jclosed thats why they are incompatible.
people can argue they are "close" or "they work well together" but only if the DEV is a genius or in the initial phase.
NTR and NTS are opposites. the "emotions" the MC should get from each one are:
NTR: angst, despair, humiliation, betrayed, belittled.
NTS: possession, jealousy, intimacy, closeness, trust, playfulness, control.
u can ask how that fits in. but its the emotions u get while u experiment.
it doesn't matter if the Mc is a cuckold or a alpha, if he is dom or sub, thats secondary.
the same can be said for NTR, the Mc can be a strong male, dominant, even a playboy but still getting humiliated.
still getting betrayed and he can not do much about it, or blackmailed to do it.
that is why I don't like to mix it or when people ask for NTR-stuff. it can easily get messy if the DEV is not careful.