Pharma : one or several girl(s) could have reaction to the products used, thus opening the way for another asset (medic).
As you are collecting images and from the way the game is set + acquired experience it will be a rag game ?
As to idea, not quite sure as to the selling the girls you acquire (not even renting), if made up, it should be an option, while it would be quite better to allow for a total closed off (and so, quite more secure) handling (as to have a banker as client for example, or someone (why not go for more, give each a mostly intellectual proficiency, one could be massage therapist, giving way for some more clients already awakened for you to some extend.
Doc : young, idealist, who has not a lot of RL experience but a solid education and network (alumni + sisterhood, something else who could be used in the game over several fashion (visit, use as to shelter, seminar, etc).
Possible paths : is mostly used as to care for the girls, first as to the use of pharma products, then as to everyday physical care.
- Is needed and a such make herself available if needed. Thus installing herself close from you at some point.
- Seduced and establish herself in the house (if set as to have a set of rooms preferably in the front (or side, if a side access is possible, this as to bring external client in).
- Is dom/coerced into providing support, giving her utmost to help (there, she could be send back (or, online study) for supplementary skills (surgery room + recuperations rooms (at last two, with good light and ventilation, quiet and isolated from the main passages). Useful as to add in implant, even if, if the Wiccan/nature girl is in, that part is quite secondary, but, is still factoring in for piercings (at least, still, quite an asset to have, as it allow for both money and more clients to be added in).
Wicca enabled girl !
Age unknown, very hard to determine, she has a large knowledge related to nature and sex, albeit being a virgin (she's a Mother daughter, as such, have had a premium education but has to prove herself and create a new coven or at last find some more member. As such she appear at some point (after some time, or a specific client, someone who has ties with nature or social, religion etc). First willing to grab some girls or take over the place, she can :
Be made a partner, providing natural support, a large one given the wide area of connections.
Be seduced as to support, emotionally won and found her Master.
Be made to vow herself to the PC, that one should be the most difficult one, as the PC should have some conditions set up.
(add a botany garden as to the house options, a lecture hall, a gathering room, etc).
Function on the two last (or a secondary for first) : mood setting..
Can provide for a given (selected) daily situation, be it to make peoples in the house (or, selected rooms)
Economic skilled, a math alumni who is socially awkward (at best, she has very few friends, giving most of her time to further studies). High proficiency with maths, as such :
- Can be recruited to help on your activity, this being quite important as to vault your activity, whatever track is chosen, a clean bank account + desk are quite important as to society checks).
- Is seduced and give her support, can be used as to make money (a lot, albeit most of it is irregular (if you so choose) since online market are evolving thing(s).
- Dominated and used = will provide her help.
Can be of use for the Nature, as to provide link with Doc to (trough analysis, but, there could another girl be located).
Thus, is the analyst, lab type.
Also quite socially awkward, could be linked to the doc (same sisterhood/school).
What she can bring depend (is there a room + money for a lab, thats a heavy endeavour if going for the heavy lifting (if giving her a super computer, she can boost the Math girl economics, allowing for a formule to be found, thus multiplying the base resources given by that girl (x50 or 500, if not more).
Btw, she also could be very troubled (limited) as to social functions, thus making her among the more dependant quite possible (there, having the nature girl support being quite a factor).
If that setup is used, money + food are secure. Energy is next !
Lab + technical girl, she is recommend to you after a power surge damaged a room setup.
She dont have time for social activity, there is plenty to read, do, and think to after all.
When she follow on the culprit cable she stumble on the Nature girl room (smell a soft perfume, is made to relax by the lights and decorations) then find the main server room (hm, or not, ideally that one is setup in a separate building, underground with Ice around it as to provide the necessary settings). So, let us set a lab on the way, as to impress > interest her, it should have some tools she can recognize or better : use. Meeting the Lab girl = strike (providing she is 'saved' from option 2 and/or have the nature girl come and ship in the discussion > very interested (the math girl is also a match as to quite some subjects).
Of course, next is security.
Hm, since we dont have yet a muscle type girl, there she could be.
That factor is very variable as to urgency.
In any case, how secure is the PC base ?
Is it in the front of a road ? Does is have a fence, a high one ?
How is electricity provided ? Only trough provided ? Trough a local set (req math girl + tech girl (option for nature girls as to have the best result : sound quiet, max efficiency all time wind turbine).
Can be contacted as to help secure the house.
+ lab > +1
+ tech > +2
+ Nature, depend on the house location (if going with a move, the second house could be located in the country side, custom build ? (REQ : money, a lot, the decorator friend (real estate + material, heavy lifting + terrain moves (remind the server bunker ?, why not go for use that cold as to therapy ? Energy, etc.
They are others combinations possible.
If Maxed it depend on the location.
City as more external access for Doc and other who rely to public as to activity. Is also way more secure (or not : martial dojo is required, or, chivalry order (religion girl), else host a mercenary commando ? (either case this will gather some attention, the dojo one being the least public attracting (of course), this even if the last two can be somewhat hidden (no public direct presence). Still, its way better out of the city.
Custom build in the country side, no close city or even other estate. A large water area is close, a river on another side.
A large hill would be welcome over several possible uses (energy, placed higher wind turbine have better performances... They are quite some options following these.
Large and sturdy wall + land mine (..).
Helicopter pad, large boat (on the river).
Of course, the requirement for that one are numerous. The more of other girls = the best result.
That options making quite some changes over most of the girls activity's.
House size and functions depend on which girls are found + acquired at the move time.
If going that way (could be made quite late, as to DLC or another second game given scope), quite some more brainstorming is required.
As to energy, the work of the tech, math, security and nature girls can lead to find or create "something", be it a cold fusion reactor (math + tech (ie : materials and overall structure)), nature as to best result (material and output being optimized once again (of course not directly, ie : after discussion with the lab girl, thus finding the response.
A perpetual mechanism (math + tech girl).
Something else.
Last as to daily life = house decorator.
That one is contracted at some point, as to have her advice over some of the girls rooms. (could be a private action from one of the girls, aka a surprise to the PC).
She to is surprised by the garden, the light in the house, the general mood (several links, req : nature girl, tech girl at last).
- Perform the tasked task, more if contracted to.
- Is seduced and set shop in a room with external access (or not, with an office alone she can go to the clients themselves).
- Is dominated to provide her services.
This is the last daily life major factor, opening access to the next girl : antique provider (> treasure seeker / adventurer).
With her, the house (or selected rooms) are overhauled, woodwork, decorations, stones, etc. +10 to the house level.
She has a 'real estate' and 'material' pro and personal contact, allowing for hard to get options (use of rare and/or long distance material to be used). If present alongside the explorer/adventurer, special material can be found (metal, active material, woods, why not an artefact ? > religious girl.
Sister (religion girl), born in a monastery, has a heavy education as to prepare herself to be given to God.
Or, can be fitted to another archetype, as a personal interest, but that one would not have the same education (or has she ?).
So, she is only good with girls (at first), know a lot as to mystic and daily care (is a major provider as to security + recruitment). If a church can be build on the premise > official cult (PC personnel religion, of course
- who would let her go ? she innocent and pure, unaware of most of the real world, a treasure !
So, she is either seduced or dominated (trough access to the artefact ?).
Is highly interested by the light and over ambiance in the house, the more others they are, the best that effect is.
If max, she's unable to leave, is made a sheep to the PC.
Can provided support to the decoration, add another layer of social grace to the house inhabitants etc.
Open another path as to mystic (ie : magic, not at first, but after some time with Nature girl + artefact = evidence, artefact + lab take more time + efforts but can still be made).
Of course, all these can be to some point given a (very) dark setting, be it as to acquire them or use.
These can be adapted, in some case cumulated (why not have a genius among the girls ?).
As said earlier, they can be given to other archetype, link are to be found or created then.
If interested, let me know, there is plenty possible.