HTML - Completed - Breeder's Haven: Reconception [v4.17.2018][Whiskeyrose]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    tough love

    This one is a lot better than the previous one.
    I actually felt the fantasy it is trying to transmit,
    The gameplay is better balanced, management of the heaven feels like it has an impact on the progress of the game.
    The models are top-notch, this guy has good taste.
    10/10 will impregnate again.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    + You need to repopulate earth as one of the few male survivors.
    + Alot of different girls
    +/- You are paid per birth and need to re-invest the money for more houses for the girls and for facility uprades
    - The facility differences are only in name. But they have all the same function. Basically, empty game content without much gameplay variety.
    - Alot of manual clicking
    - Repetitive

    Frequency of Scenes:
    + High

    + The tutorial aside, actually no text. Which is positive, considering the gameplay.

    - Feels like an empty game, since the point/money system feels pointless.
    - TechPoints used to invest into facilities, to reach a certain level to be allowed to upgrade inner-facility buildings for alot of money, to be able to store more TechPoints
    - Every 5 turns, you pay TechPoint debt, which makes no real sense, when your purpose is to repopulate.

    --> All in one: I was curious about this game. But the gameplay is repetitive from the start, and the upgrades etc. feel empty. They are there, just to be there, so you have something to invest money and techpoints into, to get alot more girls. The purpose of the gameplay feels empty. Girls and gameplay, both become trivial after a short time. Sex scenes also become trivial real fast. It is hard to explain. But it feels like a non-game, where they accidently achieved to even make the sex scenes trivial. The idea had potential and was interestung. But the execution is unfortunately bad. 1 of 10.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    You build up money, you recruit women to impregnate and also work for you. For a game about resource management, there's not much to balance. I maxed it all first run without any real thought. The only plot is the intro. The only events in the game are that occasionally the girls will pair up (nice brief lesbian scene included) and it frees up an extra recruitment slot.

    It's an okay play through. A bit repetitive but the number of available girls to recruit carries it a long way. Probably great if you have a breeding kink too.

    The major irritation for me is that there seems to be no ending. Once you've got everything, the game continues forever. I don't see why there wouldn't be a few congratulatory lines of text or something, even if it then allows freeplay after for people who want to watch the numbers go up.

    It's cool though. Worth a go. I'll probably forget about it soon after I post this, but it is worth that go.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Excellent concept but poorly executed!
    The game was interesting the first twenty minutes, then it became increasingly more repetitive until a point where I just skipped the scenes.
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    Rated: 2/5
    Based on: Completed
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    You select various pornstars to add to your harem and the game shows a few porn clips as consumating the act of breeding. You look at the same porn clips over and over, or click upgrades for different economic sectors - engineering, manufacturing, business, etc. It got real boring real fast. After a while it even ran low on pornstars to put into the housing upgrades.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I didnt play the first game.
    This was a great game over, more content than i expected. I recommend doing more than one playthrough for you to view as much as possible. I wish there was more than two scenes per girl though.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Like the previous game but, with more game play elements a great game if you are in to breeding fetish. . . .tmking