VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Burning Desires [v0.15] [WarAngel]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Tons of missing tags as of v0.15 . The faces and bodies, while consistent stylistically throughout aren't particularly good looking, nor are a lot of the renders (lots of emotionless faces, conversations that seem static and no animations just shifting of camera angle) but an attempt at composition is definitely there

    The content isn't balanced at all and most of it seems to be leaning into a direction I certainly was not expecting nor am a fan of. A game tagged as lesbian has more blowjobs than actual lesbian scenes (because there aren't any lesbian sex scenes) As with many games with routes they usually tend to lean far heavier into some than others and this one is no exception.

    Writing isn't the worst I've ever seen and doesn't do any engrish or anything like that but it does really reek of shoehorning (there is a scene where no matter your choice it happens anyway and is referenced in a later conversation as if you made the other choice) which leads me to think there might be some unavoidable content which is always an instant no from me. She does sort of instantly flip with minimal lead up, she's a loving wife with some sexual frustration one second and one choice later she's full send slut. She is actually hesistant to make the progression into lesbian but the second she sees a dick she can't help herself. If you wanted to make a cuck/hotwife game you could at least be upfront about it so people don't go in with false expectations.

    All in all, it might have a bright future and all the issues I had with it may be addressed in due time, the dev does seem pretty active. But between the railroading, unpleasantly subverted expectations and an abundance of stuff I'm not at all a fan of I can't rate this one highly.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    My Rating of this Game is:

    -Nice Renders
    -Nice Female MC
    -Nice characters
    -Easy Playing
    -long game play
    -Sexy Scenes


    The game story is nice with different scenes and characters,the female is sexy & hot, and the story is good, the way the story is going it is moving at a good pace without the dangerous blue-balling effect arising..

    Worth the download.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Review of Version 0.05.

    The story for starters looks interesting, it's a new way to address the "Path for corruption and experimentation", it's intriguing to see how it evolves with the MC and how she will engage in several sexual themes because of a drug.

    I think there's potential for improvement with the lighting in some scenes since I've heard it can be a difficult aspect during the development process.