Wolf RPG - Completed - BOX GAME [Final] [933]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    It's barely a game.

    Pros: it looks cute and it has some nice pixel animations.
    Cons: short, repetetive, there is nothing of substance and you quickly notice animations are somewhat lacking after few first encounters.

    Small game and you can give it a go if you like pixels, just don't expect much.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Good pixel art, but not memorable in terms of scenes.
    Overall it's an escape game that has sex scenes, but with not explanation or seeming to move forward, the game is just meh. Wouldn't play again, and unless vanilla pixelart is your thing I'd say you can skip.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Pretty animations are the only thing the game has to offer. Its ten minutes of walking around pulling levers then backtracking to pick up items or pull different levers. This is a game that belongs on newgrounds, forgettable and uninspired. No dialogue or story either. Its just a big waste of time.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Azriel Satan

    7/10 Recommendable if you like pixel art, gameplay is a pretty simple puzzle game like usual for this type, but nothing doesn't make sense so you don't need to worry about wandering around. (a 7 means good)

    Short and sweet
    Probably less then 10 minutes if you don't get stuck anywhere (I was speed hacking the entire time), the puzzles are pretty simple and the pixel art is nice.
    10 Animations
    3 Endings

    For ending 2 you have an inventory if you press escape.