Ren'Py - Bull Bunny Cuck [v0.7.2] [Pallidus Nox]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game can't wait the next update! Great themes especially the jia path (your girlfriend), the rythm increase slowly witch put you right in the MC mind. I put 5 stars to support the game developper.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    None of this guy's games has had a single sex scene past the original release. Every update is just people making fun of you, with the dev promising things that they end up scrapping, because "they've decided to work on the 3d models instead".

    It's a scam for extra pocket change.
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5577730

    It's a polarizing fetish, sure, but the game has problems regardless of subject matter.

    The first problem is that there are three main MC paths. If you wanna just play the Dom path, content is severely lacking. Why even have it there, if almost all character paths are locked out? If you're only interested in doing the sub paths, just do those and you'll have a much more focused game.

    There are major bugs, where the game will show Sub content in Dom path (like you chose a different MC), and generally just stinks of bad coding.

    For all its shock value, the actual gameplay is kinda boring. No real plot in sight either.

    I would go back to the drawing board on this one tbh.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Edit: Changing my review from a 4 star to a 1

    This game has so many issues it's embarrassing to see. Nearly a YEAR and 0 sexual content outside of one or two scenes you have to grind an hour for (if you speed up the game).

    Ignoring the nature of the fetishes in the game itself, there is NOTHING in the game that actually USES the fetishes. Just basic porn and "promise" that leads to absolutely nowhere.

    To the dev: What exactly is your plan? Black and Whited (your inspiration for this game) had 300x the content by this point of it's development and all you can do is have the MC spy on girls watching AI art or porn? It's pathetic, annoying, and not worth any of our times to continue this. Any redeeming qualities are gone when you actually look at how much "content" is in the game. Have the MC get sissified, fucked, or cucked. Quit making this game the intro to EVERY porn ever where the guy peeks behind a door, but YOU cut off the porn before anything actually happens.

    Sit down and figure out what your game is actually gonna be or stop, because right now this is a porn game of watching porn. Which nobody came here for.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    It's a really bad game. The story itself is pointless and bad. In general, the choices you make in these types of games shape the story but in this game, none of your choices change anything except a few dialogues. Dom/Sub points and Fitness points in the game are useless.I haven't seen any effect anywhere in the game. In summary, this game really sucks.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is exactly what it advertises to be: centered around rather extreme interracial fetishes.
    If you don’t like these fetishes you are not going to enjoy the game.

    The models are hot, individual story lines are engaging, the writing itself is kinda meh, but that is really the worst thing you can say about the game, unless you genuinely dislike the genre, but then again what are you doing here?
    Normally I would give this game 4 stars, but I’ll give it 5, simply because of the reviews with the biggest brainest take of the game deserving only one star, just because it isn’t the first iteration of itself.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Not sure why this game is getting review bombed so hard. Giving it 5 stars to balance out the review bomb. Realistically it is probably about 3.5 star game. If you enjoy this kink you will probably enjoy the game.

    There was a game from another developer that was abandoned called blacked or whited. This developer made a game with a similar concept, not a complete remake, Blacked or Bleached. That developer has now decided to rebrand the game removing the Bleached (dom white male on black girls) from the game and instead have the story from 3 POVs

    Black male dom
    White girl sub
    White boy sub

    To be honest this makes a lot more sense. Hopefully this will allow the dev to continue to release content.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    I am a fan of interracial raceplay, but this is just terrible. The gameplay is non existant, the script is barebone and the development is at a snail pace. I believe this is the 3rd iteration of this project, let it die.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    terrible terrible terrible. 100 remakes, real pictures that are stock off the internet. God what a shit fucking game. I wouldn't play this game if I were you. Most bottom of the barrel BBC NTR shit story.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    So much potential in this game. Multiple mcs to view this kink from many angles, wigh many sub kinks thrown in for good measure. Played 3 characters each through, but each path still has replayabilty. Every update the author refines the game as well as adding new content.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Since I played at least one of the previous iterations, I feel obligated to try this and weigh in. Note: I will only be trying the white male path, because that lets me compare against prior iterations, and, honestly, after trying that, I don't think I could stomach playing the others. It's a struggle to get through what's there of this path.

    First off, I have no idea why there have been multiple iterations of this that aren't complete and unflattering speculation of the creator. There's not much content here that isn't just a rehash of some of the content in the previous iterations. Both the second and this third iteration have added convoluted branches

    Secondly, there are like four characters in this game named Riley.

    Third, and here's my real criticism: the decisions and writing in this game make no sense. The creator appears to conflate dominance with being an asshole and scumbag more than half the time.

    For example, it is a submissive option to pay someone for products you purchased from them. It is the dominant option to be a thief. Sure, the guy is rude to you, but there's no "pay him and also don't take his shit" option. Also, that guy is a drug dealer, and you start the game already having bought weed from him. This is strange to me because the MC acts like his (landlord's daughter) being a pothead is some big deal, and states that they don't know why (the landlord) hasn't done anything about it, as if they wouldn't also know the PC is apparently smoking weed. Never mind that we never actually see the PC do anything involving weed. Also, in the original version, this guy wasn't a drug dealer, and was just an asshole accosting you for money.

    Anyway, then, when you encounter your girlfriend looking at other men, your options are: dominant - be upset at her, or submissive - forgive her. That decision really broke me.

    Neither of those options are sensible responses to that situation. Looking at attractive members of the opposite sex is not only not something that requires forgiveness, but is the exact behaviour your character repeatedly has done by this point. And don't even get me started on being upset about it being the "dominant option."

    And another complaint! The original game had different characters pursue interracial intimacy for different reasons, or hinted at them doing so at least. For example, the girlfriend in the original showed no interest towards anyone but you, and what little content there was of her doing anything else involved her doing it in an attempt to protect you, which provided variety. In this iteration, the girlfriend, like every other character, basically just finds black men hot from go. This basically describes every character in the game. There's no variety, just the same boring badly written thing over and over and over and over and over. So not only is this is a badly written rehash, but it's a badly written rehash that has stripped out the best of what little the first iteration had to offer.

    And that's not to get into that this shows no signs of any "Whited" route, or any real role for the dominance, or even fitness stats, that just seem to be there just because... not that I remember any real development of that path to begin with, and I dunno about the second iteration.

    Worse content. Worse interface. More hateful.

    Like, it's always a risk with content that involves interracial that you're going to get less kinky power dynamics and more actual racist sentiments, but this iteration tips the hand way to the other side. Even in the context of kink, this whole thing reeks of misogyny and racism. Every woman in this game is a bbc-loving slut with no other aspirations than getting their next dicking, every black guy in the game is somewhere between a manipulative liar, a thug, or an outright criminal (drug dealer and pimp, bonus points). I know a porn game website isn't really the place for this, and I might just chalk this up to a badly made game full of tired stereotypes normally, but this isn't just some random game. We've seen this author do better. There's context in their previous work.

    Here's my verdict: the best iteration was the first one, and even that was a promising start that never received meaningful development effort, and that's despite a substantial support on Patreon. Don't bother with this one.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I will review this as someone who DOESN'T actually know any history of "reboots" or "previous versions" that I have read about in the other reviews. I just found this game and will be reviewing it like that, just for what it is at v0.1

    Bull Bunny Cuck is an enjoyable game with a lot of content for v0.1. What to do is very easy to follow with the yellow star hints, although some of them are buggy, but you get used to that so it's not gamebreaking. The cast of characters and their real life models is really nice, great choices. Seems the gamemaker really likes petite redheads!!

    The sex scenes and themes are pretty hot, although you obviously have to suspend some disbelief and just look at it as a porn game with porn logic. Realism isn't what this game is going for and that's fine. The dialogue is also presented well with highlighting of who is talking as well as dynamic positions. I liked that.

    So for a v0.1 game, you get a lot of content and it's pretty good. However I do have some gripes that make it -1 star (4/5).

    First, there are some technical issues, such as the hint bugs. Second, the wardrobe is a catastrophic mess of a UI. Totally incomprehensible to understand. Good thing it's irrelevant to the game so far.

    Third gripe is how the game has a pretty weird undertone about race. I don't mind raceplay and think it can be hot, but I also think it can be done well and done not so well. Even if you accept "this is fantasy" as you begin the game, it is still a little off-putting that the first black character you meet is a violent drug dealer, especially in a game so centered around race. I get that it's a masochist game and so having an antagonist mess your shit up early makes sense, but it does set a pretty weird tone right from the start.

    Maybe if we met some competent, normal black characters at the beginning, that weird tone could have been avoided, but it also seems to linger throughout the game, as the general theme is that a white woman dating a black man is extremely taboo, dirty or even dangerous. That tone is always there. I think you can make a game like this without those undertones. It makes it less enjoyable when the interracial dating itself is supposed to be somehow degrading.

    Since I'm not a SJW I'm not gonna review nuke the game over this, but it does remove a star for me as it made it less enjoyable. Couldn't help but think "what's Pallidus Nox's opinion on black people?" which definitely isn't conductive to immersion or arousal lol.

    My playthrough was on the white male path. I played some of the white girl path, but when I discovered that it's almost identical, I quit. I'd seen it all the first time anyway. Didn't touch the black male path.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    OMG ...

    I played the previous reboot and was thinking it was promising but remembered me about another game that was also promising but abandoned.

    With this new version, they took off one route and added what is avertized like a new one but is simply a copy paste. The "new content", is some scenes DIRECTLY taken from "Blacked and Whited", the other abandoned game i was talking about in #1, only to end with a game with even less content than any of the previous versions/game in it.

    Oh and the grind is still really heavy even to get a simple scene of your character kissing the neck of his/her girlfriend. The really little content in locked behind walls of grinding.

    I guess that's the very definition of cuckholding, make people pay for new versions that took away content for the game. (And i did not paid, simply speaking of the people on patreon.)

    What a scam.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    How can this be so bad compared to the dev's previous work? this is just tiresome to slog through. I don't even care they removed the Bleached part it's whatever especially if it meant that the more streamlined plot lead to a better end product and that may be the case but it is not in a state where it is fun or fulfilling.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    third reboot, it is tiring. Waited over 6 months for update only for it to have cut at a route. There was no new content. Jia still doesn't get to max progress. Only okay thing was the female route, but still just the male route with some differences.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great rework so far, way better than the old unfinished versions. Reminds me of Jenny and Kitty Summer's Pool Party which was one of my favorites of all time!
    If I may recommend!: the dominate route should be changed to a racist route where no matter how much you disapprove they still go black. I would love to know the pornstar of Nervous Girl? I hope you continue your work, others may give it bad reviews but this version is way better so far than the other versions! I would really like to see where this all goes so have more hope guys!
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    A remake of a remake with somehow less content than either of the previous versions that were both abandoned early in the dev cycle. Don't expect an update and have completely lost interest in this game now.
  18. 3.00 star(s)

    Pretentious Goblin

    I only played the "bunny" path, so I'm reviewing that.

    + Shows a modicum of restraint with the theme/fetish, unlike some other BMWF games.
    + Not too linear from what I could tell. If e.g. you want to see content involving MC's family, you can do that without being forced into content not involving them.
    + New events at a location are indicated to the player with a star on its menu option, so you have no trouble making progress.

    - Literally every female around MC "going black" at the same time and roughly the same pace really takes you out of the game. It's like someone slipped something into the water supply days ago, and you're seeing the outcome.
    - I lost count of how many times MC said "oh my god" after peeping on someone (of which there's a lot)
    - Though there are some choices for the female MC to make early on, they seem to fizzle out later in quantity and apparent impact, making the experience even more alienating. And on the other hand, there were events where I wish I had the option tell the other person to eat shit (e.g. the dressing-down from the feminist teacher)
    - No real gameplay, it's just an event-finder with the barest life-sim elements. There's an inventory that does nothing, a dom/sub mechanic that doesn't seem to do anything (if it affects some scenes, it's not communicated to the player), I never found a use for the money you can earn, and the wardrobe system is completely broken (albeit a nice idea for later for the female MC).
    - Overall, there's a sense of quantity over quality here. It would be better and more believable if there were fewer characters (maybe cut out the neighbors, the younger sister, the GF's family, the PE teacher etc.) and they progressed at a different pace each. Maybe even with input from the player. There are choices like alleviating the mom's concern about being seen with a black man, but I have no idea if these affect anything.
    - The "bunny" is so far mostly a lesbian cuckquean. No BMWF content for her. This is the aspect I want to see developed the most, and it should definitely be much slower, more detailed and more engaging (by giving the player choices) than the other characters.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Gonna make a bold prediction: will be abandoned.

    This project stinks of promising too much and delivering too little. You're introduced to a grand number of characters, all of which have no content yet. Speaking of, probably ~2 instances of sex total so far.

    I get that some people might say this is unfair, but there is a difference between - for example - a game starting with 4 characters and during the initial release, only one of them has some content, and this game starting with like 16 characters (3 in your home, 4 neighbors, 4 at your best friend's house, one girlfriend and her 3 female family members, and then maybe 4 or so not-yet-named but consistent characters that allude to the idea they'll eventually have content) or whatever the hell it is; so 15-19 total) and only ~2 of them have SOME content that barely gets sexual at all.

    The other reason I say this: I like RPGs. The reason I downloaded this was someone claiming it had RPG elements.

    I tried every single path. They are not meaningfully different. The white guy path I would describe as the "core" path, and it just makes you some pathetic dude that watches others have sex. You have access to fitness and domination stats, but I'm not sure they do anything.

    Something the white guy path has is some black guy slowly making moves on your girlfriend.

    So then you maybe try the white girl path after realizing the content stops before it gets sexual, and then you discover something: you're shoehorned into being a lesbian, having the EXACT same girlfriend and family as the white guy, and the problem is the same black guy is again stealing your lesbian girlfriend.

    Last hope is then the black guy path, which must be different, right? Yes and no. It's indeed different and the most unique, but the frightening part in terms of "will this developer be able to produce more content" is that the unique content with the black still sees you as a bystander for at least one target character: you still stand there going "damn that other black guy sure is making moves on that white guy's girlfriend." The ratio of "changed paths" for the black guy path is probably 3-to-1, and while that doesn't sound too bad, there's other characters not fleshed out yet where the way they were presented suggests this path won't have adjusted content for them either.

    Oh, and should also add that if you agreed with me above that the 15-19 female love interests sounds like too much for the dev to handle, the black guy path alludes to another 2 exclusive for it, so that'd be 17-21 female characters for the dev to somehow juggle and create content for.

    Overall: IF this dev could actually deliver on promises and flesh out content for every path and character, undoubtedly this would be loaded with content and a great game. Problem is, the writing on the wall is practically grabbing your head and screaming "the dev planned this out poorly and has no plan or idea how to create branching paths for his 20-ish female target characters he insisted on having."

    My advice would be to not overpromise and start with such a broad plan, and instead start small and focused, then branch out if you find the time, ideas and means to do so.

    This idea should've started family-exclusive (oh sorry my bad: landlord and roommate exclusive) with just 3 girls as the focus, then add more as time goes on. Same goes for the three player choices of black guy, white guy or white girl: pick one and commit, don't half-ass all three of them.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    the game actually has LESS content than the original, that it was based off of. "Blacked or Bleached" was a decent game, but it was abandoned.
    i feel like this one is just a half-assed attempt to get patreon subs, while putting in the bare amount of effort, just so they can turn around & abandon it again, while getting paid.

    if im wrong ill change this review, but i dont think i am