- Dec 16, 2019
- 2,232
- 4,921
So, in your opinion therefore nobody should make femdom games? Its kinda self-serving to say that. Its like saying no musician should make lets say jazz, because EDM sells better. Financial gain is not the only metric an artist should consider. I would even argue that commercialism is to the detriment of authentic art. It creates works which are not made with passion. Why not encourage the devs to make the games they want and like making instead [if you're right the "invisible hand" of the market will sort it out]? If they do so then the end-product will be much better, than if they force themselves to create something they don't like, the artificial nature of such detached, only for profit approach would immediately show.And that is your right. But fortunately there are way more people willing to support maledom than femdom. Refer to my above post.
I have to admit, that this round-about way of hating on femdom is quite clever compared to how the usual brutish and bruised male egos usually display it. But its not even entirely true. For example I assumed that the majority of the Karlsson's Gambit game's revenue comes from the maledom crowd playing the maledom route, but the dev herself corrected me on that. It turns out the arguably smaller [not as small as you think] femdom crowd is more willing to actually support games they like [and if they are able to] even on higher membership tiers.
You also under-estimate the popularity of femdom, especially soft femdom.

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