VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Breeding Island [Final] [ZaneSFM]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    - Far to much talk/thoughts at the beginning, not enough action.
    - the MC far to afraid, what is not really helping.
    - First sex scene was boring, to much softcore, to much text.
    - Maybe starting with something less weird as an orc would have been better.
    - the are to many different styles of the environment makes it looking weird. It looks like most stuff is borrowed from different sources. A nice painted forest, which would not fit to the characters, very cheap 3D-Game renderings and more. Also many other modern setting stuff I saw used in otherer games. Everything does not fitting together stuff. It disturbes the atmosphere.
    - why are there computers, TV's, phones and other stuff?
    - The whole island appears not consistent, not plausible.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great artwork, a couple of really nice animations, interesting girls, different forms of female domination, thats good for who likes the fetish.
    I realy hope author keep or expand the female domination in the story.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, pretty great for the stage it's at. I like the tone and love the potential of various femdom themes. Rough edges for sure, but run-through-able and I can't wait to see where it goes. Would love for it to go to harder places, but the creator seems to have a vision and they should stay loyal to it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    story: very good.

    characters: really well done.

    gameplay: meh. is good.

    scenes (al of them): well done.

    draws (cg): well done.

    conclussion: the story is preety deep, i was surprised by the female characters too, they are really well done.
    on the other hand the main character is kinda a idiot and talk too much.

    this game TOTTALLY deserve your time and money.

    psdt: there are minor plot holes in the story, and some
    transitions are kinda slow. (but nothing too serius).
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1465339

    Ok let me start by saying I really wanted to like this game, but I can't ignore its faults. For one, and I don't know if this is f95zone or the poster, this game has femdom as the path now I don't see that in the tag so imagine my disappointment when I start experiencing this. Now I am not against this to each their own, but I would think that's a big thing to out on the tags. However, even more frustrating is the long waits during scenes, so I either have to go super slow in the game or skip all the dialog if I want to get through it in a reasonable amount of time. Overall I was frustrated.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I just want to start with that I gave B.I. a 4 star rating more for what it can be. Right now, it does have some writing issues that could use improvement. Also, I won't lie...the art style isn't my favorite, but that one is truly more of a personal preference than anything. Also, I don't truly understand the Orc's rose eye. It...I don't know. It really throws me off when looking at her. The skins of the Orc & Demon also aren't that great. To me, they look almost like balloon material.

    Now...with the negatives out of the way, on to the positives.

    This is a .1 version, and I feel there's a lot more to it than many .1's. Also, though not entirely unique (MC is on an island with women.), it has been spiffed up by making the island inhabited with monster women. And even though her rose eye throws me off, I do like the Dev's take on Orcs. She looks kind of like an Orion from Star Trek. Though not particularly fearsome, it is a unique take on them, and I think the Dev should be applauded for such a risky step. Also, though the writing could use some work, the Dev has put in enough material to actually make B.I. interesting. Politics, fear, desire, curiosity...I mean, the material is there, just needs refinement. With what's been placed so far, B.I. can be a long term project I feel.

    Some refinement, and I think that the Dev could have a top tier project on their hands.

    This is all at v.1, I'll keep an eye out on it, and will rethink my review at a later date.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The writing and the visuals do not match up. The orc girl is supposed to be bigger than the MC going by the writing, but the MC is as tall or taller.

    There is zero nudity so this might have been better as a text game TBH.

    The gameplay leaves much to be desired. There's very little to do, and the points at which the game pauses on a dark screen with nothing going on is silly. You can click and click but nothing happens. It's almost as if the game had crashed, but no, it resumes after a while with no rhyme or reason.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Good first version. The story is fantastic. Will be looking forward to version 0.2. Because not many good breeding games around. Would appreciate more big titted girls.