
Aug 25, 2019
It is very devious. In the beginning it lets the player to stomp everything because nothing can outdamage the regeneration, luring inexperienced players further into thinking that it's a good foible.
and then you have the hidden Gems that look bad, but is actrualy quiet good.

like "Marathon Runner", sure you lose -60 Max HP, but you Gain 250 Stamina witch let you sprint on the overworld map fore longer stretches at a time, saving you quiet a lot of rest time in-between sprints.

so the loose of -60 Max HP fore saving Lots of Travel time can be wort it.
through probably not from the start if you got the -200 Max HP debuff...


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
ALOT of "Traits/Foibles" reduces your AGILITY Stat, that DIRECTLY affect your Chance to RUN Away from Combat, so be SURE of what you want before chusing any, through i personaly recomand pepole wating to chuse "Traits/Fobles" until you understand the game system bether.

the blessing gives you 3% HP Regeneration and +150% Max HP wile the blessing is in effect, but you should acquier it AFTHER you get the "Traits/Foibles" because when you return from memory lain, it act as an Rest so your status effect's get reset.

also be aware that if you LIED to the Regulators about Mother and the Girl, then you start your game with an -200 Max HP Debuff, but you get lather on an reward from Mother that will over all give more Max HP to your character, but the Regulators will mislike you fore it, but the Girl and Mother will like you fore it, so your choice.
Okay, but that doesn't resolve the fact that I can successfully run from battle only 2/3 times, unless you're telling me the blessing I received also kneecaps my agility. What you're saying about Traits/Foibles also goes against what another guy said about it making the game easier. I'm trying to understand how a newbie is supposed to avoid dying and/or reloading a save every few minutes, which is what's putting most people off, including myself. I certainly didn't choose the dialogue option you're talking about, and still died every few minutes.

hate to brake it to you but ALOT of people (like 85%(+?)) that are New to this Game but Experienced whit the Standard Setup of RPG Maker VX Ace (and other RPG Maker Engine Games), have Problems when goring from the Standard Ruleset to the Costume one Rutsah made, and no i can't relay see any "condescending and unhelpful" part of there explanation, from my one experience it makes perfect sense...
I have no idea what you're talking about. Neither of you have explained how this game is supposedly different from other RPGs, but both of you are quick to assume that this difference is allegedly the reason other people aren't able to succeed in the game. And you saying "hate to brake it to you" is also unnecessary and condescending. Like the issue with the game isn't that people can't level or get money, which I'm guessing is what you're talking about, it's that dying seems to be both frequent and unavoidable, even if all you do is run from every fight. That's just not fun, especially if that's the first few hours of gameplay.

Like from my perspective, the game is needlessly punishing. There are so many ways to remedy the problem, like maybe giving you a temporary escort (that keeps all the loot, to disincentive fighting) or buff/ability until you meet certain conditions. Or selling you an inexpensive item or service that makes random encounters a lot less frequent. I can accept the fact that I'm not supposed to be slaughtering forest creatures, but throwing them at me every 20-30 steps and losing half my health on average just running away is overkill. You might as well have strung me up to be beaten like a piñata.

as fore the fortuneteller she actually have an Name floating over her Head unlike almost all of the other Characters on the Dock, so most players would connect that she would be an (important) Person you Should speak to, and if you money is an problem then there is always the save load option to see what happens if you pay...
I don't remember if she had a floating name, so I'll have to take your word for it. It still doesn't really answer the question of how a newbie is supposed to figure out what to grab. You, in this same reply, just told me that a newbie shouldn't even mess with those until later. And from the more recent replies, it seems like picking one carelessly can basically ruin your playthrough, which again, isn't exactly fun for someone that just started the game.

P.S. Please use spellcheck.


Aug 25, 2019
could someone link a walkthrough for this RPG
sure here is my OLD one from back at page 14.

then you have an map someone made a wile ago, don't remember who made it through sorry.

and then we have the newer guide with pictures and an list of quests you can take.

not sure how else i can explain it really, a lot of games are trail and error.

i meit contradict other commenters about the Foibles but i am simply in the camp who preferer to understand my chooses rather then just screw myself over with bad choose because i Assumed something worked one way only to discover it did not Work like that at all.

through learning from mistakes is also viable but mistakes taken from an assumsion can force you to reset the entire game rather then just pick up watt you find out you need when you have the little experience to understand what is good and what is not fore your playstyle.

and i have SEEN several people asking question because they just picked up Foibles that messed them up by giving advantages in one field wile LOCKING the ability in another so they ended up with something like abilities that affect the basic attack's but then LOCKED the ability to USE said Attack by gaining "Paranoia" then they also had "Lennie Small" that LOCK your ability to use Techniques and Magic, so they ended up with NO combat capabilities at all they even combined it with Mountain-Life, making healing unusable as well, so this is Way i am PERSONALY Recommending to Wait With Foibles, but it is still YOUR choose to use them still.


Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2018
Sounds to me like this game suffers from a bad case of Ivory Tower Game Design.

Or, at the very least, is dogshit at documenting vital information and communicating it to the player.


Aug 25, 2019
Sounds to me like this game suffers from a bad case of Ivory Tower Game Design.

Or, at the very least, is dogshit at documenting vital information and communicating it to the player.
well to be fair it ware Clearly stated in the "Foibles" description that the Attack/Magic/Techniques would be Locked, but players just skipped past the story + Description of the Effect of the "Foibles"...

as fore conveying game information/effect of skills, this game ACTRUALY conway More then almost any other RPG Maker Games, simply by letting you hitting the "SHIFT" key, and you will gain damage formulas fore your skill, and and adisional information about your stuff, to the point that some complained about reading to much...
Last edited:
Jul 13, 2020
Sounds to me like this game suffers from a bad case of Ivory Tower Game Design.

Or, at the very least, is dogshit at documenting vital information and communicating it to the player.
Yeah, my dumbass used to activate a foible which doesn't allow me to equip weapon so I have restart. Read things through instead of skipping in this game is adviced.
Jul 13, 2020
i may have to give up on this game i die why to fast i sometimes can't get past the start leveling up takes too long and to much i have been doing just about every thing to try and not die in this game cash is hard to get and it go's away to fast and hell sometimes the AI's make me stuck to the point i have to fight them or i will never leave its just too hard hell never even seen even one of the sex parts cuz i die to even the smallest thing so i gave up its not worth it anymore
Haven't seen one. I don't think the game you are talking about is this one.


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
not sure how else i can explain it really, a lot of games are trail and error.

i meit contradict other commenters about the Foibles but i am simply in the camp who preferer to understand my chooses rather then just screw myself over with bad choose because i Assumed something worked one way only to discover it did not Work like that at all.

through learning from mistakes is also viable but mistakes taken from an assumsion can force you to reset the entire game rather then just pick up watt you find out you need when you have the little experience to understand what is good and what is not fore your playstyle.

and i have SEEN several people asking question because they just picked up Foibles that messed them up by giving advantages in one field wile LOCKING the ability in another so they ended up with something like abilities that affect the basic attack's but then LOCKED the ability to USE said Attack by gaining "Paranoia" then they also had "Lennie Small" that LOCK your ability to use Techniques and Magic, so they ended up with NO combat capabilities at all they even combined it with Mountain-Life, making healing unusable as well, so this is Way i am PERSONALY Recommending to Wait With Foibles, but it is still YOUR choose to use them still.
So if I'm understanding this right, even you agree that newbies shouldn't be picking out foibles right when they start the game. Then do we just expect newbies to just suffer being killed dozens of times and hope they're patient enough to tough it out for hours? Like that might work for certain genres of games, where being killed is part of the learning the game. But helplessly dying to unavoidable random spawns and enemies poorly scaled to you doesn't teach you anything. It just sucks the fun out.
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Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
Newbies should pick berserker instead of flimsy blood magus. That would eliminate most of the "Why rats one-shot me?" type of complaints.
So new players should intuitively know to pick the one class that the prologue makes fun of, instead of the one that everyone's impressed by or the other two that encourages interaction with the world? What kind of asshole design is that?


New Member
Oct 16, 2019
hello just a qeustion if anyone else is having a script error when crafting when your in the town of beginning with the blacksmith work table


Engaged Member
May 6, 2022
So new players should intuitively know to pick the one class that the prologue makes fun of, instead of the one that everyone's impressed by or the other two that encourages interaction with the world? What kind of asshole design is that?
That may be an asshole design, but that's a pretty realistic scenario. Physically weak healer naturally would not stand a chance of surviving in the forest overrun with rats, giant wasps, wolves and boars.
So I concluded that blood magus is made for experienced players who already played this game before.


Jan 27, 2021
That may be an asshole design, but that's a pretty realistic scenario. Physically weak healer naturally would not stand a chance of surviving in the forest overrun with rats, giant wasps, wolves and boars.
So I concluded that blood magus is made for experienced players who already played this game before.
You know, there is a reason why many games are NOT realistic... It doesn't automatically makes the game better
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