So I've been playing mainly Renpy based VN on my mac for a while, often running them via Wine when Mac is not supported.
Maybe this is a common thing by running 32 bit windows executables but I've been only recently noticing the jagged texts and just overall low quality graphic, when compared to Mac versions in general. Would there be a fix for this?
Or would there be an alternative way to run higher bit version on Wine in my current Mac OS? I do not want to upgrade and lose 32bit support based programs.
Any help would be appreciated!
Maybe this is a common thing by running 32 bit windows executables but I've been only recently noticing the jagged texts and just overall low quality graphic, when compared to Mac versions in general. Would there be a fix for this?
Or would there be an alternative way to run higher bit version on Wine in my current Mac OS? I do not want to upgrade and lose 32bit support based programs.
Any help would be appreciated!