes HOURS of grinding to get the unlock conditions for a lot of the H-Scenes and the ending(s?) don't seem super influenced by your decisions and progress in the game.

    The dialogue is poorly done and EXCESSIVE.

    There were times I was just trying to get off and had to speed skip through the foreplay with goofy repetitive scenes of a girl flashing her panties or getting her boobs fondled in a derpy way with clothes still on and nothing showing.

    Even with speed skip function these scenes lasted a minute or so before getting to the actual sex.

    The way you unlock anything is via slow grinding. You have to combat every enemy in the game and spam the defend button until they cast their low % chance ability. As in, you might defend for 10+ turns before you get ONE progress towards unlock goals.

    And there's approximately 50 enemies you have to do this for.

    And if you didn't do it on bosses they're gone forever and you'll never hit 100% progress.

    And there's 4 enemies that the game actually tells you are low spawn rate so you have to leave the area and come back 30+ times to get them to spawn to defend 10+ times to get them to cast to get a SINGLE entry in your book of 50+ unique abilities that must be filled in order to unlock an extra THREE TO FIVE SEX SCENES.

    Which, as a reminder, those scenes are stale and have goofy foreplay for an hour.

    If you play it as a game, the story is unengaging and the mechanics are grindy.

    If you play it as an h-game, the scenes are stale and locked behind a very demanding grind system that feels designed to make you lose interest.

    It's.. just a bad game. Just a bad h game. Just a bad experience.

    I recommend just getting a save file and viewing the 25ish scenes in the game, then uninstalling this nearly 2 gigabyte waste of hard drive space.

    Better yet? Find someone who has the scenes on pornhub and save yourself the trouble.

    I cannot discourage a game any more than this one. Even the shitty find a scene games out there are better for the simple fact that you don't have to spend HOURS on a boring poorly designed mechanic to get a subpar nut in.

    I guess if you're into bad games and want to masturbate in the middle of trash talking a bad game then you'd get something out of it. But truly this was the greatest waste of 10+ hours I've ever given a hentai game. Somehow I kept wanting to believe it would pay off to get those final unlocks.

    It didn't.

    Maybe there was more than one ending and one of them would have been more exciting.

    Lord knows I'm not playing through this slog again to find out.

    0/10 "I ended up getting off to pornhub 5 times while grinding to get a new unique scene in blue mage luna."
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Too much text and lore for a game that isn't even finished. They put new characters here and there but they don't develop them at all. The animations are quite limited and repetitive and the scenes are quite poorly written.

    The worst of all is undoubtedly the ending, wanting to sell a sequel that may possibly come out in several years when I no longer remember most of the plot or the characters.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I did not expect Blue Mage Luna to have any plot worth paying attention to. I was pleasantly surprised with how the story developed towards the end. I am definitely looking forward to the next installment from this circle.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Full review. With Some Spoiler!
    Okay I lied this isn't a full review i haven't unlock all of the CG And I haven't add Rade in the party.

    Firstly. with explanation at the bottom
    Voice acting -4/5
    Story -4/5
    Animation - 3/5
    Seggs - 4/5
    Progression - 5/5

    Voice acting.
    Only the main girls has VA. But although it's limited they did there role pretty good. I don't speak JP but i do like there voice
    Is quite lagy, perhaps is performance issue in my end but i don't like that you still need to click just the animation to do again. I tried it with Auto it doesn't work also
    Sex scenes
    While I do criticize the animation. I do like the Sex scenes, but i do hate that you can just prost your self immediately after 3rd quest. There's no build up. on that

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    Overall review.
    The game itself is fine at it is you can just actually forgot the NTR part and straight to the ending. Which i kinda did i forgot the Prost exist part until like half of the story quest.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is yet another one of those games that could've legitimately done without the porn elements.
    Let's get into it, shall we?

    Porn: It's not bad, actually. The pornographic scenes of this game are all in Live2D so there's a fair amount of response and the scenes work well. The biggest issue might be the setup where the animations will skip through if you hold down the Z key. The sound design is not bad, but it's not great either. The sounds are basically stock sounds, and sometimes they reuse sound effects used for like, doors and shit.

    Story: The story is really long? That's not a dig, but you need to be prepared for that. Basically, the game starts with you, Luna, losing against Lucia, the tyrannical queen of this nation. As a result, your magic is sealed and you are forced into prostitution because Lucia has raised taxes on your town as a result of your rebellion. You also have a childhood friend Noah, but he got one of his legs necrotized by Lucia so he can't walk and is basically bed bound.
    You can avoid NTR in this game though. I only did a virgin playthrough, so I don't know if there's an NTR route or if it's just the same story, but also NTR.
    You also can't prostitute yourself until way later in the game, which is insane.
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    Gameplay: This game took a lot of risks in its gameplay and I don't think they paid off very well. There's only like, 3 tiers of healing item, and these cap out extremely fast, and you will be able to get them by like, Dungeon 3 out of 14. You can also just buy the strongest gear from the start of the game and stronger gear doesn't appear until right before the final boss.
    The main mechanic is Blue Magic. You can learn pretty much any spell as long as it doesn't knockout Luna, but the issue there is that sometimes enemies just will not use their stealable skills, and that's a humongous pain in the ass. The early game is an absolute slog, but once you hit the mid and late game, you can just burn through enemies. Most bosses will do like, half your health bar, which makes stealing their magic extremely risky, since getting hit by attacks while you wait for the Blue skill to appear is fucking awful. Also, there's no indicator of which monsters have Blue skills and which skills those are, you just have to let yourself be hit by like, hundreds of attacks to figure out that like, 40 of them are stealable.

    Looking back on it, it seems like I have nothing but complaints, but I never once considered this game... well, bad. These are all, generally, overlookable. You don't actually need all the Blue Skills. You don't need to have well-paced item progression. The story wasn't as intensely thought-provoking as say, Thug Hero Party, but if every game got weirdly philosophical like that, I think we would probably have problems.

    My big, and actual gripe is, how the game ended. It's hidden in that spoiler, but like... that's an insane way for it to end, and not in the good way. The rest of the story was good, the pacing was fine, but the way it ended was sudden and bizarre.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I was enjoying the story and the grind needed before you get to the NTR content was keeping me on the edge thinking the Devs were planning something good with all the build-up. But, dont get fooled.

    If you came for the NTR it's good. I'm not gonna lie. The situations are hot and the way it's built up isn't bad. I'm talking about the NTR scenes purely as a stand-alone.

    But for me, personally, it's trash. I believe people who like NTR like it for different reasons. Some enjoy the feeling of betreyal and are slightly biased to the cucked's pov, some enjoy more the feeling of re-conquering the lost girl or at least the promise of it(quite rare), some enjoy inserting themselves in the bull and some like me... Enjoy the corruption, the fall, the depravity, always expecting the next low. And where is it? What was the point of all of that forced grinding, forced night-time chats? Developing is a strong word, but forcefucking myself to see their love for each other told(a bit of showing would do better). The girl is 10 on a 0 to 10 naivety scale once you step into the NTR route and she goes from 0 to 10, from super pure girl, to complete slut in a matter of minutes. I admit seeing it the first time was good, but man, why the hell should I keep playing then? What was even the point of the lewdness points?(I feel tricked). I know not all people enjoy NTR for the same reasons, but not going from 0 to 10 in an instant and building tension little by little is storytelling 101 and porn isn't excused from it. I saw little, but apparently the scenes will have a huge focus on the cuck watching what's happening as that happened very early on, so if that's your thing, enjoy!

    Back to the general storytelling bit. It had it's shining points in how it made me wonder about what happened with the crazy queen, how the MC is going to get out of her predicament and that mysterious woman looking for that mysterious guy. Not anything amazingly innovative, but I'd play if it was a regular rpg to see what's going to happen next. Not to mention that Rade's servant had some funny bits, as well as that Celes guy(little screentime, but caught my attention). That said, I made the decision to quit the game once I was absolutely disappointed with the NTR, so happy playing for who decides to do a virgin run.

    The combat is classic rpgm quality(mediocre, apparently has combat rape however didn't bother to get that far after ntr disappointment), but it has something fun in it - blue magic. MC can learn skills from monsters and up to where I played, there seems to be some care put in diversifying the skills: Globlin smash/something skill is op as fuck. Paralyzing the boss for 4 turns on 70% chance and you can spam it if you wish and the paralyze counter will restart, where paralyzed bosses are unable to attack or do anything at all 100%, unless I was blessed with godly luck the day I played this.

    Art is censored but GREAT. Close to the way I like the art and MC's design is also very cute and yummy looking. This is very subjective naturally, but from a more objective point of view I can say that the art is at least a 7/10 and CGs are animated!

    10/10 would play it again for the art alone, but the shitshow of a grind in the beginning and the lame ntr makes me unwilling, so I'll just wait some kind soul to drop a complete save life here
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    1) Voice Acting and animation
    2) Decent story if you are going for the virgin run
    3) Very challenging if you are into RPG combat
    4) The map and background graphics are quite good
    5) No bugs or crashes encountered

    1) The cuckold path is quite stupid
    2) H scene is very limited and not too well written
    3) H arts and animations are soso
    4) Lots of enemy encounter, quite difficult to avoid
    5) Much worse than previous game

    Not a good game, but it's not the worst.

    Feels like the writer dedicates himself in the virgin route only, not making a proper NTR game.

    Overall, 3 stars
  9. 1.00 star(s)

    Nelo Angelo479

    It's a Circle Gyu game, if you have played one of their other games, you know what to expect.

    This is kind of a spin-off to the Knights of Messiah story line (it happens after both of their games), and honestly?, it's as bad as those games, if not worse.

    Circle Gyu shares a particular characteristic among all of their games: they play like absolute ASS, and i'm not talking about performance issues, i'm talking about the gameplay being flawed to the core, it is a race against time of one-shot enemies or being one-shot, you would need to play the game to see what i'm talking about, and all of this wouldn't be as bad if the game didn't pressure you to stall the battles for the Spell collection mechanic, where you get the spell of your enemies when they cast in on the main character (there's content locked behind this mechanic, H-scenes included, so you are practically forced to take part in that mess).

    The H-scenes is what many come for, and it isn't any better, all of them are locked behind a certain point, to which you need to play like 3 or 4 hours of horrendous turn based battles and braindead story, and some scenes, mainly those featuring pregnancy and such, are locked behind another 3 or 4 hours, you should just grab a save somewhere and call it a day.

    In my opinion, their only good game was Treasure Hunter Mai, and thats only because the characters were actually likeable, which in turn made the story somewhat bearable, but this game follows the Knights of Messiah storyline, which was a mess to begin with, idk what the guys at Circle Gyu were thinking following a story line that they themselves felt it was flawed.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    bout 3 hours in still no sex scenes maybe im doing it wrong idk but not for me maybe some other people might like it bout 3 hours in still no sex scenes maybe im doing it wrong idk but not for me maybe some other people might like it
  11. 2.00 star(s)



    well English is meh. there is a character "Pole" who is the husband of one of the heroines... and he is called Noah here... but with brown color... the other heroine's boyfriend name is Noah...as well.... but with a green color.. so the translation is a bit scuffed.

    story is... meh. there is like fking 1hour intro with a word vomit. apparently the creator never heard of the concept of "show-don't-tell" and drops around 20 character names... i guess like half of them is the same from the previous game, but if you are like me and haven't played it then it starts to get boring pretty fast after a while. but even if you listen attentively to the story it's still at best mediocre. it had some good concepts but very bad execution imo. (decent world building with magic and hierarchy and conflict between main characters.. but the execution is so nonsensical, there are already multiple permanent plot-hole mistakes in the first couple of minutes... like the main MC is very strong mage and a leader for battle... yet she only comes when the battle is basically over "she had stuff to do"... lol. it's just so bad. )

    H-scenes the game warns you pretty early that H-scenes will only appear in second part of game. battlefuck only second part and even that against 1-2enemy only (male humans. namely pirates) before that it will only be cloth damage.
    and sex scenes only consist of working in a brothel... so it's kinda coerced/forced prostitution... i really dont like those games.

    but i can confirm. no sex-scenes in the first 2 hours.
    so if you want a quick fap, absolutely forget about this game.

    but as a "game" it's standard rpgm, with some uniqueness, that you can learn enemy magic... tbh it's not enough to make it less boring.

    i haven't finished the game, i will update my rating if i get further, but so far imo this is a 1/5 or 2/5 since there are no H-scenes and story is meh and the game is boring, (it will definitely not get above 3/5 with what im seeing so far)