Others - Broken Dreams Correctional Center [v0.1.6] [RahiMew]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    As many have said here, it scratches that furry sandbox itch like Trials in Tainted Space and Lilith's Throne, but there's not much in here to get you hooked into playing this for very long, especially if you play these sandbox games for the dominant protagonist vibes.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has improved a lot, over all it reminds me to Lilith throne, but a prison setting with a lot of interesting setups. (not that Lilith Throne didn't have those as well)

    This said it's a very active dev, with a growing mod community, that seems to be on the up and up.

    It even has art work and animations, and I am sure it will only grow and become more and more in depth as time goes on.
  3. 5.00 star(s)



    - Near perfect freedom to explore what content you want, and what you want to avoid.

    - Caters to a variety of kinks and deviations.


    - The freedom often translates into a lack of direction. Not much has been fleshed out of an overarching story or universal objective.

    - Caters to so many niche kinks that you may miss out on a large chunk of content if you're not into gay anal fisting, to name something at random.

    Personal things, doesn't affect my rating, YMMV:

    I'm not much of a furry, and this is a game by and for furries. The cartoonish art doesn't do it for me. However, I think the dynamic animated scenes, especially generated ones, are superb. Probably because they rely on more abstract models of anthromorphic animals rather than something I'd expect to see on the cover of a cereal box. Point is, even if you aren't a "furry", you can still very much enjoy this game.

    All in all, this game deserves your attention, time, and support. Can't wait to see where it goes, I just hope it doesn't get too blown up in scope and bogged down. But with mod capability baked into the design, the sky is the limit :)

    *Edit* - updated from 4 to 5 stars. While I can't say my enjoyment of the game was 5 stars, it was likely due to personal tastes, and it wouldn't be fair to the Dev that is clearly passionate and hardworking about this project.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    In current state there is no much content. But it is open-sourced and can be easily modded. It kinda like lilith's throne, but lilith's throne code is pure mess, and this thing I hope is better, than it can be developed faster I hope.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    1. Heavy grinding for XP, money, and skills. The game wants you to feel helpless and weak, which translates to "fight tooth and nail in five tough fights to gain one level so you can do 2% more damage or have 1% more stamina" and that's only going to level 2. 40 stamina to earn 1 credit, spam teases like 50 times to reach level 2 in seduction, that kind of stuff.
    2. Extremely railroaded in scenes. The game's real fond of having you lose just because the game says so, the game even starts out like this, where beating a fight just means they win and instead strap you up or muzzle you. There's an arena later; beat the final arena fight? Oops, she's cheating and now she's fully recovered. Beat her a second time? Haha, she cheats again, fully recovers, then doms you and breaks all your bones no matter what you do and you can't continue the fight this time because ??? (I'm assuming she must be the dev's fursona. Lewd devs are really bad about this.)
    3. Not much selection in clothing options, or really much of anything in terms of things to save up for.
    4. Sex scenes with named characters are awful, you're generally locked into bottoming or random stuff like petplay, whereas sex with generic RNG randos allows you the full sex mechanic with poses and stripping.
    5. Too many flirt/combat-related perks are just boring upgrades for single moves, like upgrading your hip-swing to add a physical damage debuff, or making blocking block more.
    6. Not many actual stats to play with, just phys damage, lust damage+def, stamina, and health.
    7. Stamina is WAY too important, you use it for basically everything, and you use a LOT of it. It's arguably the only good stat to put points into on level up.
    8. Not enough named characters to interact with, which sucks since they all have so few sex scenes and no variety, so your best bet is just to ignore them and use the "look for trouble" mechanic to find and pester some rando generic NPCs.
    9. Beating someone doesn't seem to have much of a lasting impact, you'll beat them until they hate you, then you do something else and they'll appear in some other plotline and not care that you've beaten them fifty times, so you beat them again just to leave again.
    10. Doesn't seem to be much of a reason to explore the off-limits areas, I found one (1) credit once, heh.
    11. There's a minigame to remove restraints you're put in, but it's a bit weird since it's one of those "stop the marker in the green" things and doesn't actually tell you how good/bad you're doing until you do the whole minigame, where it'll say you removed it by 154% instead of just ending the minigame when you hit 100%. Plus there's not even a lot of bondage IN the game, which sucks if you're trying to grind the BDSM stat.
    12. Cumflated bellies look a bit weird and I don't think there's actually a mechanic for when they/you are full, though there's a perk for the player to get a buff when you've got cum in you, I guess.
    Anyway, just play in debug mode and cheat. Also there's settings to adjust how many men, women, BDSM fans and whatever will appear in the game, though I assume that's all only for the randomly generated people and not the named NPCs.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    While I'm not really into BDSM, this game is so amazing that it gets a five-star review anyways.

    -The characters are likeable and most the named characters are well done in making them feel unique in the world and not just a particularly dominant/submissive random encounter.
    -The character creation is pretty good, and you can make your character ungodly thicc. This alone is worth five stars.
    -The visuals you get of your character REALLY help make this game stand out from other text-based games.
    -Skill points for fetishes are unrelated to your level ups. I cannot overstate how good of a decision this was by the dev. Rewarding players for engaging in the lewd content that they want to see with skill points to make that type of content better and NOT have to wait for level ups to put points into said skills feels very good.
    -Optional watersports. And unlike most games with this, it actually has a decent amount of content for it if you choose to go for it. For people that hate it, they will never see it because the options are clearly labeled, for people who want it, there's several scenes where it can be accessed and they're all pretty good. Really hope to see more of this content in the future!

    -While the combat is not bad, it's not particularly exciting either. This will probably be fixed in the future as more abilities are added in.
    -While character images are very good, scaling your character's penis to hyper sizes looks kinda goofy. Maximum sized tits, ass, and legs all look phenomenal, but hyper penis is... off.
    -The bullies at the gym. I have beat their asses so many times, and I'm kind of sick of them by now. Between saving Jackie from them and just wanting to use the equipment there for myself, I've beaten them more times than I can count. Wouldn't mind having to save friendly NPCs from them in the future, but how much longer are they going to keep trying to mess with me, knowing that they're going to lose, AGAIN.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    The good:
    • Gameplay is mostly functional and doesn't get old too quickly, there's plenty of combat encounters but also a fair amount of minigames.
    • The dev is a powerhouse: it's been a year and a half of work since the first release and the game not only gained a completed start-to-finish route but also a decent variety of side content.
    • Mod support: the community has more than tripled the amount of playable races thanks to it.
    • Simple but effective graphics.
    • Lots of customization options for random encounters.
    The bad:
    • Each route seems to exist in a vacuum, actions in one scene almost never have consequences outside of that specific route: you just finished beating up and humiliating a prison guard that caught you stealing, and an instant later she's back to her usual spot, ready to have a friendly conversation. And that's not even the most jarring example one can encounter.
    • Even worse, quite a few scenes don't even have consequences within their own route: doesn't matter how many times you curbstomp the elevator guard, not only he won't call for backup but the option to intimidate him will always fail.
    • Certain routes have events that fire off only ever X days, or require grinding progress through actions you can only do X times per day: this should become less of a problem as more side content is added, but as it stands it means a lot of waiting and repetition.
    • Way too much RNG in combat, with tons of half-hidden modifiers making it nigh impossible to figure out the actual odds of success.
    Overall, a very promising game, worth a try right now but it'll probably be a lot better in a year or two.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Genuinely a great game outside of also being a genuinely good porn game. The story is varied and actually interesting. The characters are likeable, have their own personality and the writing is fantastic. There are many ways to play/act in your actions and in gameplay. The gameplay itself is engaging and challenging. The game is fully moddable as well with a inbuilt mod downloader and installer.

    Only downside is that your choices have no impact outside of immediate story content. I.e if you meet a character early through the many different ways that you can or make a choice that affects said character either positively or negatively they will not react at all unless what you did was relevant to the plot only at that exact moment.
    It's very jarring to have already met and interacted with a character, only for them to introduce themselves brand new oblivious to what you've already done to or for them, which leaves your choices feeling unimportant or isolated from the rest of the game in a game where your choices are meant to matter.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Set in a prison, you start of with some character customization and then dive in. A lot of focus on BDSM, both gear and dom/sub interactions. Some sandbox elements and nice graphics. The interaction dialogues based on a dynamic personality system are what really put it over the top for me, giving it a more immersive experience. You also have kink/sex act filters which are always a gold standard for a porn game to have.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Prelimenray rating.
    At this stage, there isn't a whole lot to do yet.
    Basically, it's close to CoC but in space prison. Or lewd SS13.
    Adventure game/rpg and if you click something "wrong" or lose fights, you get raped.
    Fair warning, currently the game leans more into the "submissive MC who takes dick" than straight mdom options.
    What the game does well is explaining via tooltips what kind of kinks are about to happen. So far this only went wrong once or twice where the MC gets more than the player consented to.
    I think otherwise the game has nice mechanics (but stamina could regenerate faster) and the characters are written quite nicely.

    The reason I am only giving 3 stars is because currently it's spread a bit too thin in my opinion. It has options for every gender and dom/sub options for lots of interactions. But that means if you are, let's say, only interested in Mdom content, most of the content is not for you. I am very much looking forward to future updates, but I fear that because of the enormous width development for certain routes will be slow.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Even though this game is still in early development (0.0.24), BDCC left one hell of an impression on text based hentai game. This game Can compete with Trials in Tainted space, Corruption of Champions 2, Lilith's throne, and a bit of Lust Doll plus and Monster Girl Dreams.

    Your Created character gets arrested for crimes you didn't commit and sent to the Broken Dreams Correctional Center, and given BDSM punishments (If you want to or not) and Live your life in the mines or planning to escape the prison.

    The Gameplay is combat and erotic Role play. You do erotic attacks, basic damaging. And When you win or lose, you'll r@pe with the enemy or the enemy r@pes you. You can do small tasks, like mining, eating, showering and doing small side quests.

    The Hentai scenes stand out from the other text based games, Instead of seeing just plain text and appearing on your character's stats, The bottom right screen shows your character and your attacker having sex in full animated form. Shows the full on Variations it has: Lesbian, Gay, Femdom, Maledom, Anal, Oral and a bunch of BDSM stuff. Especially Furries. My favorite Inmate is Rahi, and I'm pretty sure everyone does ;)

    Since the game Is Early in development it does contain issues. Whenever you lose, you'll lose money regardless and end up in the negative. Doing actions too fast or loading a different file while character is in an animated scene can bug out your character.

    Overall, A great start, With more variations on the scenes and more human/furry enemy variations, this has potential to be a great Text based hentai Game.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has very high potential. Every single thing that makes it a good game is already there. The graphics, the gameplay, the hot scenes. Now it just needs a bit more content, quantity-wise; which will come in time. Can't wait for more.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Review as of Ver. 0.0.23

    This game has serious potential. I do love the bondage mechanics being worked into combat in great ways, but for me the real stand out is the paper doll animations. So simple, yet it adds so much life to otherwise simple text scenes. I'm actually shocked no one else has done something like this so far as its a brilliant addition. That in conjunction with real consequences for losing like being stuck with various bondage gear after you run out of stamina and have to run back to safety to rest to reattempt removing them or ending up pregnant which comes with serious debuffs. Not only that though, but do you not like the idea of being saddled with BDSM gear which hampers you in creative ways? Level up a little and gain a skill to immediately remove them. Don't like pregnancy? Simply turn it off in the beginning. Want the danger of getting impregnated and you want the risk to remain to have some actual heavy consequence for your messing up? You can beg your attacker to use a condom or pull out. They can ignore you or the condom can break.

    I think the consequences felt on your character for losing is what draws me in the most, not enough non-con games hand out real and lasting consequences for losing so regularly. The closest parallel I could think of is Jumble Jokers/Strikers giving your characters permanent combat debuffs due to previous trauma with specific enemies.

    There isn't a lot here yet as its still a relatively new project, but this is going to be one of the creators I support on patreon along with the few other stand outs like Saria Reclaimed. I'm expecting great things from this one if its consistently worked on.

    Bravo, can't wait to see what the future holds for this title.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is pretty much up there with LT almost, just needs a lot more in-depth customisation and probably some better localisation, but other than that I actually enjoy it. The storylines actually got me hooked the most.

    Miss Tavi my beloved.... :oops:
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly good.

    It's grammatically correct, fairly balanced, has animated avatars, stable, and holds a good bit of content.

    I went in thinking it was going to be all about furry yiffing and BDSM, but it doesn't quite have to be. You can change species encounter rates (although it won't change the main NPCs) and you can avoid BDSM a majority of the time through combat mechanics and decisions. There is certainly a lot of BDSM that can be explored however but it never quite feels like the focus.

    This game takes a lot of notes from a certain well known text based java game but puts it in a smaller and more sensible scale. It's also probably one of the most accessible text based games in my opinion as it doesn't drown you in long-winded conversations, has a familiar UI, and actually has animations.

    Really, the developer is to be commended on this as this is fairly well crafted thus far.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Already a very strong start to a game. It knows what it wants to be and concentrates on a few fetishes. The interface is reminiscent of other mostly-text-based games, but the engine is already really smooth and it comes with a decent animated paperdoll that represents everything happening in the game quite well. The only main gripe I have in that area is that it would be really nice to have a good history function to review what happened in case of clicking through an event too quickly (or even something that happened to me where I sneezed and hit a button and didn't see which and ended up missing what happened and why).

    The themes are dark, with content involving slavery, non-consent, bondage, experimental drugs, and violence. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone who has objections to such content as that's basically the entirety of the content right now. While the themes are constrained, there's already a decent amount to do. Some content can be finicky to access due to it being unclear where to go for certain quests, but the available areas aren't too large, so you're not searching too long.

    The persistent characters who appear are appropriate to the setting, with people acting like hardened criminals, self-important guards, or corrupt administrators. A couple are very compelling and sympathetic, which is something I'd like to see more of in the future.

    Combat is very punishing upfront and it can take quite a while before it speeds up enough. Early on, I feel like you can't even guarantee getting across the compound without getting your money stolen or getting impregnated. I'd recommend the devs consider scaling down certain areas the player needs to frequent more early on while providing much better rewards for later combat. As it is, high-level combat is a slog of managing three meters of pain, lust, and stamina with a hidden meter of inebriation limiting your ability to use items. Some combat encounters are definitely not balanced with the idea of fighting multiple enemies between rests, but some areas don't let you actually rest while getting hit with back-to-back encounters. Another oddity is that after losing via lust, your lust is not reset back to zero or reduced in any way, meaning that if you don't go in and masturbate manually, you'll keep losing repeatedly.

    Even with all these problems, I think the game is in a good place with a lot of content for being a fairly new game. I'll be watching the development of the game as it progresses and hope it doesn't fall prey to the common problems of similar games.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great 2DCG game based off of Godot. The mechanics and interface is surprisingly polished for an alpha (0.0.x) build. The 2D animations on the side works well, although it is seldomly bugged with incorrect animations.
    The game provides in-story opt outs and warnings for tags in a non-intrusive way. The 2D animations work especially well for this game and makes it easier to immerse into the story's settings. In this case, the protag literally goes to horny jail in a sci-fi future, which is both hilarious and a goldmine for content and creative writing.
    Overall, the v0.0.23 is very impressive for an early build, and the core mechanics is refreshing and enjoyable. Love the open source builds, and can't wait to see more development from the clearly talented author.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the few text games that I had an interest with the gameplay variations. The uses for the hybrid combats (like tying anyone with bdsm gears in fight) and lewd perks actually looks good.

    The contents is still in early state and some other elements still requires a better QoL and refinings, mainly on the perks designs rebalancing, but it is expected. The writting in this game can be ok to descent, but still straightfoward most of the time.

    One of the few disappointments I witnessed, for example, is that we can't use the strapons for specific scenes required for the penetration or vice versa, not an issue if this won't get fully expanded, while other items also get the same treatment but are still appreciated if they bother with those interactions.
    This game has the potential to have some replayability if they ever focus for the alternative route in the main quests/side quests, wish they develop it more of these.

    This games deserves more attention.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This review is based on my ~12 hours play of v0.0.22 Bugfix 1.

    No bugs whatsoever. The writing is good. The mood is good.

    Promising but lacking some contents (to me at least).

    I don't want to be dominated or abused by any NPCs so I beat almost everyone up. Aaaaand I cannot progress normally.

    Then I open dev options and see a lot of flags about how NPCs abuse the main character. Suddenly I start to wonder whether this game suits a person like me.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good, a good time even in this early version.

    I hope to see more fetish stuff during normal interactions, it's a bit limited for now.

    If you're hesitating try it, it's really nice. The few characters are nice, and the setting makes sense.