[R>Writer] Share Buscando guionista para el desarrollo de una VN NSFW


New Member
Jan 8, 2018
El juego será una VN NFSW ilustrada por ImpassArgon(Link a su instagram mas abajo). La principal historia que tengo pensada actualmente trata sobre un universitario que obtiene algo parecido a un software spyware y acaba de descubrir varios experimentos secretos entre otros. También cada chica tendría su propia historia.


Tipo de empleo:
El juego se financiara a través de patreon y páginas similares, así que, hasta que no haya una cantidad de dinero más o menos grande para financiar el juego, el tiempo que me gustaría dedicar al desarrollo sería uno o dos días a la semana. En el caso de tener ingresos se dividirá de esta manera de acuerdo al número de socios.
ImpassArgon (Artista 2d ): 50%
Guionista: 25%
Yo (Programador): 25%

Compromiso de trabajo:
Como dije anteriormente, no se requiere trabajar a tiempo completo, pero será a largo plazo.

Si estás interesado envíame una solicitud de amistad en discord: Dunuko#7633.
Si tienes alguna duda pregunta aquí te contestaré lo antes posible.

Descripción del trabajo:
Guionista: Te encargaras de escribir todos los textos que tengan que ver con el juego y me ayudará con el desarrollo de la historia.

Comentarios adicionales:
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Amazing Dev
Game Developer
Sep 8, 2021
You can't really want to make the same amount as the artist and expect serious offers
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Amazing Dev
Game Developer
Sep 8, 2021
When I get in rev share projects, I never accept less than 25%. I think it's the best amount when you are just programming. If you are writing or doing something else it can be a bigger cut.


New Member
Dec 28, 2022
The game I would like to develop is about an idea that has been in my head for a while. The protagonist by fate or for other reasons would get something similar to the pegasus software and use it for their benefit. I think that from this premise many missions or routes can be taken, like discovering the existence of demons and angels, dealing with criminal gangs to erase police evidence, threatening important people with publishing sensitive information or simpler things like stealing exam questions or discovering infidelities. There are many possibilities and many things I would like to do.
What I have thought so far of the story is not much but I am always open to suggestions and changes.

I will be in charge of programming and project management. I'm going to be totally honest, I started learning to program only three months ago, I'm not a genius, but ren'Py makes things pretty easy and I've been testing for a month. I think I have what it takes to work on a VN without major problems.

Looking for:
I would like to work with two 2d artists, but the game can be done with one.
2d animator : free
Illustrator : free
Writer : busy

Type of employment:
What I have in mind is to fund the game through patreon and similar pages, so, until there is not a more or less large amount of money to fund the game,
the time I would like to dedicate to the development would be one or two days every week. In the case of having income it will be divided in these ways according to the number of members.

Four members:
first 2d artist: 25%
second 2d artist: 25%
Writer: 25%.
Programmer: 25%.

Three members:
2d Artist: 45%
Writer: 30%
Programmer: 25%

Work commitment:
As I said above it is not required to work full time but, it will be long term.

If you are interested send me a friend request on discord: Dunuko#7633.
If you have any questions ask here I will answer you as soon as possible.

Job Description:
Writer: Will be in charge of writing all the texts that have to do with the game and will help me with the development the stories of the characters.
In case there is only one 2d artist.
2d Artist: Will do the backgrounds, character design, icons needed for the GUI and the NSFW scenes (In this case I would like to hire a person to do animations in the future).
In case there are two 2d artists
First 2d artist: He will be in charge of the animations and while there is nothing to animate he will help the second 2d artist.
Second 2d artist: Will have to make the character designs, icons needed for the GUI, backgrounds and scenes.

Additional comments:
Any suggestions are welcome.
At the moment my English level is not very high but with the help of the translator I don't think there will be any problems in communicating.

I think it would be better to have more propaganda around there.


New Member
Mar 20, 2022
Hi! I'm a musician and music producer, if you need anything regarding sound development, don't hesitate to talk to me here or by dc c:
Discord: ZheroGM#4921


New Member
Mar 23, 2021
Soy un fanatico de los eroges y escribo en mis tiempos libres, me interesa mucho tu propuesta además quiero entender más el tema del desarrollo así que me encantaría poder trabajar juntos

Trad:I am a fan of eroges and I write in my free time, I am very interested in your proposal, I also want to understand more about development so I would love to work together
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