VN - Others - Completed - Boob Wars: Big Boobs vs Flat Chests [Softhouse-Seal]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    5 for gameplay. Even though I'm a guy for mid, game was good. Plenty of different boobies to boob. Gameplay is some simple but quite skillbased cardgame where you fight those women with them. Not by throwing card at them but by picking some for attack or defense (alternating turns) and bigger total number during attack deals damage, bigger defense generally blocks it. Simple but takes time to learn. Quite fun. I forgot I was jerking off.

    Images are great, not to many of them20ish, maybe 25 but I got them all in under 2 hours so gg. Fun game, would recommend. Protag is no nonsense fucker :D