Bonus rooms for action/metroidvania type games?

Girm Ork

Game Developer
Aug 15, 2019
Personally, I prefer action/metroidvania games with the bare minimum of sexual content. Well, because I don't like to play them with one hand.

But, on the other hand, as a game developer, I am making games for others, not for myself. And people usually want to see some sexy stuff. So, I've been looking for a way to implement sexual content to Cursed Pantsu without breaking the game. Here are the most obvious variants:
1) Short in-gameplay animations. Monsters are attacking the player in a sexy way.
2) The Defeat event cutscene. The heroine is not dying instantly, something worse is happening.

But those ways are rewarding the player for defeat. It is a huge problem for a gameplay-focused game.
So, now I am thinking about the "bonus room" type of sexual content. What is it? It is simple: there is an optional room on the level. After entering it, something nasty or sexy is happening to the main heroine. The bonus room is clearly indicated on the level, it is giving you time to prepare for action. It can be rewarding (the path to the room is dangerous and guarded by strong mobs).

What do you think? Is it a good idea? Or traditional defeat-rewarding solutions are better?


Active Member
Dec 4, 2018
Disclaimer: i didn't play your demo. But in general here's what i think would work:
  1. Have enemies attempt to grab the player which can be avoided by pressing a key at the right time (you can make this difficulty configurable to the player or even let them disable it completely).
  2. If the enemy succeeds in grabbing the player, they will then start to molest or undress her while the player tries to escape via QTE or something. This should NOT drain the player's HP though.
  3. If the player fails to escape, it progresses to the next stage which could be sex or however you want to do it. Again, this should NOT drain the player's HP. The player should still be able to try an escape though. Keep repeating this step for however many stages you want.
  4. If the player didn't escape before the enemy climaxes, the enemy stays in a stunned state for X amount of time and the player can get away. OR the player is tied up somewhere safe and has to struggle out of being tied to continue the game.
You can refer to Paperheads to see an implementation similar to this, though Paperheads drains HP during sex attacks which i strongly oppose.
Another idea is , but this releases the player on a timer even if you don't struggle. The focus for this one is the clothing damage but it does progress to sex.

I would encourage making it all configurable by the player in an options menu though, including disabling it alltogether for when they want to play without the sex (that Shrine Maiden game let's you do this). Of course you can still include defeat scenes as a bonus. Anyway, this was just me spitballing since i haven't made anything myself.


New Member
Jun 16, 2019
I perfer the defeating-reward style, the post above me gives plenty of great ideas, though I also really enjoy what you mentioned.

I really look forwad to see where Cursed Pantsu goes in the future.
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