Others - Bunnygirl Succubus [v0.2.0.2f] [Snekbites]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Graphic 3/5

    I was a bit skeptical when I tried the game for the first time because the art didn't seem that great. But after playing it I have to say it's not that bad. It's a nice pixel art after all, not the best I have seen but there's worse.

    Audio 4/5

    The background music is really nice and it changes depending where you are. The H scenes include moans, but there is no voice apart from the moaning.

    Gameplay 4/5

    The gameplay was fun somehow. it's nothing impressive or alternative from a lot of other games. You just need to work to get money, stats and progress the story; this while you keep tabs on your stress and energy tabs. I think what really made it fun is that the pacing is good for me, it's not too slow or too fast. That said they should do something for the journal to make more clear what to do, because sometimes I got stuck. Also the UI is not the best, they could change some things to make it better.

    H Scenes 4/5

    Animated pixel art with moans. Not the greatest fun of the art style at first, but i ended up enjoying it.

    Bugs 4/5

    There was a bug when a played it but the developer fixed it already. Still need to try if it got fixed but I will wait the next update for that. for now I will change my score from 2/5 to 4/5 because of the fast response from the developer .
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun game, decent amount of content to thumb through throughout the course of a night. Initially the UI left me a bit confused, but after some game time was easy enough to manage.

    Art was endearing, and did a good job of titillating the senses ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Though I always prefer a more simple art-style.

    Gameplay consists of looping through areas at different times of day to complete lewd activities, and there are quite a few at this stage. It's refreshing that all the jobs can provide enough money to let you do as you please. Bear in mind that some segments of the game open up as you play, and even though this doesn't take too long, it is something to consider. Would put this on the less grindy side in terms of H games for sure.

    Lastly, story serves to drive the H content. Don't expect groundbreaking plotting and narratives, it's simple and quite effective at letting the player get to the naughty bits. Very much in line with the gameplay hook (y)

    Just wanted to put a quick review in to show support, as I feel some of the older reviews may have depreciated a bit as newer versions released.

    Worth a checkout if you enjoy sim-lites and straight up H.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Tried the paid version from itch, can see the potential in the game just needs time. Giving it a 5 because it's still a game in development that has its bugs and systems that could be added like more ways to spend money and the like, will change after its fully dropped (just saying if you're looking at this dev I wouldn't mind a beach segment *nudges*). Looking forward to seeing a finished product of this in the future :)
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The game has a soul. First of all, this is not one of the million identical games made in Ren'py, most of which are boring, with ugly 3d character screenshots (fortunately, most of these games will never be released).
    But so far this is the only benefit. Technically, the game is terrible. There is very little content. There is practically no interface, and where it is, it would be better if it did not exist. In general, there is nothing to evaluate in principle. The maximum score is 1/5, and +1 for not being another Ren'py trash.
    Bottom line: 2/5 (it's worth a try, at least it's funny.). From myself, the developer would like to wish good luck and DO NOT abandon the project, WORK on it.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Very cute, very basic.
    There's not a whole lot to say, I guess.
    Pretty grindy, but I suppose the cuteness makes up for it, kind of.
    I'd probably give it a 3.5 star review, but I'm rounding up since there's no half stars and the game's easy on the eyes.

    I, uh, have no idea what makes this girl a "succubus", though admittedly I skipped the intro.
    I understand there's going to be magic at some point, maybe that will help drive that concept home a bit.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Decent little game. Has promise.
    -Nice animations
    -Skip-able dialog (not much going on there except a few jokes)

    Your standard right out the gate lewd game, could add more of a training aspect to give the skills more merit.
  7. 1.00 star(s)

    Big Boss | Erect Snake

    Yeah, not worth the download. It's super simple. Graphics are subpar and overall, I didn't find the game interesting at all. It's still really early in development according to the version number, but I don't think I'll be revisiting this anytime soon.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great animations and art style. Interesting concept with a lot of potential. A lot of scenes even fore early version. Variety of characters. Different location and scene settings. Overall very good game.