Unity - Bondage Arena [v7.0 Premium] [Captive DreamDev]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Combat felt quite dull - usually just devolved into spam firing and peaking around corners. Although i understand the concept, once your legs get tied, moving around becomes genuinely painful which can make modes like battle royale go on for way too long. It'd be nice to have an escape feature after a certain duration of being tied. Animations in the punishment mode weren't particularly enthralling. Nice jiggle physics.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This review pertains version 0.5.0 (or Prototype 5.0).

    The game has come a long way since Prototype 3.0. It easily gives Counter-Strike a run for its money. The game takes place in a kinky world in which gynoids engage in kinky, non-lethal battles in an arena, for the pleasure of their audience. The combat is fluid, maps are cheery, and victory conditions are varied ("Team Battle," "Sweep," Battle Royale," etc.). The game even has kinky music.

    The rules of this game are different from every other FPS game. Most projectiles are slow-flying. If your target is far away, she can dodge. Your ammo is unlimited but your gun heats up. Victory is never a factor of skill alone. Sometimes you lose because you're unlucky. Experiencing frustration over it is a common theme in BDSM.

    The gameplay is nonetheless fun. You learn to bait the numerically superior enemy. Sometimes, you don't have a good gun. So, instead, you rescue your tied up allies via the magnetic gun. In the same way, you use the same magnetic gun to deny the enemy a chance to untie their bound allies.

    Prototype 5.0 has significantly reworked the models and physics. A more expansive map is in the works too.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    If you take this game with a focus on fetish, then there are enough ties, the game is not bad, quite a funny fps shooter.
    But seriously, it looks more like a sandbox, it is quite difficult to shoot and the project is too raw for now, it is difficult to say anything about it
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Preface: seems like this is a 3.0 demo which normally wouldn't rate and the description is completely wrong but since this is the only review atm I'll leave it. Gameplay is a straight up death match shooter at the moment.

    Premise is simple, you shoot the other team it applies a layer of bondage item on them until they get incapacitated. Downed teammates can then be rescued sorta like jail tag. There's a few maps and the standard tdm, battle royale, and sweep modes. That's pretty much it, no H content. The gunplay is mediocre at best, though leaning towards pretty bad since guns sound like crap and shoot just as bad with little variance between guns. Movement is fluid enough though. Level design is straight out of some 1990s intro to 3d graphics.

    Entertaining enough if you want to hold down left click for some bot on bot action, the AI while not the worst is quite partially braindead, though admittedly tdm is more fun than it has any right to be.

    Add a customizable persistent player character, some match stat screens, unlockables, some debuff items beyond just bunny hopping, actual weapons that aren't just varying fire rates of lasers, maybe a persistent tournament styled game mode, maybe some actual h content while you're waiting to be rescued or end of match, and this game could actually be half decent.