Ren'Py - Broken Sky [v0.3.1 Public] [Wistala]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun Dev~
    The server is awesome and the community is thriving! I have made so many new friends and expressed my self much more than I could have without. The constant updates give me something to look forward to as the days grind forward 10/10 would recommend.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Art Great Music cant wait to see how it blossoms! lots of possible choice even if not yet implemented varied dialog for dom and sub which is a nice touch. can wait till the anthro character is added to the game to start with!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It is good art and style. Furry game not about gays? It is not often in our days and i appreciate this. As bonus in this really young project i have the gallery which is nice.
    I definitely will follow this project.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the art, the characters, and that there's actually something going on in the background of the story.

    Also, being able to be subby af pleases me, but the reverse option is also present for those who are differently inclined.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun furry game with a wide variety of kinks. Plot/story is engaging enough to maintain interest in the characters and what will happen to them. Character diversity and the cast is also wide. Scenes ae hot, and what seems to be planned for the game looks promising. A simple and exciting game vn!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game very much. Becoming meal of the beautiful girl is such a good feeling. I am looking for more games like it. Content is very less in this mater piece. This game is mind blowing ,
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    I'm editing my review after the recent updates (V0.2.2)
    I've been following this game for a long time..
    I really liked the furry girlfriend in the game, but the mechanics of forcing choices on the player based on corruption made me give up on this game.

    The game has a mechanic where if you feed a certain NPC in the game with corruption it will force the MC to make choices he doesn't want.
    So I never fed this NPC with corruption and yet the dev forced me to watch a furry futa/trap in the shower even though I refused..
    And the dev seems to ignore any comments..
    I feel like the game is becoming a cuck game and a gay game.
    I liked how things were before the sandbox... but the way it is now is not for me... maybe one day it will improve.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I am so glad I found this game and hope it continues for as long as possible, it is pretty difficult to find good furry games that have straight options and are not just gay. Lily is hot and so is the blue anthro and I love the inclusion of sub and dom paths, love getting dominated by a girl that doesn't go too far into BDSM or degradation, just like them being in control mostly. I also really appreciate the content toggles in the settings. Please keep up the good work devs
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    It is a pretty good and fun game that I recommend to check out, with a very interesting and original story that will let you wanting to know more about this futuristic and dystopian world full with secrets that lurk within it.

    With a charming, hot and very lewd cast of characters that will accompany you through the game. With well written dialogues, scenes and a very nice world building lore.

    The game counts with several kinks that might not be for everyone, but!, It has options to active or disable them, which is very nice if you don´t want to see or hear mention of a specific kind of kinky content. It counts with replayability thanks to the different approaches and decisions that you can make throughout the game which will make your experience feels completely new and will have an actual impact on how the history play out and how characters interact with you in the game.

    I, as a player know that there is still a lot to add to the game, but it has a lot of potential, and I know that with time, patience and effort everything is possible. I really enjoyed and loved all the content that is available till now and I really hope to see the day when this project is complete. My very best wishes for the developer and for the game.

    From: Ebixeyr~.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty damn good find. Tons of player choice, hot furries, and choices that matter.

    -Characters are hot, scenes are well drawn.
    -Huge amount of player choice and implied long-term consequences.
    -Dominant and submissive routes.
    -NTR is completely optional, and even if turned on you can avoid it completely. Also greatly appreciated that the game doesn't make the choices to continue the various types of NTR paths in the games a giant warning label. It's very obvious what the choices do, but it's written in a way that feels more natural than a giant, "Please don't click this if you don't like NTR" warning that so many games use. Also really like how Lily and the MC have a talk about their relationship and how they want it to go before jumping into any actual NTR content other than just teasing. Looking forward to when actual scenes for this are added to the game.
    -Wasn't expecting the cum play scenes, but it was pretty hot.

    -Exposition dump in the beginning, then a second one not too long after when talking to Lily and asking her questions. I like reading about the world in the games I play, and I know there's a lot of information to be given about the world, but damn. Two exposition dumps back-to-back at the start of a game is one way to make a lot of players turn their brains off and just start clicking through dialogue until they get to lewd scenes. Hope the dev tries to weave exposition into the narrative in the future.
    -Sometimes the writing can be a little wordy. Not too bad, but a decent amount of the conversations have bits that can be cut from them without taking away anything important.
    -While I appreciate the amount of player choice in the game, and really want that to be kept, I do worry a bit about the potential lack of agency for other characters. The scene where Lily confesses to you that she is kind of a slut and is used to seeing multiple people at a time and wants to know what you're looking for in your relationship with her, you are given complete and total control over how the relationship will work, monogamous, open, pull an uno reverse card and tell her she's going to be a part of your harem, or calling things off entirely. Don't get me wrong, this is a very good thing, but for a game that puts as much emphasis as this one does on the likes/dislikes of the different characters, taking away too much agency from them in how they live their lives and interact with the world can make the writing seem shallow. Just hope this is balanced out in the future by adding meaningful consequences for poor choices.

    Excellent start to what will likely develop into an incredible game. Characters are likeable and the amount of choice the player is given to customize their playthrough looks like it's going to be immense. Very excited to see where this one goes.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    this is a great game the characters are actually being fleshed out. The developer is very involved with the community and really cares about the game. whenever a new update drops i am eager to see what is new. this game is definitely 5/5
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I typically dont care too much and skip over furry centric games, but i was intrigued by the games description and the art style looked nice so i tried it out and i gotta say im pretty impressed. The story setting is intriguing, the writing is solid, and the characters are interesting and charming. Also like the different approaches to the scenes depending on what kind of character you choose to be. The only potential problem down the road might be the game promising too much, so far its still pretty bare bones, but as different branches and mechanics start multiplying the updates to a specific path u care about might slow down drastically. And there always a higher chance for games like these to be abandoned. However should the game deliver on the things it promises it definitely will deserve the 5/5 rating. I guess time will tell.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    *Edit 11th April '24 for 0.091* - tl;dr, give it a while for more content. 9 scenes currently (with some variations such as sub/dom). Maybe 30 minutes of gameplay.

    Decided to play again after seeing all the five star reviews and thinking perhaps I just missed something.

    Well, there's nine total sex scenes that are in the replay section (after completing the game intro and unlocking the gallery). There's one NTS scene in the game right now that I could find, and one cheating scene. The rest is fairly vanilla with some mild (in my opinion) kinks (such as cumplay).

    The writing is good, the artwork is excellent, but there's just.. nothing here still.


    Edit - (For 0.07, apparently only the second update, so changed my review from Poor to Average).

    Hard to rate at the moment. Decent enough concept and the game looks nice, but there's very little content and it's (in my opinion) not particularly amazing.

    If you like NTR, there's zero content at the moment (0.7) fwiw. There are plenty of choices for it, but no actual scenes.

    The filters that apply seem to work.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    love the game, can't wait for future updates. Good story and background so far. From what I can tell, there will be lots of custom character choices planned, and lots of different paths to take. Although there isn't many scenes/ cg's yet, the intro is still fun. I do wish though that the dev will go back and add more scenes, then just imagining through text; like a cuddling scene, for their first night.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I was going to wait to review this because I generally have a rule I don't review things early. I want to emphasize that so that you understand just how good this game is. I even chose to support it early, even though I don't do that either after being hit with a lot of cash grab and runs. So now with the review itself:

    Story (5/5): It's only at the prologue, so of course we get a lore dump and some world building. It's built well enough, you can tell a lot of care and thought have gone into the story, and it shows through its rather excellent writing. No broken grammar, lots of diverse choices, that impact not only the story but how you interact with the love interests. I can't praise this enough.

    Art (4/5): Honestly, its a 5/5 to me, but I know some of you will blow a shit fit because the background (and only backgrounds) are AI generated. The characters are well done, Lily is a sweetheart and easy on the eyes whether you're a furry or not (hell, she might be reason enough to convert). Oliver your best friend (for now) is a DILF, there is a lot of eye candy for whatever your tastes, the only one lacking at the moment is an actual human female, but I say give that time.

    Characters (5/5): What can I say? This is the major selling point of the game. The characters are vivid and well written and are designed to react to your choices that is honestly a little ambitious. I do worry that it might be more than the dev can handle, but so far I have every reason to be confident that the quality and believable characters will remain constant going forward. Also they are all really likable in their own way, you truly feel the friendship and romance between them.

    Sound (N/A): None yet. I think at some point it will be added, but I'm not going to ding this game for not having music, especially when so much care is going into all other aspects.

    Sex (5/5): Whether you have extreme kinks, vanilla, hetero, homo, or anything else that you consider, you're covered. The game goes both hard and kinky and love and sweet. Your choices are being addressed, but are limited due to only being at the prologue stage. The sex scenes are minimal (about 1 per update, with quite a few variables depending on your choices on how it plays out), but satisfying when they happen. You won't be disappointed.

    Overall (5/5): Game is so fun to play, the only down side is its still in the prologue stages so there is so much more I'd want to play. The dev is very committed to not only the game but the community in the game too. Extremely active, everything is fun, the dev works extremely hard on the game and is being consistent so far with the updates. I feel confident enough to recommend this game, even before it gets the third update since I already know its coming along and going to be released on time, and also witnessed the Dev at work (all the while keeping her community thriving).

    Super recommended, might be one the best games I've played in years and is on my definite follow/support list for as long as development continues
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Blakeheart Games

    I don't typically back games early in development, as many are too bare-bones, or go too long without updates from the developer. I can say Wistala is not only active, but very clear about their passion for this world, and the characters in it, which shines through in their writing.

    The people feel like people having a conversation, not just two poorly-written/translated lines before someone starts slobbing on a knob like it's corn on the cob, and I appreciate the effort that goes into making an actual plot. The premise sets your character in position for some sure to be crazy hijinks, with a healthy dose of cyber-tech and mystic tomfoolery along the way.

    The characters feel like they actually have some history, with options to establish the tone of preexisting relationships, and the opportunity to craft new ones. I'm curious to see exactly how the player can interact with the other characters they meet, and how that affects the trajectory of the game.

    As someone who enjoys several flavors of kink, and played through what we have access to a few times now, I have to say, I like how the level of influence your behavior has on your choices, though I prefer if I can still have more than one option, especially in developing my character's path. There's a lot of excellent story opportunity to have a submissive character snap and finally become dominant after being pushed too far, or a dominant one broken down by the weight of the world.

    In all, probably the game I'm watching the most eagerly right now, and I urge you give it a try!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Coom, coom never changes, through over a dozen years I've played porn games with hundreds of titles that have *came* and went. Few have truly stood out in large part due to their writing and that is Broken Sky's strongest point. Even in the 0.062 release the characters we have access to give feelings of what might be in store.

    Lilly who has the most content has a brilliantly well done arcing paths that interweave routes of domination and submission, with intricate scenes and gorgeous art reflecting the relationship between her and the PC. Hints of further branching paths are clearly outlined in the variety of ways you can choose to form a couple after the first night together (Dating, FWB, or turning her down for now) this is then compounded by your decision to have the possibility for swinging and cuckolding SHOULD you CHOOSE to indulge with that particular run.

    The world of Broken Sky is unique, a mix of what I'd deign in vein of "cyberpunk-ish" it isn't all broken dreams neon and crying, but there is a slightly sinister vibe just hiding behind the very cute colors of the NPC's and well rendered backgrounds. The absolute unit of all this is the personal communicator which seems like the most interesting menu in any game I've played. Not only do you get a normal codex entry and a "slut" entry (via clicking on the NPC) but with the game promising to move to a more open world having the ability to contact other NPC's seems ideal for encouraging exploration and titillation.

    The game runs smoothly even if skipping at max speed in Renpy and all of the bugs are currently squashed, as the "call menu" bug has been fixed

    The only downsides to the current release are;
    Sound is mostly absent from this release aside from a few sound effects.
    As is proper Voice Acting for now, but those are much less important to me than actual content, with it's decent number of full & varied scenes scoring high marks from me.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Very pleased with the preview so far! I took the submissive route and am thoroughly excited with what is to come. I find that most games tend not to really lean into femdom elements too heavily, and this game really fills a niche for me. For one having anthro/human content as well as fun fetishes like cum eating. Can't wait to see more!
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Hatsume Kill

    The writing, art, characters, and sex scenes are top notch. You can either be dom or sub and the writing deliciously leans to your preference. I'm making choices for the NTR stuff and no NTR sex scenes yet but good setup for it so far. The sub stuff is amazing if your into that so it'll keep you satisfied until the full NTR scenes are added.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    What an excellent game, I love everything about it, from the art, the story and how decisions influence it. I look forward to future updates, good luck and success with this project. I had a lot of fun (in addition to other things) with this game.