Ren'Py - Brooks in Wild West [v0.72] [Piggy Nose Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    this vn is so preachy and judgmental. reminds me of The Mason Gambit with all the right wing ideologies it's spewin'. not to mention barely anything about this game makes any sense. prolly would have been better to nix the whole isekai/time travel bullshit in the first place, and just make it about a young man trying to make his way in the west, instead of having to imprint hillbilly values on a modern american man. the grind doesn't make any sense, it would not be 9.75 for a single night's stay at a hotel, nor would it be any different for the "respect" i gained while IN THE FUTURE.

    get outta here.
  2. 4.00 star(s)



    A lot of things in this game doesn't make sense historically. 10 bucks for a single shift at a gold mine is way too much money. The improved rifle has a strange modern looking scope when optics were far more primitive back then. Why do the Native Americans dress like strippers? Why does a deer, a beast of prey, go full aggro and straight up attack you? How does the MC manage to become a proficient horse rider, shooter, and can survive being shot multiple times in the span of like 2 weeks?

    The reality is, everything I've stated so far is wildly pedantic and none of this fucking matters. It's a fucking wild west themed porn game, calm the fuck down, guys.

    This ends up being a pretty charming cowboy porn game, with amazing 2D character models and decent porn animations. I found the grind to be minimal and not very intrusive, especially since the dev lets you basically infinite money savescum Blackjack if you wanted to. It works well for being a game about a guy going back in time, finding his way to becoming a true man, and banging a bunch of (mostly crazy but hot) girls along the way.

    If you needed historical accuracy and realism in your porn game, I guess go elsewhere.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    MC's Grandfather, born in the 1800s? $30 would have been a lot of money back then. You could do with some history lessons before writing this. Everything else looks OK but damn at least make seam like it could be somewhat real.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is grindy.
    IMO the sex scenes are not worth the grind. While the models look ok, the sex scenes themselves are mediocre at best.
    While the game does provide hints, the gameplay itself isn't intuitive. Even with the hints you are stuck.
    If this was a VN, I would rate it higher but as a sandbox, it's meh
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is quite fun game to play.

    It has some interesting models/chicks and despite sex scenes arent the best, they are far from being worse around. The whole setup (wild west) isnt that common in adult games, so thats another plus, if you are fun of that genre.

    Not a big fan of sandbox, so was a tad hesitant firstly, yet im glad ive tried it. The sandbox part isnt that terrible, so Ive managed to survive:D

    Would go with 4 stars, yet seeing the previous "realistic" one-star review, wtf - 5 stars from me.

    Keep up the good work dev and try to improve whenever and wherever you can!
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Tried the play game but the game is awful. The animations are awful. The renders are bland and not detailed. The models are totally unrealistic for the setting of huge boobs, perfectly toned bodies, and models with modern hairstyles everyone is also perfectly clean too from their clothes to their bodies. Their other grooming is suspect as well I mean you have regular shaved facial hair I mean these aren't small details like some of the renders for the buildings. These are literally the models.

    When the dev is too lazy to even change the stock models to match the setting for the story he wants to tell then you can tell fairly early how much detail care and effort he is going to put into other areas of his game.

    So unsurprisingly dialogue doesn't make sense and what is told is told in the blandest undetailed way nothing is really explained from the characters to the story itself. It's unfortunate there is a premise of an idea here that could work but it needs way more polish, from the models to the dialogue, to the sex scenes honestly personally I'd rather skip animations in 2023 that look like bouncy images rather than fluid movements. The animations would have been fine when I first visited the site 4 years ago but not anymore they are so short and boring nothing is fappable either.

    The only saving grace is everything works so far and that is the only reason for the non-zero rating. I couldn't get past the first 30 mins.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent story, better than othrers I've seen in this genre. I like where this story is going, not to fast, not too slow. Good characters so far. Keep up the good work. Will follow here and on Patreon.
  8. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2755092

    Average at best.
    The writing is ok, and the story so far is at least different from what we are used to.

    The renders and animation however, are average and very grainy.

    The hunting/bandit killing is pretty tedious. The health bar makes no sense whatsoever, and the amount of shots to kill things doesn't make sense either. If the dev insists on needing that many shots, make it a one bullet shot, but, use an evade/miss system. Having to shoot so many bullets in a guy or animal, especially has you get bigger guns, simply makes no sense at all.

    I'd have given a two star on this, but the story being imaginative and different deserved an extra star.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting gameplay for a first chapter, the girls are hot and the story progression isn't very fast. The routine can be a little tedious, but nothing that affects you too much. I will keep following!