HTML - Blue Swallow [v0.6.4] [Blue Swallow]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I love text based games and I love female protag games but I can't give this more than 3 stars.

    There are some great ideas here and the execution in a lot of ways is impressive.

    The main issue is, I was reading through this game for around an hour and, because of the way the game set up, basically none of the characters you interact with are developed.

    Because it simulates growing up in so much detail, you get introduced to characters and situations that are interesting and then it just flashes forwards several years to something new until you get to college.

    It just kind of feels like your reading the diary of a teenage girl for a lot of it and there is little character development outside of yourself.

    The writer of this game is talanted, but in my opinion the beginning should be almost completely scrapped and just jump straight into college after you create your character.

    Then it should focus on developing your relationships with other characters and telling an interesting story with changes based on your choices in the character creator.

    As, in writing, there are no stakes to stories where a random girl named jessica did x thing. Whereas, if Jessica formed a relationshp with the MC and we got to know her and we got to know the person she was doing x thing with and some of their friends, then x thing becomes an interesting thing to the reader.

    Most of this game feels like reading about characters you know almost nothing about. This game really needs some character development.

    The title of this games says: "American Spy Thriller", from what I played, there was no spying, or working for a spy agency at all. Maybe that happens later but by the time I got there I was too bored I had to stop playing.

    This may come across a bit harsh, as the game is really good in some ways, it's just my opinion.

    And, I also think not showing why your character is reacting in some ways is a bit of a mistake. If I knew that a choice I made earlier in the game was affecting the MC, at least I could get a sense of the MC's character development based on my choices.

    Also, creating a game this ambitious seems like a nightmare amount of work. The branching paths and dialogue almost have to be puddle deep in order to allow for the developer to have time to complete it.



    - This game has some really ambitious and interesting ideas
    - The writing of the game is in some ways quite good
    - The character creator and "paperdoll" or whatever system looks really nice


    - Game kinda feels like your reading a teenage girls life story in her diary
    - Game doesn't allow you to see how your choices in the character creator affect the MC (other than multiple playthroughs)
    - Because of the way the story tries to tell a complicated origin story of the MC, you never develop any relationships with other characters (maybe you do later, but I played an hour)
    - Because of the lack of character development, you might read "omg did you hear that Jessica was backstabbing Sarah?" and you either don't know who they are at all or have a very faint idea of them so you just don't care about what's happening.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Really fun concept. The gameplay makes the story feel more consequential, a quality which most nsfw games lack. Beautiful art style as well. Definetly keep this on your radar, that's what I plan on at least.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, this feels kind of like a Deja-Vu, but here goes.

    The game has TONS of potential. The writing is solid, the developers seem to be very dedicated, and the premise of the game is still as fascinating as it was when "the game that shall not be named" was released 5/6/7? years ago.

    Unfortunately playing the game has been mostly a frustrating experience for me. Apparently it is intentional that you play "blind", meaning stats are hidden and you just have to follow your gut. While I absolutely understand the intention and appeal behind this idea, the execution imo is really flawed.
    I was utterly lost. I had absolutely no idea what kind of MC I was playing. You can try to play a certain type of character, but chances are you are going down a completely different path without even knowing. On top of that, many paths have VERY strict conditions that make it nearly impossible to find them without looking at the code (which should definitely not be something required of the player).
    Combined with the plethora of choices, playing this game can turn into an absolute nightmare.
    Also, there appear to be many bugs or the amount of choices is simply so overwhelming that it's impossible to represent them accordingly, but I had several immersion-breaking situations where I thought: "This can't be right."
    I feel like "less is more" would do the game a lot of good. Why give the player the option to have an affair with the dad/step dad when you can't deliver and he treats you exactly the same.
    Last but not least: We are still in the prologue part, how the actual game will play is still a mystery.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is basically basically a what if scenario where a project possesses all the great qualities that one looks for in a NSFW text based game. The writing quality is terrific, with the UI alone being a great indicator for the passion and effort put into this project.

    Unlike other projects where the how well you progress in a story is mostly an illusion draped into the flavor text alone, in Blue Swallow your choices and actions truly bring fast and tangible results that reinforces your player agency.

    The above mentioned factor greatly reduces the friction in creating a new character or starting a new play through as each runs feel fresh and unique, unlike the repetition and railroaded starts prone to this genre of games.

    Seeing the Dev's posts gives me hope that they are grounded in the same reality of us players. They sharing the same frustrations and criticisms we all have experienced with other projects who guzzle funding with little nothing to show for it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting start. I wish there would be more games like this.. and if there are I have totally missed them... I personally would have wanted more "choices to advance moments" but this was really entertaining and enjoyable.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Game version reviewed: 0.4P Public

    I like this game. The writing is believable and good, and the transition within and between scenes are fluid. Overall, the narrative could do more with developing side characters or at least introducing them with a bit more substance. It occasionally feels segmented.

    This is the game that female agent once promised to be but has completely deviated from.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    8/10 Writing, with solid update schedule and good content makes it a 10/10.

    Can easily become a top 10 fav.

    Choices seem to have actual different paths which is great, and developer is pretty on top of handling updates and bugs.

    Much better than a certain other game that reset it self every 3 months, and only adds 10k words in a update, when a bloody webnovel will update 1-2k words a day straight for 3-4 years. SMH
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Almost 6 months since posting and still no sign of the spy component of this story. This is already appearing to be one of those overly-bloated games which is going to take forever to reach any significant level of progress. There's also the plethora of choices given to the player which do seem to have impact (so far) which will likely slow the development down even further than it already is due to having to account for so many variables. On a less objective note, I don't understand and dislike the character development system. I made every choice to shape this character into a totally horny slut, yet she still refused some sex scenes in Africa, despite the implication that it's possible. It doesn't make sense to me at all, and just frustrating given how many choices I have to keep tweeking to try and get my desired result. Ultimate conclusion, game has too much going on and too little control. Based on the description and comments in the thread from the developer this might be what they're trying to convey with their game, but I don't see it having much appeal beyond a niche audience.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice game.The various possible routes and influences on the protagonist's personality make the game very interesting. I hope that soon it will be possible to use the skills acquired during the game and that more images will also be added.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This has great potential.

    - Good update schedule. It has made a lot of progress in a short time!
    - Lots of choices. Can pursue a lot of routes. But it's unclear how many of them are truly meaningful.
    - Good amount of text. Enough to build the scene but not a wall of text.

    Points to improve:
    - The avatar kind of sucks and malfunctions a lot. That needs fixing bc it breaks the immersion.
    - Replay value is lower than it should be due to how clunky the start is. The opening is fun the first two times you play it. But it would be great to have an "accelerated start" option to just pick the key attributes and get going.

    Keep up the good work!
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    For v0.3.2P
    A text-based game with a female protagonist and some paperdoll and scene art. You set up some genetic factors and customize your character and story by selecting behavior and activities at certain milestones (i.e. childhood, highschool, college).

    I liked the aesthetic, the *idea* of the mechanics, and the variety of character origin/personality/archetype customization.

    The cons for me were that consequential choices were unclear about their outcomes (maybe I was playing it wrong, but I never ended up with the character I was specifically trying to make/be) and, this is primarily a "me issue," but I'm not into games that force hookups on me. All of my playthroughs had trysts either done as cut-to scenes or injected into my character history with no opting in on my part.

    Giving it 3 stars, since 2 seems too low, even if I ultimately didn't care for it.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    There are a lot of what seem like choices, but if you go against what the base storyline seems to be, eventually you'll just get railroaded into the same final plot point.

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    A kinetic novel is fine, a kinetic novel with some options is also fine, a kinetic novel pretending to be fully choice driven while constantly trying to railroad you (and eventually, just taking away your choice in the matter and doing it anyway)--- not so fine. Why make me choose 100 different things, if the end result is basically the same narrative?

    Just go kinetic and spend less effort on adding superfluous layers to the onion, and more on focusing on the linear story you truly want to tell. This was, in fact, the same exact flaw in the other game that's like this. A bunch of fluff choices that didn't actually change the narrative whatsoever a few pages later.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Well, shamelessly stolen idea, but since it brings back just the part of the original game that was lost there, it fills a long-lost gap brilliantly.

    I'm just curious if they'll continue to just steal the ideas or if it will develop into an independent game.
    That's also what makes it so hard to give a reasonable rating here. In the end, however, I decided on 4 stars.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    As some have already said, it's a robust character creator at this point. And when I say robust I mean the most detailed and intricate i've ever seen. Giving you as many as ten options to describe things like personality traits and background. Will it all mean something down the line? I respect the devs mad dedication to be so thorough but did find myself just clicking through. hoping to arrive at something that felt like a game.

    Beyond that, the paper doll avatar is a nice amenity. In the actual game though, there needs to be more pics and gifs. If you love detective, spy games though you probably want to support this.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    very good game, highly recommend. Can't help but feel it was inspired by female agent. If thats the case, i genuinely hope the creator has the discipline to keep a consistent update schedule and stick to the original vision
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is still in its early release. The quality is top-notch, from the customization, to the "lore", to the graphics. I hope it will be continued. It has the vibe of the early "Female Agent", but so far I'm actually preferring this version.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I really appreciate the amount of effort the dev has put into the storytelling, but something about it just feels off. Most of the time I have to read a line more than twice to know what that line is saying. It just seems that perhaps the writing is not as clever as it was in the writer's mind. Other than that, so far I enjoy the premise and the core mechanics of the game.
  18. 3.00 star(s)

    Joe Steel

    Updated review for 0.6.2
    So, it's been nine months, and while a lot has been added to the game word-wise, its basic problem remains: it is a "spy story" that has almost no spying. The devs actually got the MC started on the spying mission but that lasted ion a few days before the MC "cracked" and gave up. Clearly, the priority would be to fix that (and maybe fix the utterly stupid "test" of the agent where the agency gives the MC, who's never handled a weapon before a live gun with the safety turned off and then had her fire at unknown objects in the air, all while they were in a room in a busy school building) and continue the story, but... nope.

    The devs abandoned the story and started adding fluff about the HS life of the character, as though anyone really cared except the devs. The game is more bloated but no more fun. Still can't give it more than three stars.

    Sept 2023 review:
    Another game design that shows some promise but starts in the wrong place and ends up being just a soap opera about a girl growing up and doing nothing at all interesting. The fact that saves don't carry over just means that a player will have to re-live the entire boring life over and over with each iteration, never getting (yet) to anything interesting.

    The problem here is the problem that 90+% of devs make: they want to create an action game, but decide to start it in the most boring place possible, hoping that fans don't drop below critical mass before the devs ever get to the game they actually wanted to make.

    The devs would be better off if they just dropped the whole life story part until the meat of the game - the spying - was established and player had a reason to care about the choices in the life story. It's not too late, but I am not hopeful.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Its a bit hard to make a review about an unfinished project (0.3B), thats why i wont give any points to different aspects, instead try to word it, but anyway, here we go

    i think the grammar is more than fine compared to some or most games, but still understandable even for not a native english speaker, and because its a text based game i think this is an important point (they also try make it as much enjoyable for not fans of this genre as possible, with choiches, pictures and kinetic text flow, instead just reading walls of text)
    sex scenes are well written as well, there are some quit different, however you can find reused scenes with different persons

    the character creation is uniqe enough, with quit a lot of option, even playing with genetics and how some stuff or aspect in life can determine others... however, its far from clear sometimes (even if i understand the narrative aspect, i hope later the stat system will be visible, because it can be frustrating if u want to reach something, and no matter how many times you try it, still cant reach it, because its not clear what you should change) but it surely gives you an oppurtunity to replay

    about the story, lets say its decent or interesting so far, with great possibilities ... i mean we get the instructions for now, the past...but how the actual story will look, the present... its hard to say
    with 0.3 you will get some ideas, how the stats will influence things further, but there are still some question marks, because its still part of the character creation

    about kinks... so far, its not much what i found... there are more like hints, what can come in the future

    visually... well its a text based game, you get a pixel image about you character, and nearly thats all, its still more then in same other, but not much to tell about yet, but they planning to add more stuff, as i read

    i really think, this is already a really good experience, with possibilities to become a really really good game, lets hope it stays on the right path
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Very intriguing storytelling. It is clear the developer has serious writing talents. Though the graphics are lacking, dialogue is interesting and complex. Great to see more games in this genre now that the update frequency of Female Agent is moving at a glacial pace.