Ren'Py - Abandoned - BrokenHeart [v1.0 Demo] [SlyFox]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v1.0 Demo...

    Originally Reviewed on 12/23/2017

    This Game/Visual novel is definitely creative in how it presents the script, but it needs a lot of work...

    The visuals for the characters are 2D and look either hand drawn or they are low rez 2D versions of possible 3D models, I'm not 100% sure... They are not the best, and might possibly just be place holders... The backdrops are in the same boat as the characters, and don't look all that great... There are a few semi-animated sex scenes, using flip picture animation for the male genitals with the static 2D female characters, which once again doesn't look all that great...

    The script has some broken English, as well as some occasional spelling/grammar errors all through out it... The author/s appear to have attempted some humor (which I didn't really find all that funny, honestly), with the male protagonist constantly having inner dialogue (usually in the form of sarcasm) with the narrator called "Creator"... Sometimes the protagonist blurts out responses to the Creator, while around other characters, but the characters never seem to ever have a negative response... The author/s instead made it seem as though the other characters never actually heard it completely, if at all, even when the protagonist yells it out loud... And the protagonist plays it off like they either didn't say anything, or just say never mind and the characters just buy off on that response... That is extremely immersion breaking...

    The current content consists of mostly banter back and forth between the Creator and the Protagonist, and some occasional dialogue with other characters that the protagonist can go on dates with... The dates don't ever last very long at all, and almost always lead directly into some sort of sex related scene (or just some nudity shots), and then very quickly the date is done... The script is so poorly designed, and almost feels like a teenage guy wrote it, because it is so basic and immature, and the female characters don't sound like actual females when they talk... Now this is a very early demo, so it's still a work in progress, but the plot is almost nonexistent and it sometimes is hard to read...

    I began to get the impression that all other characters had no real personalities beyond just having sex with the protagonist without even knowing much about the protagonist at all... Sometimes throwing themselves at the protagonist, and then backing off and the date ends... And for the moment you can only date 2 female characters, but you can do a dating search for two others, but not actually date them yet (at least I never saw an option to date them, even after doing the search multiple times)...

    Now I do get it, it is an early demo, but it really needs some more proofreading and a lot of rework on the story flow and introductory character development... And that is just for the current content, before any further content comes out... Because in it's current state, it is slightly confusing, and looks a lot like it's meant more as an experiment in crafting a VN/Game rather then a serious project... Also, because of what is said during parts of the dialogue between the protagonist and the Creator, there is a small bit of advertising (about 75% or so into the game) that the author/s need more money via patreon before they can get any more work done... To include that as an actual part of the play through, not just something said at the very end by the author/s, I get a suspicious feeling this one is just to make a quick buck... Dunno...

    Overall, this game/VN needs a lot of work, and doesn't seem like it is a 1.0 version of a Demo... The script needs a lot of work, I don't find it funny, the visuals look more like place holders, has a poor attempt at imature sarcastic humor, and it seems to be pushing a lot towards being just a run of the mill porn game without any real plot or story... I will most likely not re-visit this one, but only time will tell...
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Insteresting-cool sotry, funny conversations. Loved the blowjob scene with Lisa. The newbies looks great (especially the blonde one). The new babies will look alike celebs (Emma Watson? Sophie Turner?)