It honestly breaks my heart a little to have to call a bondage-centric game "bad" in any respect, but... I'll try to be succinct.
I don't want to be overly mean, as bondage-centric games are critically underserved and a lot of them are kinda budget, but frankly, a decent chunk of them are... not necessarily good? There's a few non-3D games which get the theme pretty well and are quite hot but which I wouldn't call amazing gameplay-wise (e.g. Bondage College/Club, Hostage Hotel, 3072AD) and a poorly-mapped cave system of DiD games on DeviantArt which I'm undecided on. Of the 3D games, it's basically just Alex8778 making...
interesting prototypes, I guess it the best way to put it. Like, they're making stuff with control schemes that are trying to replicate the awkwardness of being bound without being too frustrating, which I applaud, but the actual
game side of things is a tad lacking. Pretty much all the games I can think of seem to be weirdly sex-averse too (bar Bondage College, and
maybe Hostage Hotel) which is kinda odd when most of these will have you naked at some point, and a decent few will have you orgasming, but almost none have solid person-to-person contact of any sort.
This... again, don't want to sound too harsh, but the game's just kinda mediocre, even for the price. I've only gotten about halfway through the police station level but I've mostly given up. Largely for some of the problems gdrocker posted. The game feels pushed out the door early, kinda buggy, incomplete and unpolished. I'm not having fun playing it. The bondage feels fairly superficial. The police are just irritating (as far as I can tell, you can't escape them once seen, but the time between them seeing you and catching you is artificially inflated by them doing dumb animations),the game's stealth aspects don't feel well crafted, and the cops themselves don't really do anything when they catch you. There's no animations when you're "struggling" out of certain positions. It just feels like they got halfway through and went "eh, fuck it" and slapped it up on Steam.
I'm pretty much convinced this is made by the same people who did Private Model (which I mentioned above) considering the model and animation similarities, as well as the general "eh, it's mostly done, just ship it" attitude. The good news is, this doesn't seem to have a janky translation. The bad news is that that's because there's fuck all to translate but some menu options, from what I've seen. There's a few bits of odd text but not much untranslated (although sometimes small snippets of text don't translate). The game's just kinda disappointing.