Couple of things.
- started a new game and i have one prostitute whose status is "has been stolen" for an extremely long time. seems to have bugged out
- saving/loading the game now works, but food/drink values are not saved, they reset to zero upon loading a game
-Trees get deleted if you place a building on them, but not paths. The only way i've found to remove a tree blocking where i want to put a path is to build another building on it, delete that building then put the path down.
- related to the above, is there a reason there must be one squares gap around every single side of a building?
- Sister of Charity correctly upgrades to the Priestess after pleasing 15 men.
How does this work exactly? I get the message at the top to say they can be upgraded, but theres no option i can see in the library, the temple or the sisters info page if you click on them...
Don't mean to sound too negative in this post though, i love where you're going with this game.
I'm especially impressed with the performance improvements in this latest version, gone from a slideshow to something that flies along.