Ren'Py - Bound by Lust [v0.4.1.5] [LustSeekers]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh yeah, this is it. This is basically a god-tier porn game with a plot that's good enough to hold my interest. Character models are amazing but can be diverse for more niche fetishes. It has the best H-scenes I've seen in any 3D game. Characters are vibrant, interesting, and horny as fuck. It's very rare to see a game that excels at being both a good game and porn game, but here it is.

    While there definitely isn't a shortage of overall content, there tends to be too many characters. While each character is unique and I wouldn't want any of them removed, there is a shallow pool of content for some of them. There's also quite a few grammar issues and typos that don't really bother me. Long gaps between updates also hurts a bit, but it makes sense decisions in game actually matter in the context of the story and H-scenes (removing hair or not, futa or non-futa, etc.)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Woah this game was a huge surprise. Top tier animations, top tier kinks, no grinding. Definately a game to keep an eye on, instantly catapulted into my top 3. Hopefully the dev continues to update this because the last I saw its been a few months since its been touched. Lots of content in this current version though, so definately download it and give it a go. Futa Scenes and Natalie Dom scenes are absolutely perfect.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    While I don't normally like sandbox style vn games, this one has an excellent array of fetishes with erotic animated content.

    • Overall, the sexual content itself is great, even with more exotic themes/fetishes you don't find in most other games. However, these are less frequent(though more memorable), and all are selective by choice
    • However, sometimes it feels like there are too many characters and many are forgotten or neglected, and the 'story' is all over the place in content/setting/plot, as well as pacing
    Despite its drawbacks, it makes for a unique and enjoyable experience that I recommend
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    A decent game that gets brought down by terrible lighting. From scenes where you'll need to squint to see what's going on to scenes that'll burn out your eyes. You'll see a few examples of this in the preview screenshots.

    As for the rest, the story starts strong in the intro then completely fizzles out. The sandbox is repetitive and unintuitive. The strongest aspect of the game are the animations which are better than most of what you'll see on this website, if you manage to see what's going on on the screen.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Im gonna give it to you straight i think ive finished like half of the current update and its already one of the best NSFW game ive ever played... period.
    shit nothing can compare to it and this is heavily biased because of the animations still i fuck with the story its pretty good. If your into MaleXFuta this is your treasure trove. I hope the dev dives deeper into more kinky stuff (please add more futa content shit was legendary)
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite games on this site.

    Is the worldbuilding phenomenal? No. But it's interesting enough.
    Is the writing phenomenal? No. But it's good enough (and therefore better than 99% of other games on this site)

    But is the erotic content phenomenal? YES!

    This game has it all for people who want something to jerk it to.
    • Hot models? Check
    • Great animation? Check
    • Tons of kinks? Check
    • Amazing animation? Check
    • Lots of content? Check
    • Stunning, fluid animation? Check
    Did I mention how awesome the animation is? Seriously, it's so smooth and expressive. It can look silly and completely absurd at times, but I never found that to detract from how sexy it is.

    But my biggest commendation to the dev has to be their commitment to some kinks (even some I don't particularly like, but respect the dev for adding like bimbofication). This game has some of the best MC x Futa content of any game on this site. That alone is worth 5 stars from me.

    Can't wait to see more
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    You are best! The animation was done with golden hands = Flim13 skill level (or more than). The plot is very soulful, as is Anath’s relationship with the main character. Her level of love/serving is amazing and many painstakingly created scenes make you smile. Plays in one breath. Thanks for showing how cool sex/POV scenes can be. Everyone can find their own fetish which are made with great understanding and respect.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Bound by Lust has hours of content with a super diverse cast of characters. I went in expecting an average Ren'Py game but was instead presented with one of the best in the genre. While the game doesn't have the best graphics ever, they are still on the better side compared to most of the Ren'Py games I have seen, but where the game truly shines Is in Its variety of content, there Is a girl for everyone, and so many different scenes here too. The game Is only on version right now too so very much so anticipating the updates.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Initially it was very hard to get used to the game visuals because of ridiculously rediculous breasts sizes and dull colors. Basically, it's for that I couldn't give 5 stars.

    Where the game shines is all the fetishes and options to chose them. There are a lot of different stuff, some of which is pretty rare in games.

    The succubus looks very nice and quite charming as a character. The feature where she changes her attitude towards MC depending on his choices is very cool. I love to have a custom succubus.

    What would've been nice is the fetishes unlocked for multiple girls, because now it's like that: if you want A, you go to the girl that can give you that, if you want B, you have to go to the other girl for that. No options to do A with the girl B.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to like this game, specially after seeing other reviews. But in the end its a pretty average game. The game has a lot of content, but the renders are low quality and the animations are simulated which seems odd for a h-select game that is over 5 gbs. Also the constant black screens during h-scenes kill the flow for me. The demons are cool and the pacing is good too, but the game just doesn't look good enough. Hope there is a remastered version someday. 3 stars from me.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    In the midst of it, it's absolutely a wonderful game, needless to say. The animation and renders are pretty much handcraft and unique, never really seen high quality as such in most games, really. Only a few. In a way, it pretty much covers almost every fetish. The choice regarding the story is quite complex. I believe the narrative is not going for something serious but trying to balance somewhere in-between. Some characters within the game are quite well-grounded as well.

    Also, don't take my word for it, try and test out the game for yourself :BootyTime:
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Game starts with a series of forced rape/femdom scenes, followed up by extremely poor-quality writing. Added to the extremely barebones graphics, I gave up on it in 20 minutes. I even tried skipping through a good chunk of content to see if it ever got any better, but I didn't see any significant improvement.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    All 4 stars are on the quality of the sex scenes alone as they're absolutely the high point. They're remarkably engaging and generally hits the beats of eroticism. Most of the time.

    Everything else however:

    The MC has genuinely terrible traits, you have little control of his interaction, the story happens without much action from you the player, and the MC brazenly oogles everybody to the point of being obscene. The game has two comic relief sex pests that behave near the MC's spectrum but they're treated as losers because they're not the main characters I guess. Usually I'm pretty resistant or receptive to pervert MC but this one makes me bounce off harder than I did on my previous least favored nearly two decades ago.

    Continue on about the MC, ogling and brazenly just starting at tits the first time you see them is.. Alright whatever. Doing it at nearly every single interaction and having every character in the game notice and react becomes actually outrageous. Which is not nearly as outrageous as some random pervert on the train taking creep shots and suddenly this loser protagonist is filled with righteous indignant fury at the nerve of this guy enough to get into a physical altercation with him.

    The grammar is very not good. Thankfully I haven't seen any typos to this point. But, the sentence structure and wording are legitimately awe inspiringly awful and this game could sorely use ANY kind of second pass up to and including a free online grammar checker to iron out a lot of the tangles. Some of these are so early that it boggles my mind that they didn't get fixed by the point that I'm playing through this game.
    "Add" and "had" are two different words with two different meanings and aren't used interchangeably. See me after class.

    The story may have promise. But, most of the characters aren't believable, the pacing is lackluster, and I've had more interactivity in single ending visual novels where choices don't matter.

    This game sorely needs an editor.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Mmmm... this game begins with a lot of promise. The things that drew me into this game was wincest content ;), the Principal, and the Cafe corruption plotlines. All which received zero progress in the last update [] that took ages (6 months or so) to come out.

    Instead, we get three sequences of sex with undead women. While not totally repulsive, the long update time and this particular selection felt like the dev was either overly self-indulgent in his own necrophilic inclinations, was trolling the players or insulting our intelligence.

    This update made the game go from 4 to 3 stars. Hopefully more regular updates with more central character development can raise the quality of the game in the future.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Quite decent game. Good renders, good animations, good camera angles. Story and plot initially was very appealing and interesting, but over time lost it's potential as characters with time become more bland.
    Only suggestion to developer - implementing some tip system how to advance, as sometimes the player might start clicking all possible options to find out what is the next part, as some of the paths just say "Future updates" and some require specific time and location to activate, which is not very clear.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    It's not a perfect game but I can't give this anything other than full marks.

    I particularly like the composition of the renders: character poses, choice of camera location. I also like the really creative story elements, they always lead to interesting sex scenes. The writing strikes a good balance between exposition and porn.
    Also, this is really important! The game progressively opens up. Some games just dump you in a world with 20 locations; good luck figuring out where the content is. You can progress even without a quest system or journal to tell where to go next. This to me communicates that the developer understands what it takes to make a great game.

    Things that could be improved: some of the menu'ing feels a bit grindy, like the morning routine. The game presents as an open world, but really the only time where can make a choice on what to do is in the afternoon. This could be smoothed over.
    I like that you can have night time action every time, but from a story point of view it would be nice if Ana was pushy about it. Now the player has to initiate, perhaps Ana should initiate (or only sometimes?) and the player can refuse? Maybe this is just my personal preference :p
    Some of the dialogue choices don't make sense, or it's unclear how they affect routes going forward, or if they even affect anything at all.
    Some of the animations in between dialogue seem to take longer than they should. You can't always blitz through a scene.
    The click maps in locations don't seem to have the most intention behind them. For instance the downstairs hallway. It's a bit of a mess really. The click map for the stairs is awkwardly placed. You can't tell where characters are from the hallway, but you want to know this, because there is content!
    Small bug: hitting 'back' after entering an upstairs room puts you in the corridor downstairs, instead of the hallway upstairs.

    The quality, quantity and creativity of the content easily makes up for any negative marks.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Painful to the eyes and often grindy/wandering, but an enjoyable story.

    Graphically, Bound By Lust falls short when compared to many games on this site. The protagonist especially looks like a literal ghoul, which is unfortunate for how many scenes he appears in. Many textures are textureless, some text is difficult to read, and most backgrounds are a bit sterile.

    Gameplay wise, I didn't last very long before making use of the skip tool. There are many scenes where you'll be involved with forced mundane conversations or sex scenes with characters you have no interest in just to advance the plot. Not interested in a character? Too bad, you probably have to fuck them in order to unlock a character you do actually care about. Will you be given any clue of which character leads to which? Nope; good luck!

    This makes Bound By Lust one of the most frustrating kinds of games: a sandbox that isn't really a sandbox at all because you're forced to figure out the order that the author *actually* built the game to be played in. There were many in-game days where I'd do nothing but go to school and sleep because I'd already exhausted all afternoon, evening, and night options.

    Still, I've been digging the story. It's got the classic "An alliance with a lust demon gives you great powers and makes you a harem" trope, which is one I'll always be able to find some degree of enjoyment out of. There are some branching paths and many kinks covered in the game too, so that's always nice.

    Overall, Bound By Blood is clearly a labour of love with a nice story. I just wish it were less grindy and had a facelift.
  18. 4.00 star(s)

    Triple Dawg Epsilon

    The game's fine. Pretty okay run, at least to what I have experienced.

    Waifus are decent, pretty much like most waifus out there. But blue demon girl can change her size. Now that's freedom

    Allowing the unique kinks to be optional is a really good feature. I don't want to be stuck reading the ntr content, especially when I'm rarely in the mood for that.

    Now for the bad stuff. No gallery that replays your past entanglements and it would be better to include the dialogue if it ever had. The gallery isn't really that much to be excited for, the current gallery only has pictures you get from characters sending nudes. Basically just serving as an EXTRAS part of the game.

    No helpful tips from your phone on how to progress in a girl's story. All it has is a girl affection tracker, just displaying numbers and stuff, but not much helpful stuff. That, along with the lack of decent gallery, keeps us from keeping track of what we have or haven't encountered yet. Right now I'm still missing some pictures in the gallery and some events I seen in the changelogs I haven't explored yet because I have no idea how to start them.


    Apparently the main gallery for the scenes are found in the main menu. So the gallery issue's gucci.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a hard game to review. For soon-to-be 3 years of development, the amount of content fits. This is a big game, with a lot of content, and that's a big plus for any game, and that alone deserves a +1 star.

    Bound by Lust has a seriously large cast of characters, and many of their paths are quite far-in, in terms of scale. However, that's maybe part of where the problems begin too ...

    This game feels over-extended. It feels like the dev has stretched themselves so far in so many directions that it all becomes kind of vague and diluted and without much sense of theme or focus. What starts off as quite an interesting premise eventually just becomes a very generic, harem-style dating sim, where every love interest will throw themselves at the nerdy god-king turbochad MC. While some may enjoy the power fantasy of this, I did expect something more, given how the game sat itself up in the beginning.

    Also, if you are here for any of the optional tags (NTR, futanari, hairy pussy/armpits), you are going to be very disappointed. I played for several hours, and still haven't encountered any futa. The game asks you in the beginning how you feel about body hair on girls, making you believe that your preference will matter, but 2 hours in, there's just a single LI that this applies to. The same can be said about NTR.

    In other words: the game sets up expectations at the start, both from theme, gameplay and tags, but they are not really met, and it's really just a very typical, generic harem game where every girl sucks your dick on the second date.
    And in the rare moments that it's not just a generic harem power fantasy, it tries to be everything else at once. It feels like the dev has tried way too hard to please everyone, and so there's no real sense of direction.

    I was really hooked at the start, too. Ancient femdom evils, reunion with your family, summoning a familiar succubus by accident ... Nope:
    Fuck your mom, fuck your sister, fuck your other sister, fuck your principal, fuck your teacher, fuck your other teacher, fuck the librarian, fuck student #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 ... All with the most laughably small amount of effort. Everything just becomes a goopy, cum-stained mess, and it's impossible for the player to really invest themselves in any particular thing. It's very all-over-the-place.

    The game still gets 4/5 stars, simply because if you rate it for what it is (a generic harem game), it's still a good game that many will probably enjoy. But it does feel like it sets some wrong expectations, and tries too hard to be everything at once without clear direction.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game

    Good story. Models are nice, nothing crazy but they get the job done nicely.. build up is nice as well.

    Only complaint is that ALL the names are the same color. Desperately wish you would change that because its easier to know who is talking when the names are different colors IMO. It's not the biggest issue but it can get frustrating