Ren'Py - Breeze of Passion [v7.0.0 Extra] [L7team]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The story is just too boring and the gameplay doesn't respect the player's time, too much clicking around with a useless sandbox. The writing suffers from awkward translations and inconsistent humor. Render quality is generally good, with the occasional awkward-looking scene. Animations, particularly in lewd scenes are just decent, not even worth revisiting. The sound is just there, good enough, nothing major to complain about. Finally, despite it being mediocre at best there's a decent amount of erotic material. So if you care about a headache-subpar experience with a tedious navigation system, play it by all means.
  2. 2.00 star(s)



    okay so this one has given me a brain bleed or fart or something.

    lets get the good stuff out of the way. the art is good.

    yep that seems to be about it.

    the writing is terrible. some of the worst dialogue i have seen that at least one other review already points out so no need for repeat. the artist and the writer are in different games.

    the plot though while mildly interesting is lost because of the writing. it's all just noise.

    then we come to the most mindlessly stupid part of this game that has me deleting as fast as i can and taking a long mental flossing. the design.

    i just started to play this update that started with me needing go to bathroom. after a mini slideshow i have a text conversation with a girl. during said convo i have a single choice pop up that requires a click. okay.

    then i have to chat with emma and we get into a car and during this journey i get a single choice to click. again?.....okay

    exit the car to meet another girl and lo and OMFG it's yet ANOTHER single choice click. What the actual...
    WHY dev WHY for the ever loving shitballs in hell would you not just put those straight into the main dialogue? it gives nothing to the player. it is just stupid.
    sure you want to stop someone from just leaning on the skip button, but if the dialogue and writing was any good then nobody WOULD.
    the single option choice that is no choice is as backwards as a starfield player thinking bethesda will pay those 250 developers to fix all the games issues and make those improvements and NOT charge DLC premium prices for them to get the game THEY ALREADY PAID FOR

    *ahem* just stop with the senseless single option BS is all i'm saying. it really is dumb.

    but good luck with it yeah ;) (y)
    rant over
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for Breeze of Passion v6.0.0 Steam:
    Overall: 3/5 - This game starts off like the developer asked an AI to create a game based off of their previous game. I guess you can give the dev credit for recycling, but it feels like they slapped together a game with the absolute least amount of effort purely as a money-grab. However, it the game has become better over time. Hopefully, it continues to do so, but I don't expect it to be any better than the developer's previous game that currently has an overall 3.4 out of 5.0 rating, which is close to where I would rate it.

    Story: 3/5 - It's a rehash of the dev's previous game. Even the overview is similar. So many of the situations, interactions, and events are nonsensical, also like the other game. The story progression is actually better though, so maybe all is not lost, but, given it's so much like the other game, I'm betting the story will stall while the game goes off on side-story tangents.

    Writing: 2/5 - The English is full of awkward translations. I think there's supposed to be humor, but it was lost in translation. The translation is so bad that it goes from reading like dialogue between two 5-year-olds to reading where a PhD is required. Some of the dialogue is completely retarded. E.g., there's a render where the MC comes home, walks into the living room, stands in front of Emma who is sitting on the sofa and then he says, "Are you home yet, Emma?"

    Renders: 4/5 - The renders are generally good. There are occasionally some weird lighting/reflections issues (e.g., MC's shiny underwear) and weird compression artifacts (e.g., beach close-ups), and clipping. The models are pretty although hardly unique.

    Animations: 4/5 - The lewd scene animations are great. So are some of the detailed idle animations like eye blinking. However, the bobbing/panning around girls' butts and breasts gets old to the point you'll think to yourself "Damn it, not again!".

    Sound: 2/5 - The background music is better than average, and a few sound effects like walking and closing doors are OK, but holy fuck, some of the sound effects are terrible. The electric guitar that plays while the MC is gawking at a girl's butt/breasts got really old. The cartoon sounds of whistling when the MC gawks at a girl, and the frequent swish, whoop, and boing sounds during conversations are infantile. And, yeah, it's all recycled from the other game, too.

    Content: 4/5 - The amount of content is a better than I expected. The dev used a trick to get lewd (although disposable) content early in the game by having the MC watch videos on his phone of him and his ex-girlfriend. There's more lewd content, too, and the quality is good.

    Gameplay: 2/5 - So far, the sandbox is useless. The game is almost completely linear. It's not 100% linear, but it's certainly not worth having a sandbox. All the sandbox does is waste the player's time. Most of the player choices don't seem to have any real impact, either. It kind of felt like there was going to be some resource management of money, time, employees, etc., but that never materialized.

    Bugs: 3/5 - I encountered a lot of bugs in updates through v0.4, but didn't encounter any bugs in v0.5 or v0.6 (now v6.0.0, I guess). None of the bugs were game-breaking, but they were immersion-breaking. Hopefully, they're all fixed now, but I haven't gone back and replayed.

    Other WTFs and annoyances:
    • The game really needs a button to advance time.
    • The game really needs the map button to be available from anywhere.
    • MC has unprotected sex with a stranger he saw intentionally exposing herself on the beach at night and later has unprotected sex with a prostitute.
    • Nobody works at the hotel reception in the evening.
    • The luxury suites in the hotel are on the same floor with staff rooms and utility/laundry rooms and exposed pipes in the ceiling.
    • The laundry room for a hotel has 1 washer and 1 dryer.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Oh Dev, don't try to produce the same game. You have the advantage of being a good rendering and multi-character, but in addition to the poor storylines, you're tied to a sandbox structure, not a sandbox. The advantages and disadvantages of this game haven't changed at all from the advantages and disadvantages of the previous MOS.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    There are a lot of unique girls with whom you can pursue relationship.
    The renders are really good and sex scenes are also really nice. Story overall is not bad but there are some strangely translated sentences ( but nothing serious what would spoil the enjoyment from the game ) I highly recommend giving this game a chance and if possible supporting guys developing it on patreon or other sites if you are able to.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The renderings are beautiful. The story should be revised slightly in my opinion.
    But I highly recommend downloading this game it's worth watching and supporting the dev.

    I look forward to the new episode.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    The team behind the game have a proven formula at this point. If you like their previous project you will like this one.
    Nice renders and sex scenes. Easy navigation with an excellent hint system for those allergic to reading. Dumb MC and archetypes girls, this time in a Hotel.
    If you want a light hearted story with porn this is a good option.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    + good start - gold digger dumped our mc
    + nice idea for the story
    + renders and animations

    - whining and stupid mc, generally you can tell he is a loser. Girls are not interested in him and some of them are bitchy without reason
    - boring as hell conversations, writing in this game is total disaster
    - game is focused to much on hotel stuff
    - no relationship development with the girls

    seems dev didn't learn lesson from his previous game and again create a idiot mc without balls
    for now this avn is boring, maybe this will change in a few updates but im not that optimistic
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    As of v0.2


    • Story is different than most games
    • Nice looking backgrounds/sets
    • Can tell work's been put into the design and layout.


    • Most of the characters (including MC) are fucking awful
    • No choices
    • Forced sex scenes (As in you HAVE to see them)


    Good looking but just painful to play. The "game" part of this appears to be clicking on the icons to get around the map to see the next no choice interaction. Renaming the MC is pointless as his (shitty) personality seems to be set in stone. Maybe it's early to say that BUT after playing the dev's other game I feel it's a safe bet.

    I'll be ignoring this thread so I don't forget down the line and waste my time again but if you like the look of the models then I'd HIGHLY suggest waiting for another 3-4 updates and a gallery unlocker.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Don Corleone

    Even if games with a male MC are not my favorite type of game, I have to say that this game is special. The renders are 10 of 10 , the story is catching and there are even animations in high quality. Moreover it has already a lot of content.

    All in all a great start for 0.1.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.1

    I absolutely loved this game!
    First of all the previews are the reason why I decided to try it. The renders and models are top notch. There are 3 girls and 2 hot milfs and all of them look realistic.
    There isn't much of a plot yet due to the initial release but the dialogues are nice. It was interesting and funny to read them. No sense of boredom. In addition there is a girl who despises mc from the very beginning and we will have to win her favour in future.
    I also want to note music and sounds and characters blinking during the dialogues which makes them even more alive.
    Of course the first release needs polishing but I hope with upcoming updates the game will turn into a msterpiece.
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    P.S. I haven't played author's previous game
  12. 2.00 star(s)

    Before I Forget

    The renders and animations are never a issue with these group of Devs, it's always everything else.


    This story is almost a carbon copy of the last game. It takes most of the elements from their other game, while adding some elements from the game HH. He even has the same token black friend who he randomly calls and pleas for help from him with running the hotel. Apparently there's too many girls for him to handle. This main character himself isn't as bad as the last guy but he still gets portrayed as a loser one minute but has sex with a random hot exhibitionist the next. Just not realistic at all. You have sex, she talks as if you're never going to see each other again... Only for her to turn out to be the daughter of your stepmom's business partner in the very next scene lol. Yeah, I don't get it either. Of course, she now have regrets about fucking you at the beach and is fake upset with you.

    Your Stepmom spent a good portion of this opener scolding you for being a loser, basically. You get cheated on by some slut who admitted that she was only with you because of your status, she also admits that you have no real friends and that they only hung out with your because of your money. So to Emma's point.. you are a loser.

    You move to a new city to be groomed into a business manager. You meet two women on the beach, one of them is a bitch, because why not? While the other is sweet. Come to find out that they both will be working in this hotel as your employees, shocking stuff.. And that's everything, I didn't bother trying to unlock everything.


    So far it's filled with fake choices to avoid the kinetic tag. You click continuously to advice even in dialogue. It just feels very robotic when you have it set up that way.

    Same as MOS.



    Overall, as I mentioned it has the elements of a certain hotel game. Only that it's 3d and not HS and minus the Harem. No one tries to work on main characters any more. It's like they won't them to be relatable but the question is to who?